Chapter 26: A Fleeting Moment

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***A.N: Some soft sexual themes, reader's discretion is advised.*

Kate awoke to feathers of light on her face. She felt prickles of pain all over her body. Her dry mouth makes it difficult to open. Blinding light engulfed her eyes making them sting. How long has it been since she has seen sunlight?

Her breaths became deeper and louder as she tried to make out the figures that were before her.

A TV and a couch adorned the far opposite wall. A flower vase was on the bedside table, and the heart monitor beeped steadily. Kate used her elbow to lift herself to sit, her arm sore and trembling. IVs stuck to her arms slowly hydrating her weak body.

-"What the..."- Her voice was weak and raspy.

Memories of the previous day flooded her already tired brain. The Fallen girl who attacked her, the Abaddon creatures, how she got stabbed...stabbed!
Kate quickly patted her abdomen to find thick bands covering her wounds. She hissed at the sudden pain. Wondering where everyone was and if they were okay, Kate slid out of bed, tugging on the IV catheter. Kate hated the feeling of being held back so this annoyed her.

-"Fuck, let me go!"- Her arm began to bruise on the injection site.

The door suddenly opened to see Logan walk in with two cups of hot beverages, one in each hand.

-"Logan!"- Kate sighed in relief at his sight.

Logan's eyes widened and he hurried over to Kate, embracing her and helping her sit back down.

-"Hey, hey...can't have you wandering around like this, just lay down."-

Kate complied and nodded as she got back on the bed. -"What happened?"- She asked.

Logan made his way to a chair on Kate's bedside and settled both cups down on the table.

-"You were looking very sickly, fever, flushed, and everything."- Logan took a sip of his beverage.
-"I brought you some white tea, your favorite."-

Kate eyed him, slightly surprised that he knew what her favorite tea was, even though she hasn't mentioned it to him, ever. She noticed how laid back Logan seemed and how caring he has become with her. He helped ease her anxiety and stress with just his presence alone. No matter what has happened to her, or what she just went through, she could trust Logan to help her through anything. She remembered how stressed and depressed he became a few days ago after the incident on the bridge and how protective he has become.

-"Thank you, babe..."- Kate whispered and blushed.

She started to feel the deep pain of her puncture wounds and her burns, sending tension waves throughout her body.

-"That Fallen Girl...Kali?...She was disgusting..."- Kate said in a whisper.

Logan slightly flinched, his heart skipped a beat at Kate's words. He turned to look out the window and hide his saddened expression from Kate. He regained his memories of Kali, so these words hurt him. He deeply cared for that girl, more than anyone.

-"But...I could tell she was hurting."- Kate continued. -"She kept mentioning you..."-

Logan quickly turned his head to face Kate. -"She did?"-

Kate nodded. -"You knew her, didn't you?"-

Logan didn't respond. His throat was tightening with loss and slight embarrassment. Kate looked down at her bruised hands. She knew that Logan was part of the Great Seven, but just the thought of them being so attached or even so endearing and caring of him made her feel a certain way. She never thought to think this but she felt somewhat jealous.  Kate began getting angry at herself for feeling jealous at a moment like this. But why was she jealous to begin with? Especially from a little Fallen girl. Were Malphas and Empusa as caring and loving to Logan as Kali was?

-"I did..."- Logan finally answered. His voice threatening to crack.

-"Is there anything you haven't told me yet?"- Kate sighed as she ran a finger on her bruised arm. Logan stared at her, pondering if anything at all would answer her question.

Kate's memories of the mines slowly began to come to her and she suddenly gasped.

-"There were corpses...all over the place...they covered the ground. So many..."-

Logan took this opportunity to change the subject and he nodded.
-"There were so many more than what I had expected, especially when it came to regular folks like women and children."-

Kate attempted to get out of bed again, but this time she did it slowly and carefully.
Logan shot up from his chair and held her arm gently.
-"Where are you going?"- He asked concerned.

-"I need to see President DiLaurentis, he needs to explain some things."- Kate's legs began to tremble underneath her. After a big battle, Kate would heal quite fast because of her blessing, but for some reason, the wounds and weakness she has were taking too long. Maybe they were more severe than she anticipated.

-"Not in this state, Katerina..."- Logan gently shook Kate from her shoulders and looked into her eyes.
-"Logan, I'm fine! I just want to end this so we can go home!"- Kate teared up, she felt powerless and frustrated at the fact that she has to stay one more day in Zamcain. Ironic how all she wanted was to travel out of her island, and by the time she finally did, everything goes wrong and she wants to run back home, like a dog with its tail between its legs.

-"We have time to do that later, just...let me take care of you."- Logan whispered, his thumb softly caressing Kate's upper arm in a soothing gesture.

-"Logan..."- Kate whispered back, beginning to ask something before trailing off.


-"Nevermind..."- Kate looked toward the flowers on her bedside, white lilies with a note attached to a vase.

-"Who are they from?"- Logan asked curiously.

-"Well, now I know they are not from you!"- Kate glared playfully at Logan as she aggressively picked up the note and began reading it. Logan rolled his eyes.

