Chapter 35: Evie's hospital visit

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(Kamri outfit)

The girls had left with Travis for a dinner daddy daughter date. Carina "hey kiddo, how are you feeling", Evie "like shit", Carina "language please", Evie "I'm sorry", Carina "that's a pretty big cut", Evie "I know. I didn't mean to. There are these girls in the school picking on me", Carina "bambina what makes you think self harm is the way to go. I thought you wanna get better", Evie "I do. I really do", Maya "hey can I talk to her", Carina "yeah". Maya "hey bubba", Evie "are you here to rally me too", Maya "she's not trying to rally you. She wants you to know that we are here for a reason, we are gonna help you", Evie "why help me. I'm useless, I'm weak. I'm worthless. I'm just a brat, like everyone says, nobody will ever want me. My past is the reason for that. Nobody cares about me", Carina "bambina that is not true at all", Maya "why do you think we are fostering you, it's because me and Carina want to adopt you and make you apart of our family to stay forever. I don't know what it's like to self harm but growing up my father was abusive to me, my brother, my mom, and my sister, the one he never knew about. It took me years to realize what he was doing was more than wrong. And you know who helped me realize that", Evie "who", Maya "Carina did", Carina "my father, he's sick, and he also was abusive towards me and my brother. I didn't inherit it but my brother did", Evie "Is that your brother in the photo", Carina "yeah", Evie "What happened to him"? Carina "he was murdered", Evie "I'm so sorry you lost him", Carina "it's okay. He's with our mama now. They are both free spirits". Maya "we'll leave you alone for now. Get some rest bubba", Evie "wait", Maya "What's up", Evie "do you think you could clean it mama. So it could heal", Maya "Do you just", Evie "can I call you mama and mom", Maya "of course you can, I'm gonna go set up the crib", Carina "okay". Carina grabbed the first aid kit. She cleaned Evie's cuts and then covered her with a blanket so she could get some rest. Evie was in so much pain when she woke up from her nap, in so much pain. Carina "babe we are going to the hospital", Maya "what's wrong", Carina "Evie is in so much pain. Somethings wrong with her back. She keeps complaining", Maya "okay, I'm gonna start picking up the girls, Travis said I could come and get them", Carina "okay, Evie come on", the Evie and Carina got in the car, Carina drove straight to the hospital. Upon arrival, Carina had to take Evie to get an MRI and some X-rays, "okay Miss so what seems to the problem", Carina "Evie come here sweetheart", Carina lifted her shirt and showed the doctor where the pain was. "Does it feel like you pulled something or sprained something", Evie "I don't know. It just hurts", Carina "oh honey. Don't cry", "okay. We're gonna take a few X-rays and go from there", Carina "are you gonna be okay by yourself or do you want me to come", Evie "I want you to come mama", Carina "okay. I'm right behind you love". Evie was in a lot of pain, so much pain Carina couldn't bare to see her daughter like this. Carina "how long is this gonna take, she could barely even move", "the results should be back in a few minutes", Carina "okay". "Okay as you can see there is a tearing, there is a fracture", Carina "what does that mean", "she's gonna need to rest for about two to three weeks max. And she's gonna have to wear a back brace", Evie instantly cried, Carina "it's okay bambina, once it's healed you be back in the gym until then you need to take it easy", Evie "okay mama", after the doctor gave Evie the brace, he prescribed her with medication for the pain. Carina "we're home", Kamri "Evie wanna play the game with us", Carina "bambina Evie is not is the best mood right now", Maya went to talk to Evie. Maya "you okay bubba", Evie "I don't wanna wear this stupid thing", Maya "but you want your back to heal don't you", Evie "yeah mom", Maya "so you need to wear it until it's completely healed", Evie "yep", Maya "I'm sorry hun", Evie "It's okay. Mom can I go hang out with my friends", Maya "sure just be careful", Evie "okay".

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