Chapter 49: Heal

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        -"Kate! You need to take a break, don't do the same thing you did in Keya."- Naoko called to her best friend who was going from door to door, seeing if anyone needed any aid. Now that Leena was fully healed, she kept herself busy cleaning her house and baking fresh loaves of bread for the town's people. Despite walking around with a cane to assist with her weak legs she still kept that sweet and familiar smile on her lips.

        Kate carried the basket full of fresh bread, and Ivee carried bottles of fresh water from the spring in the woods which miraculously remained clean. Logan watched over them and followed closely behind in case anyone did anything. The locals received Kate in their humble home, or what remained of it, thanking her for everything she had done for them. Kate healed them, gave them bread and water, and despite hating gifts, they would gift her many miscellaneous things like jewelry, and family heirlooms which Kate found very unnecessary and odd, and some gave them the very last bit of coins they had. She didn't want anything in return, it felt very awkward to receive said gifts despite a constant reminder that no payment was needed.
        Rai and Naoko helped rebuild some of the houses near the shore and slowly but surely the town was lively again. Because of the Great Shift, the town was now drastically different. Celeste Peak was tilted, the deep forests that hid their headquarters were slightly below sea level but still intact. But what was surely unbelievable is that the northwest area of the island was roughly nine hundred feet above the rest of the island, creating a massive cliff that was difficult to neither go up nor down from it, hell--even around it. The locals had to build roads and lifts from the lower level of the island to the top of what is now a cliff. On the top of the cliff however and luckily were just meadows and hills along with some farmland. It was truly impressive how it all looked so different now.
        After a few weeks, everyone was now cured of this disease, the dead were buried and mourned and the town elevated from the rot.
The enforcers and military personnel retreated, the Government went back into operation and slowly the hospitals emptied.

Kate worked restlessly to help her small island recover. Once they had a moment to breathe, they made their way back to their home.

Once they had sight of the big gray building, Kate took a big breath. -"Home."-

-"It doesn't look like it's overrun by the Fallen or Bassi-douche."- Ivee opened the door to the forge. It's as if they never left. Ivee ran inside and gave the clean building a good whiff.

-"Ahhh, can't wait to lay down on my own little bed!!"- She ran up the stairs as fast as she could.

Naoko stood next to Kate and rubbed her back. -"You made it back home..."- She whispered. Kate's eyes lowered as she pondered on those words.

Rai joined in, embracing Kate with one arm. Kate's nose began to sting and her eyes to water. She shook her head, not wanting to cry.

-"Go and rest, you deserve it more than anyone right now."- Naoko gave Kate a little push.

Logan entered the building, staring into the back of Kate's head. -"Babe."- He called to her, prompting her to turn.

-"Move into my room."- He said. Kate exhaled from her nose and smiled at him. -"Soon."-

Rai made his way up the stairs, pausing to hear Kate and Logan's exchange. It hurt, she was supposed to sleep in his bed, not Logan's. He still can't get over her. She was his drug, his guilty pleasure. He still needed her.

Logan walked Kate up to her room and kissed her forehead before leaving her alone for the night. -"I'll be in my room if you need me, don't hesitate to come by."- His nurturing voice soothed Kate's hazy mind.

Logan walked Kate up to her room and kissed her forehead before leaving her alone for the night. -"I'll be in my room if you need me, don't hesitate to come by."- His nurturing voice soothed Kate's hazy mind.

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