Chapter 20: Meeting Samantha and Good news

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Maya is currently at work, Carina is currently at work. Masha, Kelvin and the girls are at the studio. Sammy is fitting in pretty well so far.
Masha's POV*
I had just finished rehearsing cha cha with Kelvin when I got an email. Masha "babe I need you to come in here for a minute", Kelvin "what's up", Masha "I just got an email from the dance sport championships, they want the girls to compete in the upcoming competition in Texas", Kelvin "that's great", Masha "yeah, sthat's just even more great", Kelvin "what happenedztsst", Masha "barely into the school year and report cards are coming home today", Kelvin "what's wrong with that, Avery doesn't get bad grades", Masha "I know".
Maya's POV*.
I had just gotten home from picking up all the girls and Kingston from school, Maya "girls work on your homework please", Hailey "aren't you gonna sit with us and do homework", Avery "no thanks. I wanna go to my mom's room and do it", Hailey "okay". Masha and Kelvin got home, Masha "Avery", Avery "yes mommy", Masha "did you get a report card today from school", Avery "yes", Masha "can I have it please", Avery "okay", Maya "did you girls get your report cards", Hailey "yes mom, here's mine", Masha "all A's I see my sweet girl", Avery "yes", Masha "I'm proud of you my baby girl", Avery "thanks", Maya "good girls, all good grades my babes". Avery "my can I go to the room please", Masha "are you okay", Avery "I'm fine mom, I just wanna go to the room", Masha "you could go, just make sure you put your things were they belong", Avery "I will mommy". Kelvin "aren't we supposed to be going to the doctor today to check on the baby", Masha "yeah, but they said they will call when he have to come in", Kelvin "okay", Avery "stop it, give it back. It doesn't belong to you", Hailey "I just wanna look at it", Avery "you could ask, you don't have to take it from me, give it back, or I'm telling my mom and your mom", Hailey "we're best friends, your gonna tell on me", Avery "yes it's mine and I want it back. Mommy gave that to me", Hailey "oops", Avery "why did you do that, I hate you", we saw Avery rush to the room. Maya "what the hell happened, and how is this broken", Hailey "she wouldn't let me look at it, so I took it and it accidentally broke", Maya "Hailey, there are cameras in this house. If you broke that your gonna be in big trouble", Masha "what's going on. How did you get that, my daughter never takes that out of the room", Hailey "I took it, only because she wouldn't show me", Masha "and now it's broken", Avery "mommy", Masha "it's okay, I'll get you another one", Avery "I don't want another one, I wanted that one. That one was mine, and only mine", Masha "I know baby, I know". Kelvin "come on babe. Let's just go to the room", Masha "coming", Maya "Hailey that was wrong. Very wrong. Even if she allowed you to look at it, that should be enough, there shouldn't be a reason why you would want to harm something that belongs to someone else in this house", Carina "what's going on. How did", Maya "it was Hailey. She did it because, Avery wouldn't let her touch it", Carina "Hailey that's like her wanting to touch your shoes and everything that belongs to you. It's not right, she's crying because she upset. That picture from the locket is a very special memory", Hailey "I didn't mean to break it, I swear", Maya "even if you didn't. How is she supposed to get over that. She can't have another one", Hailey "I could get her another with my allowance money", Maya "Hailey but you've been saving up for that collectible you wanted", Hailey "I know but that is not worth it. Getting the locket for Avery is worth it", Maya "okay, we'll go tomorrow", Hailey "can we go now. Please mommy", Maya "alright I'll be back", Carina "okay", within an hour Maya and Hailey were back. Also four packages arrived, Maya "is that them", Maya "yeah", Maya "girls we have a surprise for you, you two Avery your not excluded. Samantha you too honey", the girls came out to living room. Maya "before you girls open your gifts, Hailey I think you have something to give to Avery", Avery "what is this", Hailey "just open it", Avery "okay", Avery opened it, and started crying. Avery "thank you", Hailey "your welcome, I know it's not the same locket, but I owed you it", Avery "thank you", Hailey "your welcome", Carina "you girls can open it now", Hailey "mom mama. You didn't", Carina "we ordered them a while ago, it took a bit of time for them to get made", Hailey had her arms around me in no time. Hailey "thank you mom and mama", Carina "your welcome baby", Avery "how did you know this is the one I wanted", Carina "we might have heard you and Hailey talking about it", Avery "thank you so much", Carina "your welcome honey", the girls were so happy they went straight to their rooms and started playing. Masha "Maya you didn't have to get her it", Maya "I know, I wanted to get it for her", Masha "thanks, I appreciate it".
Carina's POV*
