Chapter 90: Leaving for DC

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Maya "where is my suit, I had it in this closet and now it's not here", Carina "babe did you check in the laundry room, or anywhere else in the house", Maya "I've been looking all over the place, I can't find it. I need to wear that to the ball", Carina "alright calm down baby, we'll find it. What about this, why don't you just wear this", Maya "I appreciate the effort it's just I really wanted to wear the other outfit that I specifically bought for the event", Carina "baby I think this is fine, and it's looks amazing on you. So please trust me on this one", Maya "okay fine. I'll wear that, but let me get in to so I can put it in my suitcase", Carina "here", Maya "thanks baby", Carina "you're welcome".

Masha "are you okay", Noa "I don't know if I could see him", Masha "but he needs to apologize for what he did baby", Noa "I know that", there was a knock at the door. Masha went and opened the door, with the most angry face, Shawn "I can't take it that you are not that happy or pleased to see me", Masha "no I'm not happy to see you", Shawn nervously entered the house. Teresa "well well well", Shawn "listen I know the last thing you want is for me to be inside your house, let alone around your daughter. I may have had a few drinks yesterday at the party, and those drinks took a toll on me and not the best toll. And I let it get out of control by inappropriately touching Noa. I sincerely apologize for my actions and behavior that occurred yesterday at the homecoming party. Noa if you don't want to see me anymore or wanna break up that's fine because to be honest someone like me would deserve it. Teresa and Masha I deeply apologize for hurting Noa, I didn't mean for that to happen, and if I'm given another chance that will never happen ever again", Masha "I will forgive you this time but if something like this ever happens again, you will completely lose all of my trust and respect, and you will forever have to make it up to me", Teresa "I also forgive you, but siding with my wife, if this happens again I will no longer be able to trust you", Masha "baby we'll be in the kitchen, call if you need us", Noa "okay", Shawn "look I'm really sorry, I know that last thing you want is to hear me constantly say that I'm sorry. But I am really sorry for hurting you, for scaring you, for traumatizing you in a way that I shouldn't have. If you want space I completely understand that and I could use some time as well, mainly to think about what I did. I'm really sorry I hurt you Noa, I love you. I made a complete mistake and it won't ever happen again", Noa gently pressed her lips against Shawn's lips, Noa "I forgive you babe, I love you. But I do need space, a few days. Just to clear my head, if that's okay", Shawn "yeah, I understand. I'll leave now, I have football practice anyways, by the way good luck on your track game next week", Noa "thanks", Noa walked Shawn out, Shawn "I love you, text me", Noa "I will, and I love you too". Masha "did everything go okay", Noa "yeah, I forgive him, I just need some time", Masha "that's understandable. Did you pack for our DC trip", Noa "yeah, we leave later right", Masha "we leave in the morning, early morning". Danai "listen, please don't give your parents a hard time. I know being a teenager is different, but you need to respect your mama and mom, I won't tolerate that and you know that. I know you didn't like your phone being taken away but if something happens at school, you need to speak up. I know you have this shyness still, and if that's the case then write it to them, text them, but find a way to communicate with them. You should not be afraid to speak with them, they are your parents, we will never judge you", Avery "I'm sorry mom. I really didn't mean to be rude, I really didn't but when they started accusing me of lying I lost it", Danai "that attitude needs to be controlled because it's not called for. I know both of your mothers, you raise your voice the wrong way at Teresa she slapped you so hard you'll forget that you even yelled at her", Avery "yeah, I know. But mom and mama will lay a hand on me because they are not like that", Danai "I know they are not. But baby we've gotta work together, one you are not the oldest so stay in your place, they love you so very much. You have two older sisters and you need to be a role model to your younger siblings. You remember meeting Noa over FaceTime right", Avery "yeah, she seems really cool", Masha "hey", Avery "mommy", Avery hugged Masha, Avery "I'm really sorry for yelling at you and mama, and I'm sorry for disrespecting you both", Masha "it's okay baby. I'm forgive you my lovie. Thanks for bringing her back home", Danai "no problem. I loved spending time with my girl", Masha "we've been packing for a trip so sorry the house is a mess", Danai "no it's all good", Teresa "Avery this is Noa, Noa this is our other daughter Avery", Avery "hi, you're very pretty", Noa "aww thank you. You're adorable", Avery "thanks", Masha "why don't you two go watch a movie or something", Avery "come on Noa", Noa "okay", Kyleigh "oooh what are we doing", Avery "watching a movie", Kyleigh "could I join you two", Avery "yeah come on", Masha "Avery before you go, you could have your phone back", Avery "thanks mommy", Masha "you're welcome baby". Danai "I've gotta go because we are planning a holiday party for the dance studio", Masha "okay cool. You could have her for the weekend again", Danai "okay cool".
