Chapter 101: Posie's Hospitalization

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Masha was at work, Kyleigh, Noa and Avery were out shopping, Teresa was with Posie and the twins were with Teresa's mom. Posie had dropped to the floor and started seizing all of a sudden, her little body shaking, Teresa turned her body over to her side. Teresa called an ambulance and her wife, Masha "what's up, I'm working. Kind of busy with a student", Teresa "I just called an ambulance, Posie is having a bad seizure, a really bad seizure. She's shaking uncontrollably and I have no idea what to do. I just put her on her side but she's still seizing", Masha "what, how long has it been since it first started", Teresa "a few minutes, maybe five", Masha "I'm on my way home right now. I have to get dressed and then I'll leave", Teresa "okay", the ambulance finally arrived at the house. "How old is your daughter", Teresa "she's three, Masha please hurry", Masha "I'm leaving now, I'm on my way. What hospital", Teresa "I sent the location to you", Masha "okay", Teresa climbed in the ambulance beside her daughter, holding her daughter's hand. Poor Posie was just resting on the hospital bed, Masha "babe, how is she", Teresa "she's stable for now", Masha "it just happened", Teresa "she was playing and then she stopped playing and fell to the ground, she just started seizing", Masha "so I guess we just have to sit here and just wait", Teresa "yeah, that's all we can do. Sit here and wait for answers from the doctor", Masha "this is scaring me, this is gonna end up being permanent and it's gonna be hard. She's literally only three years old and she's going through all of this. No three year old should have to go through this, I don't even know why this is happening to her. It doesn't run in our families, so why is she the one experiencing these epileptic seizures", Teresa "I don't know. But I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it soon",
Masha "I want answers now, our three year old is suffering, she's a toddler. She's shouldn't have to go through this", Teresa "I know she shouldn't", Masha's phone started ringing,
Masha "hello", Maya "hey. I thought you and the fam were gonna come to Esme's gymnastics competition", Masha "we were, and we planned on coming but we can't. Me and Teresa are in the hospital right now and I don't know how long we are gonna be here", Maya "hospital, why are you in the hospital", Masha "because something is wrong with Posie, she keeps having these epileptic seizures, she had another one and Teresa had to call an ambulance. We need to find out what's going on with her", Maya "aww I'm so sorry Masha", Masha "I mean it's fine. I just dislike that my three year old daughter has to go through all of this and she's too young to even understand what's going on and what's happening", Maya "do you want us to come to the hospital after the competition", Masha "not this time right now I want to be alone with my wife and our daughter. If that's okay", Maya "that's alright. I completely understand. Just call me or Carina if you need someone to talk to, we will be right by the phone", Masha "okay, thank you", Maya "you're welcome. Would you give Posie two kisses for me", Masha "sure", Masha hung up the phone. Teresa "you okay", Masha "no", she said before resting her head on Teresa's shoulder, Teresa kissed her cheek. Lane "I got here as soon as I could. Where's Masha", Teresa "she's in the bathroom, she couldn't stop crying so she went to just freshen up. She should be right out", Lane "is Posie okay", Teresa "not really. She had another seizure, we don't really know what's causing it but she had another one", Lane "does it happen to any of your other kids", Teresa "no", Masha "dad, what are you doing here"? Teresa "I called him", Masha "why", Teresa "because you don't look okay babe", Masha "and you know why I'm not okay. This has never happened to any of the other kids so I don't know why it's happening to our poor three year old who doesn't even know what's going on", Teresa "okay. Babe you need to breathe, you are gonna have a panic attack if you keep freaking out like this", Masha "let go of me, please babe. Let go", Teresa "baby just let me hold you", Masha "I don't want to be touched right now", "Masha, Teresa", they both stood up walking over to the doctor. "So we want to run a few more tests on your toddler, to see if anything in her body could be triggering let alone cause any of the seizures", Masha "what kind of test", Teresa "like a scan", "yeah we wanna run an MRI, and a cat scan to see if we find anything that leads to the seizure", Teresa "okay. How long is that going to take", "about another hour", Teresa "okay", "she's still a baby so parents are recommended to come with us for the scans", Teresa "go, I'll stay with your dad", Masha "okay", Masha went with Posie and the doctor to the other floor to get her scans. Shortly after the scans. Masha "ok it's about to be two hours, what the heck is taking so damn long", Teresa "there he is", the both of them stood up and walked to the doctor and from the look on his face, concern grew upon both Teresa and Masha. Masha "is everything okay", she asked with a bit of hesitation. "So we found the cause of the seizures, so Posie has a brain tumor, it's not very large which is a good thing and it's not cancerous. So that's even better, I've tracked the initial diagnosis from where it started. So she's gonna be okay but she is gonna need surgery to have the tumor removed so there will be no more further complications", Teresa "okay how many days does she have before surgery", "well since it's not very big we can go ahead and have the surgery scheduled. This week or next week, for this week we have Wednesday, Thursday and Friday available. Next week just Tuesday and Thursday", Masha "this Friday should work perfectly fine for us", "okay. So for now I want you to monitor her behavior and just to see if anything seems out of place. But she should be okay leading up to the surgery", Masha "okay", after getting back home. Masha and Teresa were far from stressed, they had to deal with their toddler getting diagnosed with a brain tumor, and their two older daughters were getting ready to go on a two day trip with their school. Teresa "you girls all packed and ready for your trip", Kyleigh "yeah. Do you know what time we leave in the morning", Teresa "7, the coach bus is coming here to pick you both up so no going to bed late", Kyleigh "we know mom", Teresa "okay". Masha got a phone call from her big sister, Maya "hey. Back home I see", Masha "yeah, we've had a very long day", Maya "by the way you are on speaker", Masha "okay", Maya "so the visit, is she okay"? Masha "she's got a brain tumor. She's got surgery to remove it on Friday this week", Maya "oh my gosh, how are you and Teresa feeling", Masha "well I'm on edge here and have been out of it all damn day. She's handling it way better than i am that's for sure. I'm just scared, it's a mother's instinct", Maya "she's gonna recover", Masha "I just hate that we caught it this time", Maya "what do you mean? Shouldn't you be grateful that it wasn't found too late, she's gonna be okay. If it's not a big tumor she'll recover and it's not cancerous. That's a good thing Masha. Here you need to talk to Carina to calm your nerves, you're gonna make yourself panic", Masha "Maya no, I'm", Maya "too late, I'm putting her on", Carina "hi Masha", she said in her beautiful Italian accent. Masha "hi", Carina "so Maya told me what's going on? Worried about your daughter after she was just diagnosed with a brain tumor", Masha "yeah. I'm on edge here", Carina "how do you think me and Maya felt when we found out that Hailey had endometriosis", Masha "scared", Carina "yeah. It's not something that is common in girls her age and it's not genetic", Masha "neither is cancer or brain injuries", Carina "okay understandable but do you think me and Maya freaked out right in front of Hailey. No, because we couldn't do that. That would only make her even more scared than she already is, I know Posie is just three but seeing you in panic mode is not something she should be seeing at her age", Masha "I know. I'm just really worried and scared at the same time. Things can go wrong and we could lose a child", Carina "woah don't start speaking like that. Negative thoughts isn't gonna make it any better for anyone of you. Restore the positive thoughts back into your mind because right now that is what you need. You and Teresa, you said she's handling it way better than you are. Maybe you're wrong, maybe she's holding it together because your toddler is present. But deep down she's probably hurting just like you, the two of you are a team, just like me and Maya are a team. The only way you'll get through anything is if you share your feelings together, don't let those feelings rain while Posie is there. She doesn't need to see any of that. Don't let your feelings leave your body right now just be there for your daughter, because what she needs is you and Teresa", Masha "you're really good at this whole talking situation and making points. You really have a way with words", Carina "it's takes practice but in grateful that I'm able to talk to you and others the way I do, to make them feel more comfortable", Masha "thanks again. Me and Teresa are actually leaving right now, so we're just gonna get baby girl home and then keep an eye on her", Carina "okay. Tell her that me and Maya love her", Masha "she already knows that but I will tell her", Carina "okay. Bye", Masha "bye", teresa strapped Posie in her car seat, and then finally headed back home.

