Chapter 33: His Screams

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Logan's blindfold was ripped off, revealing Moloch and Bassilisk standing before him. He recognized his surroundings even though it was a tad bit different. It had that same putrid smell of death he remembers from many years ago. He wished to forget, go back to the state of ignorance that had blessed him.

-"I did warn you, boy...If you behave, we wouldn't have to seal you."- Bassilisk stretched his fingers.

-"I am no Celestian for you to treat me like a lab rat, you sick fuck!"- Logan barked and Moloch punched him in the face. -"Try that again when I'm untied, prick!"- Logan continued as he spat out blood.

-"You are feisty, I remember the good ol' days when you would obey me without batting an eye. Good times."- Bassilisk tightened the chains on Logan's body.
-"After we're done, you will be a faithful lap dog, a murderous hellhound that will do my bidding.
Basically what you were being trained to do."-

-"Tch, I'd love to see you try..."-

-"Don't mind if I do. Lift him."-

Moloch tugged on the chains on the wall and Logan's body tilted up and forward, laying him down at a slight angle where his head is lower than the rest of the body.

-"Do you remember when you practically begged for Moloch to take you instead of your girlfriend, The Seed?"- Bassilisk spoke with a taunting tone. -"Well, she will hear your screams as we seal you, we made sure of it."-

Logan struggled to slip from the chain's cold sting. The metal loops pierced his skin as they pinched him over and over again.

-"This will hurt me more than it hurts you, boy."- Bassilisk cracked his knuckles and hovered them above Logan's back. He glanced at Moloch who nodded, and with a deep breath, Bassilisk began inserting his powerful energy into Logan's body, who held his screams back as the walls and air around them began to vibrate violently. Logan's face became red as he held in his screams, he couldn't have Kate worry more than she is now. But then, something happened, something snapped deep within him, something ancient that has been in deep slumber since the beginning of time. Logan snapped his head up as his eyes became black. Veins protruded from his forehead as he opened his mouth and with his entire strength, screamed. Bassilisk was stunned at this sudden strength and energy. He pushed harder gaining Logan's loudest outcries. The chains around Logan began to steam and glow a reddish-orange. Everything around them became hot and unbearable. Moloch held on to the chains which became hot to the touch.

-"My Lord! What is happening?!"-

-"His Blood, Solomon's blood is reacting!"-

Logan's tremendous voice rampaged throughout the headquarters and beyond. The Abaddonic creatures froze as they heard it. The walls trembled and the floor slowly caved in as his tense body descended and the chains around him melted. Shockwaves of pure deadly energy swept through Bassilisk and Moloch, causing them to fall to their knees. Kate's body was thrown back and hit the wall behind her. Yenziel and Ariel braced themselves as the room felt like it fell on top of them.

-"That's..."- Kate struggled to stand as the waves swept her back again and again. -"Logan!!"-Kate panicked, she needed to save him, these screams were like anything she could ever imagine. What kind of immense pain they had to cause to get Logan to burst and scream this way? Ariel drew her sword and with a strong swing, managed to indent the chains that held Kate back.

-"Let me just...!"- Ariel stomped on her sword hard as sparks of lightning came out and the chain broke off. Kate ran toward the cell bars and slammed her body against them.

-"Katerina...your hand!"- Yenziel pointed out. Kate still had her hands tied behind her back so she couldn't see but she did feel it. Elyon, burning bright and strong as Logan's screams never ceased. The shackles around her burning wrist melted off, freeing her.

-"I need to get out!!"- Kate quickly grabbed the iron cells and her right hand melted it. Ignoring this, Kate ran out of the cell and through the dark hallway, beasts and monsters reached at her through their cells, ripping her clothing as she fought her way out.

Yenziel and Ariel followed her. Ariel slashed and cut the beast's arms, claws, and fingers.

She then pointed her sword at the giant double doors of the prison and with a loud thunderbolt, destroyed it. Kate flinched and looked back at Ariel.

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