Chapter 28: Grey's on lockdown

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Carina's POV*
Everything seemed to be going fine, I was at work, Maya and her sister were also at work. All the kids were in school, we had a few code blues, which wasn't the best for us. All of a sudden, the lights when out, and our alarm system went off. Jo "what's going on", Carina "I don't know but I need to call Maya", Jo "seriously what's going on", Carina "we just went on lockdown, everyone stay quiet and calm". I grabbed my phone and immediately called Maya, Maya "hey baby", Carina "Maya pick the kids up from school, all of them, we are on lockdown", Maya "what", Carina "I don't know why, but we are on lockdown", Maya "I am on break right now, I am going to go get them", Carina "okay", Maya "babe please be safe and text me if anything comes up, if you find out anything", Carina "I will babe". Maya goes to pick up the girls and Kingston and takes them back to the station. Maya "you need to leave", Kurt "I just wanted to apologize", Avery "I want my mommy", Hailey "hey Avery it's going to be okay", Avery "I want my mommy", Kurt "please", Maya "why should I let you, you nearly killed her mother", Kurt "I found a girl, thanks to Kelvin. I appreciate him for helping me out of the situation, Avery I'm so sorry for taking you away from your mom and dad, I'm going to rehab to help myself. Maya I'm sorry for hurting your sister", Maya "that's a start", Hailey "where's mama", Maya "mama is at the hospital, at work. It's on lockdown", Hailey "what is she okay", Maya "she's fine". Jo "help her she has a wife and kids", Miranda "what the hell happened", Jo "the one that stabbed her brother, she was here", Carina "I can't", Jo "shh you're going to be okay, please call Maya", I was taken into emergency surgery. Maya "hello, hey babe is everything okay", Jo "hey Maya, it's Jo", Maya "hey, where's my wife", Jo "I don't know how to tell you this", Maya "tell me what", Jo "Carina's been hurt", Maya "what do you mean my wife is hurt", Jo "the girl that stabbed Carina's brother stabbed her", Maya "is my wife okay", Jo "she is in emergency surgery right now", Maya "will I be able to come to see her", Jo "when she is out", Maya "Jo she better not die, I we have kids and I will not lose my wife the same way she lost her brother", Jo "Maya we are doing everything we can", Maya "that's not good enough, she better not die, I will not have to tell my girls their mama is dead, please save my wife", Jo "we will Maya, we will", Kelvin "what's going on", Maya "my wife, she got hurt", Kelvin "is she going to be okay", Maya "I am not sure", Hailey "mommy when is mama coming home from work", Maya "she's going to be in the hospital for a while", Hailey "she's working extra shifts", Maya "no baby", Hailey "then why", Maya "Hailey she got hurt, that's why. She got hurt", Hailey "how", Maya "the person that stabbed your uncle Andrew, stabbed her", Hailey started crying, Kelvin "come Hails", Hailey "I want my mama", Maya "now I have to tell Kamri and Everleigh", Kelvin "no don't tell them yet", Masha "what's going on, why is everyone being so loud", Avery "mommy", Masha "go in the room baby", Maya "Carina got stabbed while on her shift", Masha "what, is she going to be okay", Maya "I am not sure yet", Avery "mommy", Masha "I will be right there, will you be okay if I go deal with her", Maya "yeah", Maya gets the girls to their homework, Maya takes a breather and then hangs out on the couch before receiving another phone call, Maya goes outside to answer the phone, Hailey "mommy we are hungry", Kelvin "I think your mom needs a minute, what would you like to eat", Hailey "anything uncle Kelvin", Kelvin "sushi", Hailey "deal", Kelvin "okay", Maya "hello", Jo "hey", Maya "is she okay", Jo "your wife is a trooper, she's amazing, we caught the lady and she's been arrested".

