Chapter 4: Acceptance

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-"What would they want with my Katerina?"- Leena asked as she looked up at the sky.
-"I don't know if this is it...but my grandmama used to tell me a story when I was little..."- Naoko sat next to  Leena.
-"One day, the gates of heaven will open, and Celestians will come to our lands and choose a strong spirit. A holy descendant of valor and bravery to fight the Fallen King Bassilisk and the forces of evil that threaten our existence."- Naoko rested her head on Leena's shoulder. -"The Savior of Prymeria..."- Naoko finished.

Leena cried. -"Yes, I know that story, or prophesy..."-
-"But, why my Kate?"- Tears streamed down Leena's face.
-"I love Kate like a sister...yes, it pains me to have it be her who saves Prymeria but...I wouldn't trust anyone but Kate. She is strong and very much worthy, I believe in her..."- Naoko said as Leena looked at her. The corpses around them were picked up and the people were all gone. The smell of blood still lingered and the island was quiet. Eerily quiet.
Suddenly, the sky opened and light poured out. Raining the surrounding area with warmth. Kate swiftly descended and gently landed on her feet. Naoko quickly stood up and ran towards her best friend arms wide open.
-"Kate! You're okay!"- Naoko embraced her tightly.
-"Yeah..."- Kate said, deep in thought.
Leena extended her arm towards Kate, wanting a hug.
-"Mom..."- Kate whispered as she stopped hugging Naoko.
Kate walked over to her mother and Ivee and kneeled in front of them.
Ivee softly grunted and slowly opened her eyes.
-"Ivee! You're awake! I'm glad!"- Kate smiled. Ivee looked at her while trying to wipe the dry blood from her forehead.

-"I heard...everything..."- Ivee said in a raspy voice. -"I knew you were someone great..."- she continued. Kate's eyes widened and lightly blushed at those words.
-"Katerina..."- Leena placed her hand on Kate's arm. -"Anything you need to do, we support you."-
Kate's eyes teared up. -"I don't know what to do...where to start or even how to do it..."- Kate's voice cracked.
-"It's the little things!"- Naoko chimed in. -"Help someone in need, if anything happens to anyone, be there for know, things like that."- Naoko smiled at Kate.
-"Start small and then we go to Bassilisk's lair and ruffle his feathers!"- Naoko punched her palm. Kate looked at her best friend. -"Uhh, we?"-
-"You think I would let you have all the fun? Nah... I can help and you know you need me!"- Naoko flipped her hair.
Kate almost forgot that Naoko is a professional martial artist, which is why guys find her intimidating.
-"Thank you, Nao..."-
-"I want to help too!"- Ivee sat up. Leena tried laying her back down. -"Don't! You need to rest."-
-"Ma! My sister needs me!"- Ivee looked at Kate. -"I will be by your side forever! You also need me! I want to help people too!"-
Kate looked at Ivee in shock. -"I don't want you to get hurt...I can't lose any of you!"-
-"Don't forget! I took down a group of boys, by myself and made it out without a scratch! Trust me, you need me."- Ivee winked and Kate sighed.
-"There's no convincing you, huh? Stubborn ass..."- Kate smiled at her sister as Ivee stuck her tongue out.

-"Hey, where's Rai?"- Kate looked around.
-"Oh, that nice boy that saved Ivee? He left a little after you."- Her mother answered.
Kate looked at the sea which was as if it never went on a rampage. The glittering sun reflected on the surface, as beautiful as ever. Kate thought if she will ever see him again. She noticed that the cruise ship was gone, probably swallowed by the ocean just like most of the village was.
-"Mom..."- Kate said, not looking away from the horizon. -"I wanna go home..."-
Leena's face showed her sadness at the thought of their home being destroyed.
-"Let's go see if we still have a home..."- Leena said while getting up and patting the dirt off of her pants.

They made their way back down to the village and saw that the more they walked towards the shore, the worse the damages were. Besides that, people did not waste any time in rebuilding their homes and businesses. Everyone worked together while the children played. Kate saw hope in her people. In times of adversity, they always kept their head high and powered through their sadness and pain. It was very motivating. As Kate walked the streets, the people looked at her, some smiled while others gave her a fearful look. This made Kate feel rather uncomfortable, especially since she was wearing armor and shiny fabric. Kate has never worn anything like it and she wanted to take it off, maybe that way she wouldn't attract so much attention. Then Kate noticed something. All of the elderly folk bowed down to her as she walked by.
-"Oh no no, please no."- Kate whispered as she blushed and recoiled, covering her eyes and walking faster.
They finally reached their home, all windows were broken, and the door was gone, but by a miracle, the house was still intact. Leena and Ivee inspected the house and there was no water damage, the floor, and furniture were a bit wet, but the wood that the house is made of was undamaged.
-"Impossible...It's a miracle!"- Leena cried with joy.
Kate stood outside of the house, looking at it. Naoko approached her. -"Hey, your suit..."-
-"Huh?"- Kate looked down at her armor and it evaporated in flares of light, going back to the bathing suit she was wearing before.
-"Well, I guess I'll learn in time."- Kate said as she looked back at her home.
-"I need a nap..."- Kate continued.

