Chapter 1: The Calm Before the Storm

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Thunder crashed in the distance, the wind raging as she stood on the top of a cliff, gazing at the dark and turbulent ocean below. Raindrops hit her face as floating cities fell like meteors towards the land, crashing with shockwaves of deadly energy that swept across the horizon, further expanding the death and destruction. She stood there, frozen in fear, shielding her eyes from debris. Everyone she knew was dead, and soon, she would be too.

A strong, terrible aura manifested behind her, causing her to slowly turn to face it. A shadowy figure stood before her, wielding a mysterious weapon.


Flashes of light engulfed her sight as the figure approached with every blinding flash. She stepped back, almost falling into the abyss below. The air reeked of death around her, and she knew this was it.


The figure suddenly seized her right wrist, lifting her with a tight and angry grasp, as if it sought her demise once and for all. The figure walked to the edge and slashed at her with the weapon. Her arm began to burn intensely as she fell into the darkness, screaming, while the figure stared at her in silence.


"Kate! You will be late for school!" a familiar squeaky voice erupted from the bedroom door as Katerina screamed and fell out of her bed. Her heart beat out of her chest, disoriented. Kate looked at her hand that burned in the dream. It was fine; it was just a dream.

"Same dream, again. When will it stop?" Kate thought to herself, holding her forehead as she took deep breaths, trying to still the heart pounding out of her chest. Looking up at her alarm clock, Kate noticed she was late, quickly getting up to get ready.

Waves crashed into nearby rocks on the island of Kirya as the sun burned into Kate's skin, causing her to sweat slightly. The sound of her heavy breathing was muffled by the ocean waves and wind as Kate ran as fast as she could.

"Why do I do this to myself?" Kate said between pants and grunts.

"You're so lucky I decided to wake you up today; normally, I would just leave you behind!" Kate's younger sister scolded her. "Besides, you and I both know that this is your final warning before being suspended."

Kate started leaving her sister behind as she panicked and ran faster.

"I know, Ivee, I know!" Kate yelled.

Ivee stopped and tried to catch her breath, chuckling as she looked at her phone.

"If only you knew, Katie, if only you knew..." Ivee turned around to go back home.

Katerina was too frantic to notice Ivee wasn't even wearing her uniform; she only focused on getting to school on time.

Kate ran as fast as she could, noticing some guys from her class in casual clothes riding their bikes.

"Ah! What!?" Kate stopped in front of the school gates, and they were locked. The school was deserted. Kate quickly looked into her bag for her phone, and it wasn't there. She left it on her bed.

"Is... is it the weekend?" Kate thought.

At that moment, the guys passed behind her and laughed.

"You must be desperate! Nerd!" one of them yelled.

"It's the weekend, you ass hat!" another said as they laughed, pedaling away.

Kate was too stunned to snap back; she was played by Ivee... again.

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