I was in the bathroom when my phone started to ring, "hello", Miranda "hey Carina. How's it going", Carina "good, just at home with my family. What's up", Miranda "so I've been thinking about this for a while, and now I wanna finalize the decision. I know you no longer work at Grey Sloan but I just wanted to tell you that the new name is Grey Sloan DeLuca memorial hospital", Carina "are you serious", Miranda "yes, your brother was more than a doctor, he deserved it", Carina "thank you so much Miranda", Miranda "your welcome". After I hung up the phone, I left to the room and immediately started crying. Maya "babe are you okay", Carina "yeah", I told Maya the news. Maya "that's amazing babe", Carina "I know", Maya "he would be so proud", Carina "I miss him so much", Maya "I know you do, but he's still in your heart. He's looking over our girls right now", Carina "I know", me and Maya just worked on dinner, the kids were playing, Kingston was sleeping. Masha and Kelvin were in their room, Masha "I can't wait to meet our little princess", Kelvin "I know right, I'm so excited for our Posie girl", Masha "I can't believe we're gonna be parents of two soon", Kelvin "I know right, it still doesn't feel real", Masha "I can't wait to marry you", Kelvin "I can't wait to call you my wife", Masha "we should have a spring wedding", Kelvin "that would be nice".
*2 days later*
"What the hell, watch where your going loser", Avery "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into", "well you did and you ruined my nails and new shoes", Avery "it was an accident", "what's in your backpack loser", Avery "give it back", "you can't get it", Avery "give it back", "oooh what's this", Avery "that's a picture of my mom and dad", "your skin is different from hers", Avery "give it back", "want in back, here you brat", Avery got pushed to the ground and then her whole backpack was dumped out. "Do you need help", Avery "no I think I could manage", "my name is Brooke what's yours", Avery "I'm Avery", Brooke "sorry about Brie and her friends, she bullied everyone", Avery "I wish I went to school with my cousin, this wouldn't happen", Brooke "just stick with me, she won't bother you anymore", Avery "okay".
*Masha's POV*
I was in the studio when I got a call from Avery's school, telling me she was being bullied by a girl and a group of her friends. I told Kelvin everything and immediately left to go pick her up. Avery "mommy", Masha "are you okay", Avery "I am now", Masha "come on let's get to the studio", Avery "okay", Masha "how come you didn't tell me about this before", Avery "because it wasn't as bad as today", Masha "but why would you want something to get too out of hand and not tell mommy", Avery "I'm sorry mommy, I just didn't want you to worry about me", Masha "you didn't want me to worry about you, that's my job honey. That's exactly what I'm supposed to do baby girl", Avery "but mom she's always doing it and she's never going to stop, she just loves bothering me", Masha "what was she bothering you about", Avery "she kept taking my things and dumped out my backpack, I had a picture of you and daddy and she said I'm not yours because of my skin color", Masha "please don't listen to her, what she says isn't true at all", Avery "but mommy she keeps doing it and I don't get it. Why me momma", Avery started crying, the minute we got into the elevator I pulled her into a hug, and she didn't wanna let go of me. I went straight to my break room with her, Masha "do you wanna see Srna, your Srna is here", Avery "yeah", Masha "I'll tell her to come, why don't you start working on your homework", Avery "okay mama", I left the room for a sec to get Srna, Srna "hey", Masha "hey, your niece wants to see you. She was like I wanna see my Srna", Srna "where is she", Masha "in my break room", I greeted Christian who was waiting for me. Masha "can you just keep her company", Srna "of course", I waited until after I was finished with my lessons to make sure Avery was okay, Avery "mommy", Masha "yes baby", Avery "can I stay with aunt Srna at her house", Masha "um I'm sure Srna has things to do", Srna "I think it would be cool if she came", Masha "you sure you could handle my baby", Srna "yes of course, we're gonna have so much fun, right babes", Avery "yeah", Masha "we'll you have fun, be a good girl for your aunt", Avery "bye mommy, see you Sunday", Masha "bye baby", Kelvin "ready to go home", Masha "yeah", we walked to the house. I went straight to bed, I wasn't really feeling well, Maya "is my sister okay", Kelvin "she's not feeling well, she started getting dizzy again", Maya "how long", Kelvin "just a few minutes", Maya "okay. Where's Avery", Kelvin "with her aunt Srna", Maya "okay".
Maya's POV*
It was early Monday and we decided to go out for a bit, just get some air. Carina "it's so lovely out here", Maya "yeah", Carina "are girls are getting way too big, too fast", Maya "I know, they are way too big", Carina "so in love with them", Maya "yeah". We didn't stay out too long, Kamri was not feeling well, she was in so much pain. Her head was hurting so bad, Carina "we need to get home before she gets worse", Maya "okay", we finally got home after the crazy walk back home through the city. Maya "what's going on", Kelvin "nothing", Maya "is my sister okay", Kelvin "she's still not feeling good, I'm making her some tea, I don't think it's gonna help", Maya "let me check on her", Kelvin "she doesn't wanna be bothered", Maya "let me just go", Kelvin "okay, fine", I went to the room to check on Masha. Masha "hey baby girl", Masha "I really don't wanna be bothered", Maya "baby girl I'm just checking on you", Masha "I just feel very weak", Maya "what hurts", Masha "my head hurts, and I feel so nauseous", Maya "have you taken anything", Masha "just Tylenol, and Motrin", Maya "is it not working", Masha "obviously not", Maya "I'll give you something", Masha "Maya please nothing too much, I'm pregnant", Maya "I know baby girl", I went to the bathroom to get her something to take along with some water, Maya "I hope you feel better baby", Masha "okay, thanks. I love you", Maya "I love you too baby girl".

Author's note:
Sorry took so long for this chapter, just had a recent job switch. Needed some time to adjust to it, will be updating more. Hope you enjoy!

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