Chapter 18: Meeting gone wrong

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*Slight abuse in this chapter, read at your own risk*

Masha's POV*.
It was almost already afternoon, I didn't have work today, we had just all came to the living room for a family meeting. Carina "where do we even start", Maya "I do sincerely wanna apologize about Hailey's recent behavior, her bullying Avery is nothing but unacceptable. As for Hailey's behalf she was saying that Avery was also bothering her as well", Avery "no I wasn't", Masha "she was on her tablet texting Srna", Maya "stop backing her up, what if she did do something to Hailey", Masha "excuse me, stop backing her up. She's my fucking daughter, for god's sake she was on the phone with Srna and another student from our studio asking Srna for information about we event we are trying to have", Maya "Hailey might have pulled her hair but you don't think the slightest most simple thing could hurt someone else", Masha "Maya enough with your bullshit, Avery didn't touch your damn daughter, I'm not gonna tell you again", Maya "maybe we should lower the tone because the girls are here", Masha "yeah maybe we should also stop jumping to conclusions so fast". Carina "listen babe the way you are coming out at your sister is just straight disrespectful", Maya "yes her daughter has anxiety problems but what if she did bother Hailey", Avery "you can stay whatever you want aunt Maya. Whatever you want, I didn't or wasn't bothering Hailey. I asked Hailey if she wanted to play on my phone, she said she wanted my tablet but I told her no because I was texting with my aunt Srna about information for my birthday party. She started pulling my hair, I never laid a hand on her. I wish we lived somewhere else. You are supposed to be family yet all you do is accuse the wrong people. I hate it here", Avery went off to our room. Kelvin "I'll go check on her", Kamri "mommy Avery is right, Hailey was bothering all of us". Carina "you should apologize to your niece, she didn't do anything to you", Maya "Hailey was also mad because you don't punish your daughter", Masha "I don't punish her because of her damn anxiety problems, my daughter is my daughter. Stay the hell out of it Maya, the reason I don't discipline her, you know the reason and I need you stay the hell out of it. I'm tired of you sitting here and telling me what to do and telling me how to parent my fucking child. I might be the younger sister but I know how to raise my own child I don't need any tips or help", Maya "take that back, your being rotten right now", Masha "I'm not taking anything back, there's always a time and a place but my baby girl, I'm her mother not you. Stop trying to tell me that I need to punish her, I'll find a way to do that right way, stay in your boundaries and stay out of mine", Maya was so furious, Maya's hand went up and across my face. Carina "babe what hell is wrong with you", Kelvin "babe you okay, why's your face red", Masha "because Maya hit me", Kelvin "alright that's it we're staying at a hotel or something", Kelvin grabbed my hand and we went straight to the room. Avery "where are er going mommy", Masha "don't know yet, maybe the hotel next to the studio for all I care". We packed a few things and were out of the house.
Maya's POV*.
I couldn't believe I just hit my little sister, hurting her so bad she left the house. Carina "babe seriously, what is the matter with you, why would you hit your own sister", Maya "I don't know, I just got really angry and it just happened", Carina "but your sister, not the wall not a plate but your sister", Kelvin and Masha went to Ana and Miljan's house. Ana "is everything okay", Masha "no not really", Ana "why is your face so damn red", Kelvin "Maya hit her", Ana "she what", Masha "it was out of nowhere, she was so damn angry. She just raised her hand and slapped the hell out of me", Ana "Miljan take Avery to the room and put a movie on for her", Miljan "okay", Masha started crying. Masha "I'm not crying because I'm hurt, I'm crying because that's what Maya is afraid of", Kelvin "afraid of what", Masha "her biological father was nothing but abusive, physically and mentally, she's afraid she'll turn into him", Ana "she's nothing like him". Kelvin "babe your sister is calling", Masha took the phone and went to the living room. Maya "I'm really really really sorry for hurting you", Masha "Maya I'm fine. I don't care about you hitting me, I care about you coming at me and yelling at me about how I parent my child. What Avery suffers from I can't control that, yeah I don't punish her, but that doesn't make it okay for you to yell and continuously yell at me about how I'm raising my daughter. In no way would I ever judge you for how you raise and parent your kids but here you are telling me I need to punish my daughter. Yeah whatever she's attached to me and her father, her anxiety makes it that way. I didn't ask for my daughter to be diagnosed with what she has, but she was and we have to live with it. If we're gonna live under the same roof you need to respect how I raise my daughter, I've never said anything about how you raise yours. I wish she didn't have the anxiety, but she does. When you decide to let me parent my daughter how I parent her then maybe I'll decide to come back home until then I need my space, not because I'm upset that you hurt me, but in respect of my child not gonna have her around the yelling and drama", Maya "I understand. If I ruined our relationship I'm sorry", Masha "don't start talking stupid. I'm not coming back at the moment for the sake of my daughter not you, this has nothing