Chapter 83: pt 2 Happy 9th Birthday Kamri

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A few hours had passed, Kamri was still having so much fun with her friends. It was just a fun time.

7,738,838 likesAndreaHerreraHappy 9th Birthday to my beautiful niece Kamri Noelle, it's been an honor to watch you grow up the last couple of years

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Happy 9th Birthday to my beautiful niece Kamri Noelle, it's been an honor to watch you grow up the last couple of years. I'm beyond blessed to be your aunt, when your mom first had you and I found out you were finally here I got nervous. To be honest I was extremely nervous, not only to meet you officially but to also hold you. You were the sweetest baby ever, and the moment I held you in my arms I became in love. You have been my little bestie since the day you were born, you always wanted me to watch you when your parents were busy that day, you'd even wanted to stay over just so we could spend more time together. I love watching you grow, and you achieve new things. I seriously can't believe that this time next year you'll be ten years old, you and your siblings are growing way too fast for me. I'm the luckiest aunt in the world because I love that I get to call you my niece. Have the best birthday ever my princess, I love you so much Kamri Noelle. Keep shining your light, and don't ever give up on yourself. Love you!
KamriNoelle: thanks aunt Andy, I love you too. Thanks for wishing me happy birthday, you're the best.
There was a knock at the door so Maya stopped what she was doing so she could go and answer it. Maya "finally", Andy "I'm sorry, I tried to get them to let me off but being the captain is quite a lot of work and it's difficult with my busy schedule", Maya "would you calm down, I was not going to say anything silly. She's been waiting all day for you, she told me she didn't really care about what time you came as long as you came", Andy "we'll I'm here. Now where's my baby", Maya "she's in the yard", Andy "we'll let's go", Andy followed Maya to the yard, Kamri was playing with her friends until she noticed Andy standing beside Maya, she immediately stopped what she was doing and ran to Andy. Andy picked her up, the two of them took a few minutes because Kamri had started crying. Carina "hey let Andy talk to her and calm her down", Maya "babe please let me go", Carina "babe she's fine. She just had an anxiety attack", Maya "I wanna make sure she's okay", Carina "I'm sure that she is okay but let Andy deal with her. Besides your little twin over there is calling you", Maya went over to Canyon to help him, he had wanted food but because he's so little he can't serve himself on his own. Maya "what do you want baby", Canyon pointed to the macaroni and cheese, along with the Dino chicken nuggets, those were his absolute favorite. Andy "are you okay mija", Kamri "Yeah I'm okay", Andy "do you know what caused the sudden anxiety attack", Kamri nodded, Andy "I think you should go back out there, your friends are waiting for you, plus I think you might have scared your mommy and mama", Kamri "okay", the two of them hugged before going back outside. Maya was relieved to know their daughter was okay after having an anxiety attack. Carina "I told you she was okay", Maya "I know, I just needed to know for sure and of course for myself", Carina "yeah I know, but look at her smile", Maya "yeah. That's the best part about today, seeing her smile".

Maya "Kamri come baby girl", Kamri "oh my", Carina "do you like your cake", Kamri "oh my gosh, I love it so much", she said jumping up and down happily

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Maya "Kamri come baby girl", Kamri "oh my", Carina "do you like your cake", Kamri "oh my gosh, I love it so much", she said jumping up and down happily. Carina "you all come on, gather around. We're gonna sing happy birthday to the birthday girl and then hit the piñata", all of Kamri's friends stood beside her, alongside her older siblings. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Kamri Noelle, happy birthday to you", Kamri blew out her candles, with that help of her mama, she cut the first slice of her cake. After having cake and ice cream with her friends, Carina "time for the piñata, come get in line".

Kamri and her friends stood in line, and they took turns hitting the piñata, Kamri took the stick and went over to her dad, Kamri "can you hit it open daddy", Travis "it's for you to hit baby girl", Kamri "can you do it, your stronger", Travis "ok...

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Kamri and her friends stood in line, and they took turns hitting the piñata, Kamri took the stick and went over to her dad, Kamri "can you hit it open daddy", Travis "it's for you to hit baby girl", Kamri "can you do it, your stronger", Travis "okay okay", he took the stick from Kamri's hand, and within two hits the piñata broke and out came so much candy. After most of her friends left, Kamri got the news that the two of her friends that was still there were the two that were staying over for a sleepover. Kamri "they're staying", Carina "yep Kamryn and ChaCha are staying over. Now let's go get your room set up for your sleepover", Kamri "okay, come on let's help my mama decorate my room", Kamri and her two friends followed Carina to her bedroom so they could decorate her room for their sleepover. Maya "I need everyone's laundry baskets", Hailey "here mommy", Maya "thanks baby", Sam "mom something is wrong with Evie", Maya "what do you mean something is wrong with her", Sam "she's in the room and she doesn't wanna move", Maya "okay just get me your laundry basket, I'm gonna go check on her", Maya left the washing room, and went to check on Evie. Maya "babes you okay", Evie "I'm fine", she said, but Maya could tell she was lying, Maya "Eves what's wrong", Evie "nothing mom. I'm fine", Maya "I know you are not okay, what's wrong. You seem out of it", Evie "I just don't feel well", Maya "I'm gonna go get mama", Evie "you don't have to do that", Maya "yeah I do", Maya left the room and went to Kamri's room. Carina "hey wanna help us", Maya "I could switch with you", Carina "how come, what's going on", Maya "Evie's not feeling well, I need you to check on her", Carina "what's wrong with her", Maya "I am not sure. She just says she is not feeling well", Carina "okay. Show mommy what to do, she will finish helping you. I'm going to go check on Evie", Kamri "okay", while Maya helped the girls, Carina went to check on their oldest daughter.

(Kamri, Kamryn and ChaCha set up)

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(Kamri, Kamryn and ChaCha set up)

Carina "hey baby. How are you feeling", Evie "I told mom not get you", Carina "not gonna happen. How are you feeling", Evie "I feel okay. I am pretty tired", Carina "any pain in your stomach or anything with the baby", Evie "no. I'm okay on that end", Carina "how's your head. Any headaches", Evie "no", Carina "I'm gonna get you some ginger ale. Do you want anything to eat", Evie "could you make something Italian", Carina "okay, I'll see what I can whip up in the kitchen", Evie "thanks mama, you're the best", Carina "you're welcome my bambina", she kissed her head, she gave her some ginger ale. Carina "woah, you did a good job", Maya "I tried lol. They pretty much did most of the work", Carina "lol. Well either way you all did a good job", Maya "thanks".

Carina had to take Evie to the hospital and Maya stood home with the other kids.

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