Teresa "that was nearly the longest trip to the emergency room we've ever been on", Masha "yeah and it's something I don't an experience again but things happen

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Teresa "that was nearly the longest trip to the emergency room we've ever been on", Masha "yeah and it's something I don't an experience again but things happen. Baby girl is out, she must have been very tired keeping her eyes open that long with no nap", Teresa "yeah. You sort of scared me back there, your emotions. You just had me worried", Masha "I can't help it our poor little girl is going through all this and she's too young to even understand what is going on", Teresa "I know. But now that I think about it, shes our little miracle baby", Masha "she is", Teresa "oh my gosh", Masha "what", Teresa "were finally home, I've never been so happy to see the house", Masha "you almost gave me a heart attack lol", Teresa "sorry", Masha "dad are you coming in", Lane "I'm gonna go stop by Maya's house", Masha "okay. Just know the rest of your grandchildren aren't there, they are in dc, Hailey is the only one", Lane "okay", Masha lifted Posie out of her car seat, her and her wife headed inside. Masha laid Posie down in her bed, then her and Teresa went to take a quick shower, after showering they had ordered Chinese takeout. Posie woke up from her short nap, and Masha fed her from her food, Teresa cleaned up a bit while Masha cradled and sooth their toddler in her arms. Masha put her in the bed with them, and they fell asleep not too long after. Noa, Avery and Kyleigh are at a sleepover, twins with Teresa's younger sister Melissa.

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