-"They are from Kayn Dupont..."- Kate put the note down and with a sigh she glanced out the window. The sunrise rays shone ever so majestically on the glass and steel skyscrapers around them. It was a beautiful morning in a depressing city. Tall pillars of smoke, fog, and vapor hissed into the sky, ruining the sun's shining rays. Now Kate knew why Rai didn't want to come back here. Everything was chaotic, dirty, corrupted, and built with lies and blood. Rai was right, everyone was shallow, superficial, and with no real connection.

-"Hey..."- Logan cooed. Kate looked up at him as he cupped her cheek. She pressed her face against his hand, closing her eyes as she felt his warm touch.

-"You've been acting so strange lately..."- Kate chuckled.

-"I've noticed..."- Logan sighed sharply. -"Don't remind me, I hate it."-

Kate let out a small laugh but winced at the sudden pain in her body.

-"Where are the girls?"- She asked as she let Logan lay her down once more.

-"Back in the hotel, packing up their things and getting ready to leave."-

-"Bless! All I need to do is confront the president and we are out of here!!"- Kate threw her hands in the air, excited to leave this stuffy place.

-"And Rai?"- She then asked.
Logan eyed her, not knowing what to say. He shrugged. -"I haven't seen him since yesterday, we got you to the hospital and then he vanished."-

Kate felt hurt, she was severely hurt and yet, Rai was not there by her side. Maybe this is what he felt when he was hospitalized and she went to save Logan instead of being next to him. Kate was still slightly angry at him for the other night, so she didn't let it bother her that much. She shrugs it off and gives Logan a forced smile.

-"Don't fake your makes you look ugly."- Logan sat next to her on the bed.

-"What the fuck!? Logan!"- Kate playfully slapped his arm. -"Shut up!"-

Kate turns in a pout and Logan grabs her cheeks as he lightly laughs. -"It's so easy to annoy you."-

-"You called me ugly..."- Kate whines like a crying child which then turns into a laugh.

-"I'm kidding,'re beautiful."- Logan turns away from Kate. Hiding his blushing face.

Kate smiles as she finishes her tea.
-"I'll let you rest, I'll be back for you later."- Logan got up on his feet but Kate yanked his arm back, causing him to sit back down.
He turns to her, surprised.

-"Logan...please stay with me."- Kate begged, not looking him directly in the face as she did. This man before her was her weakness, and she knew it. He made her tremble in more ways than one. But at this moment, she just wanted him close. She scooted over, leaving him a spot on the bed.

-"Katerina, I don't think..."- Logan was interrupted by Kate patting her hand on the bed.

Logan stood for a couple of seconds before sighing and laying down next to her. Kate blushed intensely at Logan's warm chest closing in and his arms wrapping around her in a calming embrace.

-"You are different, you used to be so cold and enigmatic..."- Kate whispered as she embraced him back.
-"Have you ever..."- Kate continued but trailed off. She wanted to know more about Logan, just regular guy stuff instead of his usual Fallen side. -"Ever liked someone?"-

Logan remained silent for a while as he frowned.
-"I don't like anyone..."- Logan exhaled sharply in the form of a chuckle.

-"You know what I mean!"- Kate lifted her head from his chest to look up at him, prompting him to look down at her.

Kate clutched Logan's shirt, wanting to pull him closer but fighting back that urge.

-"You make me feel things...that I haven't felt before..."- Kate hissed.

-"Is that so?"- Logan's tone was almost taunting. Slowly moving closer to Kate's face.


-"Why don't you act upon them then?"- Logan purred, seducing Kate to the edge of submission.

-"Logan...I..."- As Kate whispered his name, Logan turned his body to prop himself up on top of Kate, his hands on each side of her head. Kate felt enclosed and trapped under a hungry beast. Logan's strong arms locked her in as his hungry amber eyes tasted her. She began to shake, what was this feeling that took over? It felt almost...primal.
Something new to her and she didn't know how to react. All she knew is that she didn't want it to end. Slight embarrassment invaded her face, remembering that she was in an uncomfortable hospital gown and her ass was probably showing, not to mention the sore IV needles and itchy tape sticking onto her skin.

Kate covered her blushing face with her hands, hiding it from Logan who eyes her completely.

-"Have you ever liked anyone?"- Logan whispered the question back to her.
Kate's face burnt a deeper red, what this man does to her is unexplainable in words alone. Her body and soul reacted to him so easily. This was more than carnal or emotional want and it frustrated Kate to no end. It frustrated her because she wanted it, she needed it and yet something was preventing it, something in the back of her being telling her to yield.

Logan's breath became agitated, his hisses snitching on him, he was also trying to hold back.

-"Starlight..."- He ran his nose on her cheek, his lips relaxed, looking for hers.
Kate lifted her hands and burrowed them underneath his, intertwining their fingers.

-"Oh, fuck, Katerina..."-

Logan pressed his chest against Kate, softly kissing her jaw and pecking kisses down her neck.
Kate tilted her head to the side, giving him easy access.

Kate moaned softly at Logan's movements, his breath heating her neck and strands of hair doing their part in caressing her face.
Logan licked the trail of kisses he previously left behind as he lifted his leg in between Kate's thighs, pressing against her and grinding ever so slowly.

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