Chapter 9: Competition 1

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For the past few days the girls have been rehearsing nonstop, constantly practicing and in the studio preparing for the competition, and today is the day we pack and leave to the hotel. Today's Wednesday. Maya's POV*.
We were pretty much all over the place, Masha "do you need help packing, me and Kelvin are already done packing", Maya "do you think you could help the girls pack their things", Masha "of course", Kamri "mommy I don't know what to pack", Maya "don't worry baby aunt Masha is going to help you and your sisters pack your things", Kamri "okay". Carina "you're not packed yet right", Maya "I have some things packed but no I'm not finished", Carina "I'm gonna start packing my things, could you pack Kingston's things", Maya "of course", I packed my things and then packed Kingston's bag. After managing that I worked with the Carina to get the house cleaned up and back into place since it was pretty much a mess. Maya "so sis how long the stay again", Masha "we are checking in today and we are leaving Sunday night", Maya "okay", Masha "you two aren't gonna get in trouble with work right", Maya "no silly, I'm the battalion chief and Carina is the head of her medical department", Masha "okay I was just making sure", Maya "that's fine". Two hours had passed and we were all officially packed, it was the girls that took so long to pack even though they had help they were unsure of what competition dresses to bring and wear. Carina was so amazing, even though she was a bit tired she still managed to cook something for all of us to eat before leaving. Carina "food's done", Maya "we're coming babe", we all sat at the table and ate. Maya "girls shower, come on", the girls followed me to the bathroom, I made sure they all got in at the same time. I had washed them up, then washed and de tangled their hair. I did two braids in their hair, I grabbed their towels, and had them go to their rooms. Me and Carina got in the shower, and after we were done Kelvin and Masha got in. Carina "girls while I'm packing some snacks for the ride to Jersey go help mommy put everything in the front", Masha "need help", Carina "not with this but could get Kingston in his car seat and strap him in his stroller", Masha "sure", Masha came out with Kingston and got him in his stroller. By the time Carina came out front, she locked the door and we headed to the train station, specifically the train station at 42 street. While heading there we met up with Miljan and Ana who came with us. We got to the train station, went through the turnstiles and waited for the four train. We waited about four minutes, and the train finally came. We got on, sat down and rode the train all the way to Fulton street. Once we got to Fulton we took the elevator to the exit to make it easier for us. Once we were out of the train station, we had to walk across the street to the World Trade Center station, after entering the station we were down some escalators and arrived at the path train. Went through the turnstiles again, the made our way to the train going to Newark. It was about a ten minute wait luckily we weren't in no rush. The train came and we boarded it, only riding it to the next stop which was Exchange Place in Jersey city. The girls were so excited, we got off the train and went up the escalator, this time the girls were a bit more calm and not so nervous. After we finally exited the train station, we got to the Hyatt regency and checked in to our room. Maya "girls get changed, don't want you girls going to sleep too late, we have to be up early in the morning", Hailey "okay mommy", Kamri "okay mommy", I got Everleigh changed while Kamri and Hailey were able to change themselves. Me, Carina, Masha, and Kelvin also changed into something more comfy so we could get ready for bed. We were all exhausted and so tired, after having a quick chat about the plans for tomorrow first day of the competition we immediately went to sleep.

In the morning. The girls are still sleeping, me, Carina, Masha, Ana, Miljan and Kelvin were the only ones awake. Masha was getting dressed and Kelvin was already dressed, Kelvin "what's wrong babe", Masha "can you make sure my leotard is on the right way and it's not showing anything in the back", Kelvin helped Masha fix her leotard and then Masha put her skirt on, Masha and Kelvin went to go get their numbers and went to make sure their students were here. I started to wake the girls up and gave them eat something before getting ready, today they weren't expected to perform so we didn't have to rush. The girls just had a simple breakfast because food was to be served during the competition. The girls were all dressed and they all had their studio shirts to put on before the competition starts. Maya "Masha where are we sitting", Masha "if you follow me I'll show you were our two tables are at", Maya "okay", Carina held Kingston in his carrier, the girls were together and we followed Masha to the elevator, once we reached upstairs we continued to follow Masha and Kelvin to the ballroom.

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