Chapter 30: The Assault

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*Smut Warning ⚠️*

Masha received a scary phone call, Masha "hello", "what are you doing", Masha "who is this", "are you alone", Masha "who the hell is this", "I'm coming for you, better watch out", Masha "leave me alone", "I'm gonna come for you, better stay up late", she hung up the phone and then tossed it, almost breaking it. Maya "hey, what's going on. You okay", Masha was in tears, Maya "what happened baby girl", Masha pointed to the phone, Maya "is this some kind of prank", Masha "I don't know, Maya I'm scared", Maya "I am gonna take this info to the police station", Masha "please don't leave me here alone", Maya "I'll be back baby, I won't be long. I promise", Maya hurries out. Masha stood in the living room, a bit terrified, Masha started to hear noises, so she goes into the bedroom and locks the door. Immediately calling Maya, "hey I'm on my way back", Masha "hurry, I think someone is in the house. I'm scared", Maya "I am coming, hold on. Stay quiet", Masha goes to use the bathroom and when she gets out she is grabbed from behind, "if you scream I will hurt your perfect little family", Masha started shedding tears, Masha "what do you want", "lie down", Masha "please just leave me alone", "move", the attacker climbed on top of Masha, and put his hand in her underwear, Masha squealed and cried even more. Maya came into the house, "who the hell is here", Masha "my sister", "if you scream I will kill you", he entered Masha and tortured her with every little thing he did to her. Her kept harming her and it was like a joke to him. Maya could hear the sound of struggling, but didn't know where it was coming from, until she came into the living room and saw everything for herself. Maya "get the hell off of my baby sister", "what are you gonna do about it", Maya "I won't tell you again", the attacker instantly scared by Maya's actions left the house immediately. Masha "Maya", Maya "shh baby girl", Masha "Maya", Maya "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you", Masha "Maya, shh you're safe now, I have to get you to a hospital", Masha "please no", Maya "I need to make sure you and the baby are okay and safe",  Maya's POV*
I helped Masha up and quickly helped her get dressed, and into the car. I drove straight to the emergency room, I told doctors what happened and immediately took Masha for examination. Carina was blowing me up, Carina "where are you, I'm home but it's empty", Maya "something happened to my sister, we are at the hospital", Carina "what do you mean something happened to her", Maya "I won't explain over the phone, come to the emergency room", Carina "okay, I'll be there shortly", Maya "okay bye". Masha "Maya, everything hurts", Maya "can she get checked out please", "of course", Masha got her genital area checked out, along with the baby. Maya "don't cry baby girl", Masha "everything hurts. I'm so scared. I want my husband", Maya "I forgot to call him", Maya gets up and quickly left the room, Kelvin "Maya this is really not a good time", Maya "You need to come home", Kelvin "I can't leave early", Maya "Masha was assaulted and nearly raped. She's pregnant again. You need to come back home. She needs you", Kelvin "My wife was assaulted", Maya "yes, I brought her to the hospital, we are here right now", Kelvin "I don't get it, how is she pregnant", Maya "you got her pregnant, she received a weird phone call and I took it and showed the police, this happened while I was gone. Can you come back home, she needs you right now", Kelvin "I am leaving right now, I'm not even gonna tell my parents, Masha comes first, I should be there shortly".
A few days passed, Masha hasn't returned to work after what happened, Kelvin came back home because nothing was more important than his wife and children.
Kelvin "is your sister's children home", Masha "why", Kelvin "because I don't wanna get naughty if they are", Masha "babe all of our children were taken to the event, Miljan came and got them", Kelvin "I forgot about that", Masha "what if Carina and Maya hear us", Kelvin "so what, it's not like we don't hear them all the time", Masha "I mean, you're not wrong though", Kelvin "come here", Masha climbs onto Kelvin's lap, Kelvin's nails dug right into her waist, Masha "can we just you know what already", Kelvin "I don't know what you want", Masha "yes you do", Kelvin "no I don't, I need you to say it like you mean it", Masha "I want you inside of me, no teasing", Kelvin "still don't understand", Masha "babe please", Kelvin "what do you want baby girl", Masha "oh my gosh. Just fuck me", Kelvin "what was that", Masha "can you just fuck me", Kelvin "that's what I needed to hear", Masha was already halfway undressed, Kelvin removed her lace panties, and left a trail of kisses down her body and went back up. *Masha moans*, Masha "can you just take off your boxers, I need you so bad right now", Kelvin "no rushing me princess, the more you beg the longer I'll take", Kelvin and Masha started kissing, tongue and all, Masha placed Kelvin's hands on her breasts, and made him squeeze them. Kelvin "like that princess", *Masha moaning*, Carina "are they", Maya "yes they are", Carina "omg your sister is so loud", Maya "you keep talking like that you'll be louder than her", Maya "oh really", Maya "mmm", Carina "you really wanna do this", Maya "we never get to, the kids are finally gone, so we have nothing to worry about", Carina "alright then if you say so", Carina and Maya undressed themselves and started going at it. Masha "omg fuck. Please don't stop, keep going", Kelvin "omg. We so needed that", Masha "yes we did", Kelvin "come here", Masha laid on top of Kelvin and they continued to kiss.

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