do with us. My daughter will always come first and until she doesn't feel the way she does then I'll come home because what she said earlier that's how she feels. We won't be there if that's what she feels, I need her to feel safe, comfortable, not scared and what she's feeling right now. Goodbye Maya". Maya "she hates me", Carina "Maya she doesn't hate you. You just have to understand her point and what she's saying. You can't exactly judge your little sister for how she raises her daughter, we aren't in her shoes so we don't know what it's like. For example remember when Kelvin and Masha went to work and Avery stood with us", Maya "yeah". Carina "when I told you I had to bring her to them you got upset and said she had to get over it. Anxiety doesn't just go away, especially if you suffer from it since a young age. She wants you to stay in your lane of parenting, you parent our girls and she does her job parenting her daughter. Can't you see that. When will the bigger picture come across your mind she doesn't punish her because of what she goes through", I didn't like how I dealt with the situation, hitting my sister, I never ever land a hand on her before and because of my dumb argument I hit her. Maya "I just wish I could redo the whole conversation", Carina "let me call her maybe I'll see if she would come back".
Masha's POV*.
I was rehearsing in the house with Ana, Miljan and Kelvin. My phone started going off, Masha "hold on I'm gonna take this, I went straight out into the hallway. "Hello", Carina "hey, I know the last thing you wanna do is come back, but Maya is really really really broken right now", Masha "I don't fix broken people", Carina "come on Masha she's your sister", Masha "I have to see that's up to my daughter not me, she comes first", Carina "please. I think if you don't come back Maya might actually harm herself", Masha "why should I come back, you saw how she raised her voice at me, how she was coming at my daughter, you saw everything", Carina "I know that but you being here makes Maya a better person, makes our girls better", Masha "let me see first hold on. Baby girl come here for a sec", Avery "yes mommy", Masha "is it okay if we go back home", Avery "only if aunt Maya apologizes to me face to face and apologizes for hitting you", Masha "did you hear all that Carina", Carina "yes, could you come that way her apology could be face to face rather than over the phone", Masha "we'll come back, but if she ever pulls another stunt like the one she did today, I'm done", Carina "okay", Kelvin "I'm confused are we going back", Masha "yes but if she does something again, I'm done", Kelvin "okay", after we left back home. Avery "can I go to the room mommy", Maya "Avery", Avery "yes", Maya "I'm sorry for treating you the wrong way, and I'm sorry I didn't believe you when you first said how you wasn't bothering Hailey", Avery "it's okay aunt Maya. Can I go now", Masha "yes baby", Maya "Masha, I don't even know where to start", Masha "well you can start by apologizing for slapping the shit out of me", Maya "I sincerely apologize for hitting you in general, I shouldn't feel the need to hit anyone", Masha "it's okay Maya", Maya "as for I would really like to apologize for stepping over you. I shouldn't have judged you for how you raise and parent Avery, I should be applauding you because having a child like her and being diagnosed with all that she has it was probably more than hard for you, but you put her first over anything and that's the best thing a mother could ever do", Masha "I appreciate that very much".
*skip to Monday afternoon*
Maya's POV*.
Avery "I think my mom is gonna love everything", Maya "you really think so", Avery "yeah", me Carina and all of Masha's coworkers were decorating the studio for a surprise gender reveal party. Ana "it looks amazing, we'll done Maya", Maya "we'll I couldn't have done this without any of you", Srna "this looks amazing", Maya "thanks", Srna "your sister is one lucky girl", I smiled. Maya "how long does Masha and Kelvin usually take", Ana "it depends, usually they are always going this this store down the block", I texted Masha to ask where she was. She told me she was almost back and that they were about to be back in the building. Ana "they're coming upstairs", we all hid behind the front desk. Kelvin "where is everyone, I know we aren't the only ones here. Wait a minute", we all came from behind the desk, "surprise", Masha "Maya you didn't have to", Maya "I know, I know. I wanted to, all this is for the two of you", Masha "thank you so much".

Srna "who's in charge of the cannon, we kind of want to know the gender", Masha "that would be Avery, why don't you go grab the cannon from your aunt Maya", Avery "what do I have to do", Kelvin "all you have to do is twist it at the bottom", Avery...

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Srna "who's in charge of the cannon, we kind of want to know the gender", Masha "that would be Avery, why don't you go grab the cannon from your aunt Maya", Avery "what do I have to do", Kelvin "all you have to do is twist it at the bottom", Avery twisted the cannon and out came pink confetti. Avery came running over to me, her arms around my waist, Kelvin hugged me as well. Kelvin "I knew it", Masha "don't worry, we'll get our boy some day for now you were given the opportunity to be a girl dad", Kelvin "and I am absolutely fine with that". We left the studio pretty late since we had to clean up a bit. Once we did arrive back home we didn't bother showering, we were too tired so we went straight to sleep.

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