Days went by and the village started to look alive again. They had proper burials for the lost lives. Missing persons' papers were posted all around the village. Buildings started to rise, houses were glowing in the night with electricity and candles of mourning. Music could be heard all around. The nearby islands sent donations and help in ships and boats creating strong bonds between them.
Kate looked outside her window. Her dazed eyes looked at the sea. But something caught her eye out on the horizon. A brand new cruise ship was headed towards the island. Kate poked her head out of the window.
-"I need to go to the port!"-
Kate went back in, ran down the stairs, and quickly put her shoes on.
-"Mom, I'll be back later!"-
-"Okay, sweetheart! Be Safe!"-
The door closed and Kate quickly made her way to the Port. Running past debris and workers.
-"He has to be here!"-

Kate finally arrived at the port and saw a big group of students boarding the cruise ship.
-"Crap!"- Kate stumbled on the planks and looked around for him.
-"Rai!?"- She called out but no one turned around. 
-"Please don't leave!"-

Minutes passed and the entire crowd of students boarded the ship. Kate tried to go into the ship and found a Host, who quickly asked for a ticket.
-"No, um, I'm not a student but I am looking for someone on this ship, can I go in and try to find him?"-
-"Miss, no ticket? No entry. Besides, we are not allowed to give you confidential passenger information or room, for safety."- The host collected his papers and turned to leave.
-"Please! I need to see him!"- Kate begged as she tried to walk in.
-"Security, take her out..."- The host commanded as he kept walking into the ship.
Two big security guards appeared from behind Kate and lifted her.
-"No! Don't touch me! I need to see him!!"- Kate struggled as the security guard carried her on his shoulder. -"Let. Me. Go!!"-
And he did, hard on the wooden boardwalk.
-"Ack Geez! Remind me not to save you from anything person!!"- Kate flipped him off.
-"Ughh, I guess everything happens for a reason...maybe...he wasn't the one..."- Kate lightly blushed at the thought of that corny sentence. -"I'm starting to sound like Naoko..."-
Kate shook her head, ruffling her hair with her hands, trying to get rid of the frustration, and sat down on the edge of the docks, legs dangling over the water. Kate sighed and closed her eyes.
-"How could he leave without saying goodbye?..."- Kate thought. -"I couldn't even thank him for saving Ivee and me."-
Kate opened her eyes to glance at the water below and over to the beach a few steps away she noticed a person. A blonde man was sitting on the shore, the breeze lightly tossing his hair, his crystal blue eyes staring melancholically towards the horizon.
Kate gasped and quickly stood up. -"It's him!"- She made her way down to the beach.

Rai sighed as the cruise ship set sail, leaving him behind not knowing if he was making a mistake or not. Rai stood up and patted his pants from the sand and turned to leave, and locked eyes with Kate. The beautiful girl that he met days ago and couldn't get out of his mind. Her dark luscious chocolate hair flowed in the wind, her deep blue eyes staring back at him with a hint of sadness.
-"Hey you!"- Rai warmly smiled at her.
Kate ran to him and hugged him. -"I thought you were gone!"- Kate said with a sigh of relief.
Rai hugged her back and placed his chin on her head.
This was the first time they embraced like this, it felt surreal and Rai never wanted to let go.
-"I couldn't..."- he said. -"I found something here that I couldn't bring myself to leave behind."-
Kate stopped hugging him. -"Like what?"-
Rai smirked at her. -"You."-
Kate blushed intensely as the sea breeze made her hair flow. She was surprised this was happening to her, then she snapped out of it.
-"Are you crazy!? You missed your way back home for me!!?? We just met!!"- Kate playfully punched Rai's arm as he chuckled.
Rai grabbed her wrist and pulled Kate closer to him. His other hand rested on her hip.
-"Seems like a worthy sacrifice."- Rai's seductive husky voice made Kate shiver. -"Any objections?"- His face a few inches from Kate's. She slowly shook her head while still blushing. 
-"Awesome then..."- Rai said, quickly changing his attitude and letting go of Kate, and turning away.
-"H-Hey! You can't speak to me that way!!"- Kate panicked, her blushed face started getting hot. Rai turned around and looked at her. He thought of when Kate was taken up to the sky and wondered if she was okay. Kate stared back at him expecting some snappy comeback but instead she just saw him show a bit of worry in his eyes.

-"Hey, you okay?"- Kate asked walking towards him.
-"What...did you see...up there?"- Rai said in a concerned tone with a hint of curiosity.
Kate stood there, processing his question. She hesitated and thought if she should tell Rai or if what she saw was too much to understand or even believe.
-"I...saw Celestians."- Kate's voice cracked a little bit. -"Cities filled with Celestians, they were tall with wings for ears. They had the most beautiful eyes."- The waves crashed against the sand, serving as filler for their silence.
-"And then, I saw God."- Kate thought Rai was going to accuse her of being crazy. Rai just stared at her as not one single emotion passed through his face.

-"They told me things of my ancestors, like how they were involved in this cycle of I don't know what and Bassislisk's minions were killing them off and..."- Kate sighed.
-"I saw you glowing...and floating."- Rai interrupted as Kate shifted her gaze from the wet sand to Rai.
-"You looked otherworldly, beautiful even."- Rai said in a low voice. Kate blushed as he said this but the thought of what she experienced made her shift feelings. Kate never thought that she would experience such a holy and overwhelming event, her anxiety peaked at the thought.
-"I don't know what to say, Rai. All I know is that now I have to do something about this and to be honest, I don't know what to do or where to start. I'm so lost."- Kate covered her eyes with her hands and started to cry.
-"It's just so much to handle..."-
Rai quickly stepped forward and embraced her, pulling her close.
-"Let it all out, I'm here for you."- Rai whispered as his hands caressed her shoulder.
-"We'll figure this thing out soon enough."-
They kept hugging close as the sea breeze gently ruffled their hair.

-"I still think it's weird that we just met and we decide to behave this way with each other...but it feels right."- Kate chuckled into Rai's chest while fighting back tears.

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