Chapter 2: Flash

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It was increasingly getting hotter. The gut-wrenching silence muted the screams around them as the shockwave approached. The ocean retreated and the grass that once was vibrant green was now ashen brown. Rai knew that he needed to do something fast. He grabbed both Kate and Ivee and ran up the hill away from the sea, running into the street and behind a building.

-"Okay, you two are going to listen to me and do what I say!"- Rai dropped them both gently and grabbed their faces so they can give him their attention. Ivee was crying and Kate was shaking.
-"We need to get to higher ground, and fast! I don't know my way around here and I need you guys to lead us to a safer place!"-
Kate snapped out of it and nodded as she hugged her sister.
-"Okay! Ivee, let's go!"- Kate stood up and noticed that Ivee hurt her knee badly.
-"I got her."- Rai lifted Ivee onto his back and they both ran further into the street.
Kate looked behind her and noticed the shockwave approaching, skimming the ocean surface.
-"Oh no!"- Kate yelled as the massive heat and debris shockwave reached them in a flash, they were blown off of their feet and fell further down the street. Buildings crumbled, and dust and sand covered everything. Glass from windows shattered and rained past them, cutting them. For a couple of seconds, there was chaos, pain, and heat. Gravel was around and on top of them as they tried to get back up. Kate lay on the ground, feeling the sting of bruises and cuts on her body as she tried to breathe without inhaling dust. The thought of her mother took over her mind, adrenaline took over her body and she stood up. -"Ma! We need to find Ma!"- Kate started to cry and noticed Rai, next to her.
-"You both okay!?"- Kate asked coughing and whimpering. Rai spit out sand and noticed Ivee was further away from them. Kate ran to her sister and checked if she was unharmed.
-"She's unconscious but her head is bleeding!"- Kate said crying. -"We have to move! The sea is coming!"-
Rai said as he lifted Ivee once more on his back. As they started running, Kate looked back one more time. The wave was still pretty far off but it was closing in fast. But inside the waves, some ominous purple-glowing eyes appeared. Voices started to scream inside Kate's head forcing her to stop running to cover her ears.
Rai stopped and started screaming at Kate to move.
-"Shut them up!! What's going on!!??"- Kate screamed as her body and mind were taken over by confusion and fear.
Rai ran back and grabbed Kate by the wrist and pulled her. Bright and loud flashbacks from the dream Kate had earlier that morning began taking over her mind making her gasp as she opened her eyes. Kate yanked her wrist from Rai's grasp, causing him to turn to face her.
-"What are you doing!? Come on!!"- Kate took deep breaths, trying to calm down, and noticed a tall peak, the tallest mountain on the island.

-"Celeste Peak! We have to go there!"- Kate regained her composure and led Rai towards the mountain gates.
By the time they got there, a massive line formed from people desperately looking for safety. Everyone was going on a rampage causing people to fall and get trampled by the mob. This small, tranquil island has never seen such chaos. There were people with missing limbs, bloody faces, and indescribable cries of loss and pain. Multiple fights were breaking out as Rai was trying to find a way to get everyone up there safely while Kate just looked around her and back at the rampaging waters that swallowed her beautiful island. She could still see those eyes, those evil, scary eyes. Kate wondered what they were and why they called out to her. She covered her ears once more as the screams of the people and the voices in her head overwhelmed her.

-"Seed...Seed."- the voices cried out.

Kate was so confused and scared, it was making her feel sick. The brick in the pit of her stomach grew heavier as the water was already upon them.
The scream of the people and cries of the children made her finally snap.
At that moment, Kate let out a desperate scream and the ocean water suddenly shot up into the air in the form of a pillar. Almost as tall as the mountain.

-"Seed..."- the voice roared making the ground rumble underneath their feet.

Kate looked up at the water where hundreds of eyes stared down at her, with an unquenchable thirst, hungry for her.
-"Leave us alone!!"- Kate yelled at the eyes as they charged toward her.
Before it could reach Kate, a pillar of light shielded her and the people. The water crashed onto it and burned out with deep screams and black steam. Thunder was heard from above and everyone looked up.
-"The Celestians?"- a man in the crowd said.
Rai's eyes widened as he saw Kate levitating with a white aura surrounding her.