Maya "thank you so much, when can I see my wife", Jo "you could come see her, but the kids can't just yet", Maya "okay thank you", Hailey "mommy Kelvin's cooking for us", Maya "that is very nice, Kelvin can you watch them for me", Kelvin "yeah, everything okay", Maya "visiting Carina", Hailey "mommy when's mama coming home", Maya "honey, she's not going to be home for another two or three days", Hailey "why not. She can't work all those hours, that's too much", Maya "Hailey", Hailey "she can't", Maya "Hailey she's not working", Hailey "what she doing then", Maya "Hailey please enough with the questions, no more questions. She's not working because she got hurt, she got stabbed. She's hurt", *Hailey immediately hugs Maya*, Hailey "she's not going to die so she", Maya "no, she just had surgery, I'm going to see her. You and your siblings aren't allowed to see her just yet", Hailey "okay", Maya leaves and heads to the hospital. Jo "Bishop, right this way", Maya follows and gets to Carina's room. Maya goes straight in, kissing Carina, and squeezing her hand. Maya "how are you feeling my love", Carina "very sore, very very sore", Maya "you scared me, when Jo contacted me I had no idea of what to think", Carina "it all happened so fast", Maya "you don't have to blame yourself, it ain't your fault. Things happen, we'll never know why but they just do", Carina "how are the kids and your sister", Maya "the kids are fine except for Hailey I told her, she's trying to keep it together for you but she's worried. As for my sister, she's still traumatized from what happened, on top of that Kurt showed face to apologize", Carina "what", Maya "I told him he needs to leave us alone, that I appreciate it but he scared Avery so I told him to leave", Carina "do you think your sister and niece should see a therapist", Maya "I don't think that's the best idea, especially for Avery. She's not going to speak to anyone other than Masha and Kelvin", Carina "how long do I have to stay here for", Jo "maybe an half an hour more, your vitals are good so you should be released in a bit", Carina "how's Samantha", Maya "she's okay. I think she might have a fever, she's been cranky all morning and has been in bed since you left for work", Carina "that means the other girls could get sick too", Maya "I know that". Maya's phone starts ringing, "hold on babe, hello", Masha "hey Maya", Maya "hey, what's up", Masha "Kelvin is at home with the kids, I had to take Avery to the emergency room", Maya "is everything okay", Masha "the girls were playing in the yard, and Avery hurt her arm, it's broken. So we're on her cast", Maya "is she okay", Masha "yeah, she's okay for the most part just a bit frightened, her arm is bruised, I should be back before you get home", Maya "okay love you and be careful", Masha "love you too". Carina "everything okay", Maya "Avery broke her arm", Carina "they don't get a break", Maya "nope they don't, she's okay though", Jo "Maya sign these and Carina you are all free to go", Carina "finally", Jo "two weeks recovery, you will receive your pay but two weeks, got it", Carina "yeah, I'm sure my beautiful wife over here will make sure I get my rest", Jo "okay good". Maya helped me change, and then we took a cab home. Kelvin "who do you think is at the door", Hailey "mama", my girls came running into my arms, Hailey "are you okay mama, does it hurt", Carina "bambina I'm fine, just sore, and it hurts a little bit. Woah what's all this", Kelvin "wanted to cook a little something", Carina "this looks amazing", Avery "daddy look", Kelvin "how long", Masha "five weeks", Kelvin "you still going to dance", Avery "um yes daddy", Kelvin "lol okay". We all sat at the table and had dinner, it was actually quite nice having dinner all at the same time and bonding. Maya "someone's tired", we couldn't stop laughing both Hailey and Avery fell asleep by their plates, Masha carried Avery to the room, and Maya carried Hailey to the room. We all cleaned the kitchen and living room together before heading to bed. Carina "Kamri Everleigh Samantha time for bed", Kamri "coming mama", Sam "coming mama", I got the girls in the tub and then out and dressed, into their beds. I fed Kingston a bottle then got him in the bath and cleaned. *Kingston let out cute smiles and giggles at Carina*. Carina "you're all cleaned baby boy", Masha took Posie a bath and then got her into her crib after feeding her.

