Prelude: The Beginning

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Death and sacrifice — these are the only two things that this lonely world knows, and it all began with disobedience and rejection.

More than a millennia ago, in the high heavens, a great war unfolded between the Servants of the Gods known as the Celestians and the Abaddon, creatures and demons of dark origin seeking to overthrow them. This war seemed never-ending until a great Celestian Archangel named Braliel used a strictly forbidden magic called 'Tetra Magicae.' The bright prism light burned everything around them, and silence filled the area. Both Celestians and Abaddon fell victim to this, resulting in more casualties than survivors. The remaining members of the Abaddon fled with great fear, and the surviving Celestian Warriors didn't cheer, for they knew of the forbidden magic Braliel used.

The war ended, and instead of feeling pleased, as Braliel expected, the Gods were greatly disappointed and angry. Braliel was summoned to the Holy Chamber of the Gods along with another Archangel named Yenziel.

The King of the Gods, Elohim, had to choose one of the two warriors to become a new and all-mighty God. Braliel, of course, felt quite optimistic about this, considering that he was the one who had put an end to the terrible war. On the other hand, Yenziel was humble and kept his head down in reverence."

Elohim raised his hand and spoke.

"My sons, you have both shown great bravery and strength throughout these hard and terrible times. We Gods have seen your full potential and are very pleased. That is why you, Yenziel, shall now join us, the Gods, in the eternal reign of all the worlds we have created."

Yenziel quickly looked up at his Father with slight confusion and then glanced at Braliel before bowing at Elohim. Braliel, shocked, rejected, and unappreciated, fell to the floor in disbelief.

Elohim spoke these words to him.

"My son, Braliel, you have deliberately disobeyed me, gone against my wishes, and broken Holy Law. If the Magic of the Gods is forbidden... It is Forbidden!" Elohim's all-mighty voice echoed throughout the heavens like thunder.

Braliel stood up to explain his actions.

"But my beloved Father, the war against the Rebel Forces was never-ending. I had to do something to stop it! I ended the war, just like you told us to do!"

"But my son, you still disobeyed me by using the—" Elohim was interrupted by Braliel.

"I did all of this for you! How could you choose Yenziel over me!? The Savior!" Elohim's guards pointed their weapons at Braliel.

Elohim's anger grew unstable. "Enough! For disobeying and disrespecting me, using forbidden magic, causing mass destruction and death among the Celestian race, you shall now become a dwelling spirit in the depths of Prymeria. You shall never enter Holy grounds again!"

Elohim's strongest Archangels, who were Braliel's comrades and friends, descended from above without hesitation and grabbed him, cutting off his six wings. Among his cries of pain and betrayal, they dragged Braliel down to a dark, cold, and lonely place beneath the surface of the planet. Braliel wasn't alone; six of his closest and most loyal followers fell with him, transforming into the very first Fallen.

"You will see, Father, one day I will be a God! I will send you to suffer eternal damnation! I swear it!"

Braliel wandered Prymeria for thousands of years, thinking and plotting. He managed to dethrone the Abaddon King with the help of his Fallen followers, taking over the crown and the entire Kingdom, becoming their Lord—Lord Bassilisk. Elohim saw his doings and sent a Holy human female warrior from Prymeria to put a stop to Bassilisk. Elohim made sure to bless the warrior and her descendants; in case she could not finish her duty, her seeds would be there to vanquish Bassilisk and his army.

Their battle was legendary, resulting in the warrior taking down most of Bassilisk's army single-handedly with the help of God Elohim's blessing. But, alas, the warrior was still human. Even though she caused a great deal of damage to Bassilisk's left arm and body, Bassilisk ended up defeating her. As the warrior took her last breaths, she spoke.

"Not only shall I face you, but my bloodline, my seeds shall also come for you, and I promise you, they will put an end to your filthy existence..."

Bassilisk, insulted by the dying warrior's words, cursed her and her seeds, saying:

"For turning against a Great God, all of your seeds shall now suffer the same fate as you. May all who are born from your line die by my hands. They will know my name, they will see my face, and I will be the last thing they see!"

Bassilisk encapsulated the warrior's body into a crystal sphere that amplified the Fallen's powers and brought darkness to Prymeria.

"Only the purest light can bring forth the deepest darkness..."

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