Chapter 17: Six flags (2)

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Avery "mommy your going on that", Masha "yeah, me and aunt Ana are", Avery "you two are crazy".
Kelvin's POV*.
Kamri and Everleigh went on almost every ride we came across, at least every ride that was meant for them, because the scary rides they didn't wanna get on. Me and Kamri even got on the Superman ride, they were having so much fun. Avery "mommy", Masha "yes baby", Avery "can we go on nitro", Masha "you up for that one Ana", Ana "yeah". Ana, Avery, and Masha got on nitro, cyborg, Wonder Woman, joker, the dark night and the Batman". Ana "we should get on that one", Masha "that's the biggest coaster here", Avery "I'm not getting on that, I want daddy", Masha "calm down baby girl, I'm gonna call him", my phone started ringing. "Hey babe", Masha "hey, where are you exactly in the park, there is a ride me and Ana are gonna go on and Avery doesn't wanna go on because she's scared. It's the highest coaster in the park", Kelvin "I'm by the free fall", Masha "okay we're coming", Everleigh and Kamri get getting on the free fall, that loved it that much. Avery "daddy", Masha "are you gonna be in this area", Kelvin "yeah this seems to be the area that the girls like", Masha "okay", Ana "babe wanna come", Kelvin "go ahead Miljan, go have fun, I'll be with the girls. I'm too much of a scaredy-cat to get on anything our girls are getting on", Miljan "lol, you should get on at least one", Kelvin "I'll find something. Have fun on that scary thing", Masha "we will babe", me and the kids just stood in the area we were in, Avery and Kamri went on the Superman, and I took Everleigh to the ride next to Superman because it wasn't as scary. Avery "daddy can we get something to drink, it's hot out here", Kelvin "sure, come on", I took the girls to get something to drink, and also got drinks for the other three. Kelvin "do you girls want ice cream", Kamri "yeah", Avery "yes please", Everleigh "yes", I took the girls to get ice cream, it was really hot out and I have to keep them hydrated somehow. Kelvin "do you girls wanna go on that", Avery "daddy that one looks scary", Kelvin "I'll get on with you girls", Avery "daddy no", Kelvin "let's go on it once and if you don't like you don't have to get on it again", Avery "fine", we made our way to the line of the ride, and when we reached the entrance we took our seats. We sat together, once everyone was on and checked the ride was started. The ride didn't even last that long, once we were done. Kelvin "what's wrong baby", Avery "I want mommy", Kelvin "didn't like it", Avery "no I hated that", Avery was eager for us to get to a bathroom or garbage can, once we reached the bathroom she went inside and threw up. I instantly called Masha, "hey babe where are you", Masha "we just rode it a second time, everything okay", Kelvin "not really, we got on a ride that I didn't think would be so scary for the girls, Avery didn't quite like it. She went to the bathroom to throw up and she's having a bit of separation anxiety", Masha "where are you exactly", Kelvin "by the gift shop", Masha "we're coming right now", Kelvin "okay". We waited about fifteen minutes, Avery had her head leaning on my stomach she was just not feeling good because of the ride.
Maya's POV*.