Rai was alarmed and heard Ivee's and Kate's names being called desperately from behind him.
Leena appeared from the crowd and ran towards Rai.
-"Oh, my babies!"- The brunette woman picked Ivee up from Rai's back and kneeled on the ground, inspecting her. After a few seconds, she sighed.
-"She's still breathing!"- Leena hugged Ivee and Rai turned his attention to Kate, who was still suspended in the air.

-"Go forth...and do what must be done. It's your calling...and my will."-
A voice thundered the skies and everyone fell to their knees.
Kate straightened up and lifted her arm, pointing at the remaining waters.

-"Divine Beam..."- Kate's voice softly echoed and a ray of opalescent light shot from Kate's hand. Strong vibrations and gusts of wind raged as everyone felt this immense power. It engulfed the waters and turned them back to their pure, crystalline state. The echoes of screams and growls were gone and the ocean retreated to the shores, revealing the mass destruction that it left in its wake.

The crowd stayed silent as Kate slowly lowered to the ground. Her clothes were different. It changed to a beautiful array of mixed pieces of both armor and white with gold fabric.
Kate sighed and moaned as she slowly woke up from the trance. As she opened her eyes, she was blinded by a bright white light. It wasn't harsh, but warm and welcoming. Before her, stood a very tall man with gold armor and six grey-white wings. He was beautiful.

-"C-celestian?"- Kate asked under her breath as she tried to compose herself.
-"We were on time this time..."- The man said with a small smile.
Kate grunted and looked at her destroyed island, lives were lost and it made her sick to her stomach that this man claimed this.
-"On time? On-time!?"- Kate clenched her fists. The crowd stared in sadness as they now realized that their homes and their families were gone, never to be seen again. Cries of loss and pain erupted again as Kate glared at the man.

-"How dare you...say that you were On time!?"- Kate pressed her teeth together. -"So many prayers, unheard, hope was destroyed today, so much death and destruction and you say that you were on time!?"- Kate stomped the ground once, she was angry, and rightfully so. Her heart pounded in anger and her eyes filled with tears as cries of frustration escaped her throat.
The small island village was gone, for the most part, and the people that Kate once knew were gone.
-"Come with me..."- the man said extending his hand to Kate. She stepped back almost disgusted and glared at this mysterious man.
-"We weren't on time for the people in need, and for that, we are deeply sorry."- The man looked down at Kate.
-"But if you'll come with me, you will understand..."- he finished.
Kate looked at his hand, still extended towards her. She looked back at the crowd, her mother still holding Ivee, and Rai next to them.
-"Naoko?..."- Kate asked looking at the crowd, assuming the worst.
-"Kate, over here!"- Naoko climbed down the fence with a bunch of the college students.
-"We sought refuge when it all started, good thing we were nearby at the moment."- Naoko said running toward Kate and hugging her.
-"What are you wearing? Are you okay??"- She whispered into Kate's ear.
-"I don't know...but he wants me to go with him..."- Kate said, pointing at the tall man.
Naoko pulled away. -"He is a Celestian, maybe you should listen to him."- Naoko gulped looking at the shining golden armor.
Kate turned to the Celestian. -"Where are you taking me?"- She asked with a firm tone.

The man pointed to the sky. -"Kandubia...from there I will take you to Kolob."- he said softly and the crowd gasped.
-"I'll bring you back in no time, trust me..."-
Kate looked at him with doubt. Her hesitation kept her from stepping forward, her hands clenched together as she trembled.
Kate turned around to her family. Naoko nodded to her as Leena, still cradling Ivee, gave her a worried look but a soft smile.
-"I'll be back, I love you all..."- Kate turned back to the man and gave him her hand. In a flash of light, they were gone.
Rai and Naoko looked up to the sky as thunder rolled in the clouds.

-"What's going on?"- Kate's mom whimpered as she held Ivee close. Naoko hugged her. -"It's okay, Leena, Katerina will be just fine."-
The crowd slowly reduced, walking back to their small island. They knew that no one will help them rebuild this place. Nurses, doctors, and volunteers gathered to help those in dire need. Women and children still cried to themselves as they dealt with the grief. Massive alarms and cries for help reached the surrounding islands.
Leena and the rest were surrounded by trampled corpses. The smell was unbearable and unexplainable. Whispers of Kate's name ran from mouth to mouth as the people left.
Rai turned around to leave but felt a warm hand grab his fingers. He turned around to see Leena in tears.
-"Thank you, for saving my girls."- she cried. -"You're most welcome..."- Rai gave her a warm smile and turned around to walk away. Naoko stared at him as he made his way down to the village.

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