Story Shorts: Shantae's Racing Lesson

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It was a sunny day at Abel City, X was showing Shantae the racing track and showed Shantae the vehicles used to race.

Shantae: So, you don't use magic carpets?

X: Nope! We use these race cars instead, and besides I think it's safe to say it's better than flying a magic carpet because it's safer.

Shantae: Can you teach me how to race?

X: Ummmmmm.........


X when Shantae was driving:


X: I don't know...

Shantae: *Makes puppy dog eyes* Pleaseeeee...?

X: *Nosebleed* Oh how can I resist that face!? Alright I'll teach ya.

Shantae: *Hugs X* Thank you X!

X: Hehe, your welcome, okay let's go.

Shantae and X got in a sports car and drived along the race track and Shantae got the hang of it and then was pulled over by another driver.

Driver: Hey! I bet your girl can't even drive!

X: I'm teaching her how to drive man!

Driver: Can she beat me in a race? Winner gets 1500 gems!

Shantae: *Cash eyes* Oooooh! Shantae likey! Your on!


Shantae: I got this!

The racers were on the starting line and the ref was preparing to deliver the Go signal.

Referee: Racers! Prepare to race! 3 2 1 GO!!

The driver quickly sped of and Shantae was going slow.

X: Shantae what are you doing?

Shantae: Im driving safety! I don't want to crash again!

X: Shantae that's what racing is about!

Shantae: Wait you mean?

X: YES! *Buckles 10 seatbeats on him* You can floor it...

Shantae: *Evil Grinning* Alright!

Then Shantae stomped on the pedal and she went maximum overdrive! She drifted passs the driver and the driver was amazed of Shantae's talent to race, meanwhile X was holding on to the seatbeats for his dear life.


Then Shantae won the race and she started to do wheelies and got out and was squealing while jumping up and down.

Shantae: EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I won my first race!

X got out of the car and shaking in fear.

X: Your still alive... your still alive X....

Driver: Hey girl you know how to drive! Here's your gems as promised.

Shantae: Yay! I made money!

X: .........

X: Can I sit in the back seat next time?

Shantae: Umm no.

The couple drove home so Shantae can take care of X because he now has Tachnophobia for only a day. Shantae giggled at X while he was shivering up in fear.

(Megaman X belongs to Capcom)

(Shantae belongs to Wayforward)

Requested by zjohnson231! Enjoy this chaotic short story!

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