Chapter 92: Bonding Adventures/Evie's birth

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Hailey "how is mommy still sleeping", Carina "mommy is very tired, she works a lot and yesterday was a very long day", Hailey "but we are gonna leave late if she doesn't wake up", Carina "she will get up soon, please don't rush her", Hailey "okay", in a few minutes Maya was finally in the shower, and getting ready for the day. Maya "I am so sorry my loves, mommy was really tired", Hailey "we figured lol", Sam "we are gonna see Pruitt and Ava Marie today", Maya "I know", Maya "we are leaving, everyone ready. Wait a minute is your sister and them awake", Carina "already texted her, they are downstairs waiting for us", Maya "how come they are already downstairs", Carina "because they went out for breakfast", Maya "oh lol", Carina "I wasn't gonna stop them from going out just because you weren't up", Maya "yeah, wouldn't be fair to them", Carina "yeah. We ready to go, we gotta go get Andy and Ryan", Carina "okay", they finally got in the elevator and met up with Masha and her wife. Masha "it's about time", Maya "ha ha very funny", Masha "do you kids want Dunkin' Donuts", Hailey "yes Titi Masha", Sam "yeah", Kamri "yeah", Masha "could I take them real quick inside to get them something", Maya "yeah", Masha took her nieces to Dunkin, most of them ordered hot chocolate with a donut while Hailey and Sam ordered white chocolate latte with a donut", Maya "what do you say to your aunt Masha", Hailey "thanks Titi", Sam "thanks Titi", Masha "you're welcome my babies", they finally made their way to Andy's house. Kamri and Hailey ran up to the door and knocked on the door, Andy "my babies, we'll be out in like a minute", Maya "okay", within a few minutes Ryan was locking up the house and then they left. Ava Marie was so happy to see all of her cousins that she had missed a lot. Andy "so what are we doing today", Maya "whatever the kids want, literally all of them have been asking to do a Yes day, basically we have to say yes to everything that they want to do or anything that they want to get", Andy "okay cool". Kamri "mommy can we go in there", Andy "where is Ryan, he was just with us", Maya "I don't know maybe he just stopped at the store real quick", Andy "that's just weird. Ava Marie where did daddy go", Ava Marie "I don't know mommy. Hailey come on", Maya "girls please stay together", Hailey "we are mom", Carina "Andy almost freaked. Where did you go", Ryan "to go get something", Carina "what's more important than being with your girl and your kids", Ryan "this", Carina "I thought you and her were already married", Ryan "not exactly, I never really popped the question to her, but I want to I'm just so nervous she'll say no", Carina "she's not gonna say no. Why would you even think that? She's never stood with anyone else because she is in love with you. She always has been, and you've always been in love with her, you just never knew how to tell her", Ryan "I just wanna be with her", Carina "we'll go and tell her, you need to tell her how much you love her", Ryan "alright, alright", he put the ring in his pocket and went over to his girlfriend. Andy "where were you", she said playfully slapping him on the shoulder, Ryan "I'm sorry. Lol, I kind of went off to get to do something", Andy "and what could be more important than spending time with your family", Ryan "this is slight more important", Andy "how important", Ryan got on his knee, Andy "what are you doing", Ryan "shh. I've been wanting to do this for a very long time, and someone very lovely told me to do it. I don't really know what to say but I love you, I love you so much. I've loved you since the day we became friends as kids, you said it would never work, and I kind of said the same thing at times. We have bounced back into a relationship so many times not knowing how long it was going to last, you lost your father, you almost lost me. You had Ava Marie and then we adopted Pruitt, I want us forever. You, our girls, this family, I want it all. I love you so much, Andrea Lee Herrera will you marry me"? Andy stood frozen for a brief moment before accepting the proposal, Andy "yes, I'll marry you", the two of the kissed, and then continued on with their day. Kamri "mommy look at the fair", Maya "girls please stay together, we don't want nobody to get lost", Hailey "okay mom", Maya "what have been up to at the station", Andy "we'll nothing much. Although I didn't tell you about my big promotion", Maya "promoted", Andy "yeah, i went from captain to the battalion chief", Maya "oh my gosh Andy that's great. Congratulations", Andy "thanks. There isn't anything hard work can't do", Maya "that's right", Andy "I mean I wouldn't have been able to do it if it weren't for you being the best friend and always believing in me", Maya "we'll I'm glad to be your best friend", Andy "and I'm glad that your mine", Hailey "hey mom, the cotton candy is $1 each can we all get", Maya "yeah, here", Hailey "thanks mommy", Maya "you're welcome".

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