Chapter 75: Holiday Photoshoot/Gift Exchange 1

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Maya: where are you?
Masha: was at the salon, why?
Maya: we are taking our Christmas photos today
Masha: I know, I remember, girl I had to get my hair done. It needed treatment and now my hair looks so fresh and beautiful
Maya: let me see
Masha: okay

Maya: gosh you are so beautiful Masha: ☺️ thx sissyMaya: do the kids have their outfits for the shoot Masha: the dress Avery wore the other day should be fine, and the littles I'll find them outfits when I get back home

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Maya: gosh you are so beautiful
Masha: ☺️ thx sissy
Maya: do the kids have their outfits for the shoot
Masha: the dress Avery wore the other day should be fine, and the littles I'll find them outfits when I get back home. I would ask my wife but she would rather me pick them out since she thinks when it comes to the girly girl things I'm somehow better than her
Maya: lol, I'll see you when you get home
Masha: okay, need anything while I'm still out
Maya: not really but could you pick up some donuts for breakfast
Masha: sure

Avery "aunt Maya where's my momma", Maya "she just left the hair salon, she should be back soon", Masha came home. Avery "momma", Masha "hi baby", Avery "mommy the lady texted me about the outfit saying it's almost ready", Masha "okay. It's already paid for so once it's finished it'll be shipped here", Avery "okay", Masha "bye the way sissy the tree looks amazing", Maya "I know right", Masha "we're also doing that gift exchange today right"? Maya "yeah, everyone should have a gift to exchange to someone else in the house", Hailey "mommy", Maya "good morning honey. How are you feeling? Are feeling any better or worse", Hailey "a little bit better but my headache is not entirely gone just yet", Maya "do you want some more Tylenol", Hailey "sure", Maya "did you eat anything", Hailey "Evie fed me some cereal", Maya "aww what a great big sister she is", Hailey "yeah", Maya "here take two of these and drink some water", Hailey "okay mommy", Masha "are we the only ones awake", Teresa "not quite", she said walking into the living room, Masha "good morning baby", Teresa "morning", she said as she kissed her wife. Teresa "you look absolutely beautiful", Masha "thanks. Are any of our other kids awake", Teresa "Posie is, she's playing in her room, Monroe is still sleeping and so are the twins", Carina "good morning everyone", she said as she walked into the kitchen to make her coffee. Masha "we'll everyone has two donuts, enjoy. I'm gonna go pick out the girls outfits for this shoot", Maya "you and T aren't gonna eat your donuts", Masha "when we're finished", Maya "okay". Masha "Avery honey you could have your donuts", Avery "okay momma. Thx". Masha and Teresa went to Posie and Monroe's room to find them an outfit for the Christmas photoshoot. Maya "so babe what's on the list for today? Besides the gift exchange and the photoshoot", Carina "I was thinking we could go ice skating, and then just exploring around looking at the houses and their amazing Christmas decorations", Maya "oooh I'm so down for that. Carina "speaking of ice skating, one of kid's wants to play tennis", Maya "who. The boys are too young to be playing hockey unless they wanna do another sport like soccer or something, are you saying it's one of the girls", Carina "yeah, our Hailey girl wants to play lacrosse", Teresa "wait Posie has a soccer game", Masha "oh shit. I forgot about that. It's a indoor soccer game", Teresa "I'll go get her ready", Avery "where are you and mommy going", Masha "your sister had a soccer game we clearly forgot about", Avery "can I come momma", Masha "yeah, go get dressed", Maya and Carina agreed to watch over their other three kids. Masha packed a little bag for Posie with her water bottle and some snacks, within a few minutes they rushed out of the house and to her soccer game. Luckily they had made it on time, just a few minutes before the soccer game even started. Posie joined her team for some warm up before the game began. Both Masha and Teresa could tell that Posie was having so much fun during her soccer game, she scored s couple of goals making both of her moms extremely proud.

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