Avery "wait that's not fair, you skipped", Kyleigh "oh shoot, sorry, I'll pick up two cards for my mistake", Avery "pick up 4 sissy, pick up 4 more, oh wait 4 more. Uno, uno out", Kyleigh "how did you do that? Dang it your really good", Avery "lol, I'm the pro at uno", Noa "what movie should we watch", Avery "can we watch Ramona and Beezus, please, please", Kyleigh "sure", the three of them cuddled up together, with a blanket and lots of stuffed animals, and they started watching the movie. Maya "Andy says she's really excited for us to come down there", Carina "yeah, I know we've haven't been down to Washington in a while", Maya "I know. I'm excited to see everyone, and just to see things that I've missed", Carina "yeah, me too", Hailey "mom I have a headache, could you give me something for the pain to go away", Carina "sure, come here honey", Hailey "thanks mama", Carina "you're welcome honey. Did you pack your things for our trip", Hailey "Sam helped me, my head has been hurting all day", Carina "and you didn't say anything. How come baby", Hailey "I didn't wanna bother you and mom. You two seemed so happy", Carina "happy, angry, mad, depressed, you come get me or mom. No matter what, you and your siblings will always come first", Hailey "I'm sorry", Carina "don't be sorry honey. It's okay, it's not your fault", Hailey "can I please go to my room, I wanna lay down before our flight", Carina "go ahead", Hailey "thanks", Maya "everything okay", Carina "yeah, Hailey's not feeling so well", Maya "what's wrong, did she tell you", Carina "yeah, she's got a headache at the moment. Do you know if Masha is leaving with us in a cab or is she taking another cab", Maya "she's coming with us, she said it would make it way more easier for all of us", Carina "yeah". Esme "mommy mommy I don't know what to pack", Maya "I'll be right there baby", Maya helped her younger daughters pack their suitcases. Kamri "mama", Carina "yes baby", Kamri "could you make some pasta", Carina "lol, sure. Do you wanna help mama cook", Kamri "yeah", Carina "come on", Carina cooked dinner with her girl. Maya "hey baby", Carina "hi", Maya "it smells so good in here", Carina "thanks, little miss did most of the work", Maya "did you princess", Kamri "yeah, mama just did the steps on the stove so I don't get hurt", Carina "do you wanna make the bread, with the cheese and the garlic", Hailey "oooh can I do it", Kamri "I'll get the cheeses for you", Hailey "okay thanks", together Hailey and Kamri made the bread. Carina "dinner is done, you two did amazing and thank you for helping me", Maya "everyone dinner is done, down here", Sam "Evie's no hungry", Maya "that's odd, I don't think she ate anything all day, I'll be right back. Esme dinner baby, Kingston, Canyon to mama", Maya goes to bedroom, Maya "baby how come you aren't coming down for dinner, you didn't eat anything all day", Evie "I'm not very hungry", Maya "but baby girl you didn't eat anything today, I need you to eat", Evie "could I eat in here then", Maya "I mean you know me and mama aren't really okay with that but because your pregnant I'm gonna allow it", Evie "thanks mom", Maya "do you wanna your cheesy bread", Evie "yeah", Maya "do you want your ginger ale", Evie "yes mom", Maya "okay", Maya goes to the kitchen. Carina "is she gonna eat", Maya "yeah, I know we don't accept eating in the bedroom but I'm gonna allow it because she's pregnant", Carina "okay that's fine by me", Maya brings Evie her food, Evie "thanks mom", Maya "you're welcome. Oh did you ask Ash if he's coming with us to Washington DC", Evie "yeah, mama said she's gonna pick him up on the way to the airport", Maya "okay. We'll enjoy your dinner but and if you need anything else just let me or mama know", Evie "okay", Maya went to the dining area just a fight between three of the kids had started. Maya "that's enough what are the three of you doing, we do not throw food", Kamri "she started it", Carina "I don't care who started it, that is not to be done in this house. Each and every one of you know better, Kamri, Sam and Hailey in the room right now", Maya "what happened tonight is absolutely unacceptable. When we are at the dinner table we are to eat dinner and talk about our day. It's not a time for food fights or fights period. What I saw is not to ever happen again. Kamri I'm so disappointed because you know better than that. Hailey you were doing so good baby, I don't want you to feel like this is okay, because it's not. Do not let something like this happen again, and Sam I'm so disappointed in you because you are the oldest out of the three of you. That is so not cool, you all know how to act, everyone in the shower and then to bed because we have an early flight", Carina "we'll done, you didn't overreact, or get upset", Maya "I shouldn't have to get upset, I just want them to know things like this is not okay", Carina "and they do know that", Sam "mom mama we've got a problem", Maya "what do you mean we've got a problem", Sam "Kamri is literally crying very badly. She is in the bathroom and she won't let me in", Maya "oh god. Let me go check on her", Carina starts doing schoolwork with the kids before bed, Maya "Kamri Noelle please open this door. Sam get me the key to this damn door", Sam "here mom", Maya "thanks go back downstairs with mama", Sam "okay", Maya unlocked the bathroom door, and Sam wasn't joking, Kamri was crying so hard she could barely breathe or catch her breath. Maya "can you please calm down, take some breaths for me baby", Kamri climbed into Maya's lap, Maya "honey if this is about what happened we aren't mad or upset at all. It's okay, what happened is a learning lesson, you're not in any trouble", Kamri hugged Maya, Maya kissed Kamri on the cheek a couple of times, the cutest giggle. Maya and Kamri joined the others for some school work, and after everyone headed to bed as they had a very early flight to catch.

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