Chapter 22: Death Can Dance

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Kate lay on the bed, running her finger across Rai's chest as it lifted with his breaths. He looked so peaceful. She scanned his features, how handsome he was, and how vulnerable he looked when he was in her arms.

-What are we? Rai...-

She finally managed to get him to sleep, Kate hasn't forgotten that she needed to speak to Logan so she slowly and carefully climbed out of bed. She dressed up, covering her naked body with some comfortable pajamas.

Opening the door ever so slowly, she was met with the dim ambiance lights of the hallway, lighting the way down the stairs.

She felt a light breeze hit her, letting her know that Logan was waiting on the balcony, door open for her.

As Kate descended the stairs, she took a deep breath, she didn't want Logan to feel cornered by any means, she wanted him to open up to her, even if it meant hurting her. But why was her heart pounding so hard? Sneaking out of one man's room to meet up with another was not on her agenda. But why did she think of Logan like this? Or even feel guilty about it? Whatever, they are just friends...right?

Kate slid out the door and softly closed it behind her, noticing Logan's side glance. His yellow jewels complimented the night sky with the city lights as accents. His red hair blew softly in the breeze, his scent lingering within it, causing Kate to shiver ever so slightly. Kate truly cared for this man, she wanted what was best for him regardless of his past, present, or future.

-"Hey."- She greeted him, and he returned by nodding at her.

Kate sat on the chair next to him, silence comfortably accompanying them. Police sirens and car horns were filler while the skyline of buildings served as a backdrop for them as Logan thought of what to say.

-"Logan,"- Kate began.


 -"You're safe with me. You can say anything you need to, I will be here for you."- She warmly smiled at him.

Logan lightly frowned, gathering his strength to finally say what he needed to.

-"You promise?"- He said, his voice soft and uncertain.

-"I promise."- Kate tilted her head, assuring him.

Logan lowered his head, took in a deep breath as he turned toward Kate, and sat down next to her.

-"I've been...remembering a few things might find concerning."- He began.

Kate reached for his hand, letting him know that she was listening.

-"I...want you to know, that whatever happens, whatever I tell you, I will always be on your side...forever."- Logan covered Kate's hand with his, gently squeezing it.

Kate smiled at him, but couldn't help but worry, what on Prymeria could he possibly say that could make her think that he is an enemy?

-"I trust you..."- Kate whispered as Logan discreetly flinched.

-"When I was taken...I got some sense knocked into me..."- Logan exhaled. -"Bassilisk and the others that were there knew me as if I was part of them and later on, I started receiving flashbacks of memories with them."-

Kate remained silent, listening to everything he said, patiently waiting for anything that could shock her.

-"I knew them, I was part of them...Katerina..."- Logan turned to her, gazing into her eyes, proving his sincerity to her. Kate however remained calm.

-"I am one of the Great Seven..."- Logan finally let out. His voice cracked, terrified by what Kate's reaction would be, his chest tightened and his hands went cold.

Silence filled all around them, no longer any sirens or car horns, Kate's breath slightly shook as Logan confessed. A brick fell to the bottom of her stomach. Logan, one of her most trusted friends, the man who is training and teaching her, is part of the group who is trying to destroy her.

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