*in the morning*
I was awoken by my phone ringing, Jo had left me multiple calls and messages. I had over fourteen messages in my inbox, and seven missed calls, I was starting to get worried, really worried at this point. I went through all my messages, apparently the hospital was still on lockdown, a psycho entered the hospital with a fire arm, that wasn't the only bad thing, Pruitt had been fatally injured, I jumped out of bed and went to the front of the house and returned the call. Jo "hey", Carina "hey. How bad is it", Jo "it's bad Carina, she's in the ICU", Carina "did you remove the bullet", Jo "yes we did, she lost a lot of blood, but she's stabilized", Carina "okay, how's Andy", Jo "she's been freaking out, she keeps saying that she's doing a bad job, and she thinks Dean will be upset with her", Carina "that's not true", Jo "I told her that but she thinks otherwise", Carina "should I come", Jo "you really don't have to, you should be home resting", Carina "I know that but I want to make sure my niece and friend are both doing okay", Jo "if you want you are more than welcome to come", Carina "okay", after I hung up the phone, I carefully climbed out of bed so I wouldn't wake Maya and went into the walk-in closet. After searching for an outfit, I got dressed, and quickly did my hair. Hailey "mama", Carina "what are you doing up so late", Hailey "I can't sleep", Carina "go get dressed", Hailey "why", Carina "just get dressed, since you aren't tired you will come with me", Hailey "okay", I waited for Hailey and then we left the house. Hailey "mama why are we here", Carina "you'll see honey", Andy "what are you doing here, I didn't expect to see you", Carina "I know, I wanted to come and see how Pruitt was, and how you are holding up", Andy "I'm a failure of a mother, obviously", Carina "no you are not. Hailey got a busted lip, Kamri's gotten her head split, Avery just broke her arm, these things they happen all the time. And that's okay because this world, a life isn't perfect, we can't have a perfect personality or a perfect family because there will be no drama, and no emotions. We aren't to parent our kids perfectly but we parent then to make them feel loved, to make them feel special, and to just be there for them. That's exactly what Dean wanted for Pruitt that's why he asked for you to adopt her, and you're doing a very good job, she's already calling you mommy. Just that right there proves you are doing right by that girl", Andy "thanks, you're such an amazing friend", Carina "you're welcome, how long has she been in the ICU", Andy "afternoon, came for a check up and it happened. So fast, one moment she was holding my hand the next moment, she was completely unconscious", Hailey "I got this for Pruitt", Andy "this is beautiful, she's going to love it", Carina "why don't you go home and get some rest, you could use it", Andy "but what about Pruitt", Carina "I'm not going anywhere, besides you could take Hailey with you so she could get some rest too", Andy "okay, thanks. I'll be back in the morning", Hailey left with Andy and I stood with Pruitt. I laid in the bed with her overnight, waking up to the sun shining as bright as ever. I asked for Jo to get some donuts, I started having my donut when I noticed Pruitt's finger start to move, I held her hand and she eventually woke up. Pruitt "where's mommy", Carina "she'll be back soon", Jo "omg, Pruitt, you're awake. How are you feeling sweetheart", Pruitt "hurt", Jo "yeah it's going to be a bit sore for a few days", Jo removed her from the ICU and removed the ventilator. Pruitt was eating and was coloring in the coloring books I got her, Andy "omg, Mija", Pruitt "mommy", Andy hugged Pruitt like never before, Carina "I'm gonna get going, Maya's been blowing up my phone all morning,  come by the house when she gets discharged", Andy "okay", Carina "Hailey come on bambina", Hailey took my hand and we left the hospital, headed back home. Carina "go to your room bambina", Hailey "okay mama", Maya looked a bit furious and upset. Maya "I've been calling you nonstop. Where have you been", Carina "no need to get mad, I went to check on Andy. Pruitt had got hurt and Andy was badly blaming herself for what happened", Maya "what happened to Pruitt, is she okay", Carina "she's doing better than yesterday, she is no longer in the icu or has a ventilator. She was fatally injured when a random guy entered the hospital with a firearm", Maya "omg", Carina "yeah I know". We spend the morning, watching some family movies.

Author's Note:
Sorry this chapter took so long, I wanted to make it right and make it good. I've been very busy with dance, but I'm gonna be updating way more. Maybe another chapter tonight or tomorrow morning. Hope you enjoy!

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