Hailey "mom that wasn't fair at all, Kamri and Everleigh got to go but not me", Maya "listen they didn't disrespect their own cousin. You were being really mean again, pulling her hair. What have we told you about playing with the hands. You should know better. What made it worse was you kept doing it, you didn't bother to apologize. Don't use your period as an excuse either because Avery would never do something like that to you", Hailey "that's because she's a big baby. Mommy this mommy that", Maya "Hailey. Your cousin struggles with a lot, she has separation anxiety, anxiety attacks, she suffers from a lot for her age, it's the reason she's so attached to her mother", Hailey "but she doesn't even get in trouble", Maya "actually the other day she got in trouble, your aunt put her in time out for the first time, your aunt cried because she thought she did something wrong. Because how sensitive she is, it's harder", Carina "listen when they get back we'll see if we could sit down and talk", Hailey "she was being mean too", Maya "how so Hailey", Hailey "she was bothering me", Maya "Hailey now your being a damn bully and I don't like it. She didn't even touch you, she had her phone and her tablet. She didn't lay a hand on you, you were the one pulling her hair and all that crap", Hailey "you know I think", Carina "Hailey, your taking it too far", Hailey "she's being a spoiled little bitch", Carina "Hailey Marie DeLuca-Bishop you are indeed grounded and punished. As for how long, it could be until school starts back up, you are not ever to curse or swear you should know that. Go to your room young lady", Hailey "but", Carina "don't make me tell you again Hailey, go to your room before we become more angrier than we already are", Maya "I don't know what's gotten into her", Carina "me either, I really wanna know why she acting like this", Maya "do you think she could be jealous of Avery", Carina "jealous how, she's her cousin not sister", Maya "maybe because she doesn't get punished like our girls do", Carina "you saw how Masha reacted to putting her in time out, it hurt her. She didn't like punishing her, your sister isn't wrong, our niece is just very very sensitive", Maya "I know that but the way Hailey is acting is disgusting and I'm embarrassed, I've never felt embarrassed before but the things Hailey is doing, I'm not liking it", Carina "maybe she should stay with Travis for the rest of the summer, I can't take her bullying anymore, she's gonna end up hurting herself", Maya "you think Travis will be willing to come get her", Carina "listen it's either that or I'm sending her ass to border school, the shit she is doing I'm not liking it", Maya "I'll call Travis in a minute", Carina "okay". Carina had went to tell Hailey about staying with her dad, while I called him. Travis "hey what's up", Maya "I hope your not busy but you need to come and pick up your oldest, the shit she is doing we aren't liking it. I wanna see if her staying with you will change her nasty and disgusting attitude", Travis "what happened that it's coming to this", Maya "she keeps bullying her cousin Avery, and not too long ago she said Avery was a spoiled little bitch", Travis "how long is she to stay with me", Maya "until she leaned her damn lesson because me and Carina are really upset right now", Travis "I should be there within an hour", Maya "okay, thank you", Travis "anytime", I hung up the phone and put it to charge.
Masha's POV*.
Kelvin called me and told me what was going on with Avery, Ana and Miljan immediately understood and instantly followed me to meet back up with Kelvin and the girls. We finally met back up with them, Masha "baby girl you can walk, don't you think your getting a little bit to old for mommy to be carrying you", Avery "please mommy, I feel dizzy", Masha "okay only because you aren't feeling good, don't make it a habit", I picked up Avery, she immediately wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my shoulder. Kelvin "what should we do next", Masha "not sure yet, let's go look around in the gift shop". Kelvin "okay", we went to the gift shop, we looked around before telling the girls they could get whatever they wanted. Masha "baby girl you can go pick something out", Avery "want you", Masha "we're not anywhere, I'm not going anywhere", Avery went with her cousins to go look around the gift shop. Kelvin "what are we gonna have for dinner", Masha "I don't know yet but we could pick up something on our way back home", Kelvin "yeah", the girls picked out a few things and we also thought about Maya, Carina, and Hailey. Once we were finally done in the gift shop we went to the bathroom before we left the park. It was already getting dark, after we had all came out of the bathroom we made our way to the car. Miljan will drive the car back home, we fixed everything in the trunk and then I got the girls inside and made sure they were buckled in. Me and Ana got in with the girls and Kelvin sat in the front with Miljan. I wasn't too into fast food so we got sandwiches instead, we had an hour ride back home. When we finally reached back, we dropped off Ana and Miljan. Ana "see you at work", Masha "yep", Ana "get home safe", Masha "okay", by the time we finally reached home all three girls were fast asleep, me and Kelvin were almost there. Kelvin parked the car, Kelvin "I got Kamri and Everleigh", I grabbed Avery and a bag that needed to be taken out of the car. We had just got in the house, Kelvin put the girls in their rooms and I put Avery in our room. Maya "hey", Masha "hey", Maya "had fun", Masha "yeah, lots of fun", Maya "listen tomorrow could we have like a family talk", Masha "sure, is this about Hailey", Maya "kind of, she isn't here. Her father came and picked her up, she'll be staying with him in Washington DC. It's not because we can't deal with her, it's because her attitude is becoming worse and we believe her dad could fix it", Masha "I hope so, because she's an amazing kid", Maya "yes, the Hailey that I remember. The sweetest girl ever, I miss her", Masha "she'll be back", Kelvin "babe I'm gonna shower, you coming", Masha "yeah, we'll talk about this more tomorrow. After I shower with him I'm taking my ass to bed. Overall the girls had so much fun today", Maya "thanks for bringing them", Masha "it was my pleasure". I got in the shower with Kelvin and after we got out went straight to bed. Maya and Carina also went to bed after putting Kingston back down.

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