Chapter 13: Adjusting

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Kate and Logan walked through the empty dark streets of the village. White-rounded buildings reminded Kate that they weren't on their usual island. It felt extremely foreign and she enjoyed this feeling of wanderlust. Light bulbs clinked against each other in the light breeze as they walked further into the village. Logan tailed behind Kate, unmotivated by the brunette's craving to explore.
Kate noticed the sky turning a slight orange within the deep navy blue that was the night.
-"Logan, what time is it?"- she asked looking up at the sky.
-"How should I know?"- he answered coldly.
-"The sun is rising..."- Kate whispered. -"It should still be night time...By the way, I can't feel the ocean at all."- she added. 
-"We could be in an entirely different continent. another time zone."- Logan caught up to Kate.
Kate was in awe at the thought of being far away from her island for the first time. An airy "Woah" escaped her lips as she smiled.
The chime of a bell was heard nearby and they turned toward its direction. A multi-story building was slowly turning its lights on and a man walked out its doors as he dragged a heavy A-frame with prices written on it. Subtly noticing Kate and Logan staring at him, he turned to them with a blank and annoyed look.
-"Travelers?"- The man barked at them. Kate, smiling from ear to ear responded excitedly. -"You can say that!"-
-"I thought so, you don't seem to be from here, especially with your clothing."- The man lit a cigarette and inhaled.
-"I don't mean to bother you further but, can you tell us where we are?"- Kate approached the man who wore a heavy pelt hood adorned with feathers and blue stones.
-"This, my friends is Nonoka, the village within the hills, if you need a place to stay for the night my Inn is available if you wish."- The man grinned at the duo.
-"Thank you so much! You are most kind, sir!"- Kate smiled and slightly bowed her head.
-"Uh, there's no need for that--"- Logan began but was interrupted by another louder and deeper chime that was heard and Kate noticed a large clock tower at the end of the road.
-"Oh my gosh, I wish I had my phone with me!!"- Kate felt giddy while Logan was even more annoyed now as he let out a silent "tch".

The village folk began opening doors and windows, and banners of all shapes and colors hung from posts and towers. The smell of fresh baked goods and coffee engulfed the entire street.
-"Logan! Look! Look at them!!"- Kate exclaimed.
-"They are just regular people waking up, woman, not animals in a zoo. Now, let's get out of here before they notice you and your armor and get the wrong idea..."- Logan turned around and flinched at the sight of a group of children looking up at him quietly, their big wide eyes filled with curiosity.
-"Too late..."- He quietly said, disgust lingering in his tone.
-"Oh my goodness, hello!"- Kate pushed Logan out of the way and kneeled in front of the children.
-"Miss, are you a Princess?"- One little girl asked, tripping over her words.
-"Oh, me? No no!"- Kate chuckled and blushed as she shook her head.
-"You have a tiara, you must be a princess!"-
-"No, she has armor, she is a Celestian Princess!"-
The children talked over each other as their excitement escalated quite rapidly. Some even brought their parents to come look at Kate.
-"And he is the pet!"- A little boy pointed at Logan, laughing.
Logan widened his eyes and frowned. Insulted at this little child's innocent words.
Kate laughed with the children. -"He is my friend! He helps me practice with my sword!"- Kate showed the wide-eyed children her sword, still in its sheath.
The children exclaimed in awe.
-"Are you the legendary Celestian Warrior?"- An older kid asked as Kate shifted her eyes to them.
-"How do you know that?"- she asked.
-"It's a story passed down through generations! Not many people remember though..."- The kid explained.
Kate's face brightened up as she smiled. -"Well, yes, I am!"-
Children and adults alike surrounded Kate, trying to ask questions or even look at her.
Getting up on her feet, Kate raised her hands, trying to create space between her and the village folk.
As she tried to walk, people would gently caress and touch her armor and fabric, even her arms and hair. While everyone talked to her and raised praise, Logan pouted near the entrance of the inn, overlooking Kate, his arms crossed and leaning onto the pillar. He remained quiet so he wouldn't give out the wrong impression.
-"Miss, may we have your name?"- a Lady asked.
-"My name is Katerina Lockheart!"-
Kids and adults alike began to show her around. Kids played with her and hugged her, showing affection to this stranger that entered their village. Besides the dirt and dry blood on Kate's skin and armor from the previous fight, she portrayed herself as graceful as she could ever be, so graceful in fact, that the village folk ignored these flaws. They just assumed she traveled long and far, defeating Fallen to protect them.
-"Princess, you're very pretty!"- Kids yelled at her and ran away sheepishly.
Kate laughed with the children and shared stories with them.
-"How did you become The Celestian Warrior?"- A man in the crowd asked.

-"Well, to tell you the truth, it was very scary!"- Kate sat on a set of stairs near the Inn.
-"Do tell!"- Everyone scooted closer to Kate, excited and eager for the story she was about to tell.
-"Well, I was at the beach with my best friend, I met this guy who I really, really liked. Everything was going great, we were having a good time. Then suddenly...BOOM!!"- Kate yelled, throwing her hands up, imitating the explosion. Kids gasped and fell back laughing.
-"Everything was so bright that my eyes hurt!"-
Kids exclaimed in awe. Logan listened in from afar, watching over Kate.
She told how the sea retreated and came back as a tsunami and how people ran away to the mountain. Kate excluded the gruesome details of death and destruction to not scare the kids.
-"And just before the water reached us, a brilliant beam of light came down from the heavens, and descending from it came The Archangel God Yenziel and saved us!"-
The adults rejoiced and prayed thanks to Yenziel.
-"What happened next, princess!?"- A little girl asked.
-"He took me by my hand and lifted me to the sky. He took me to the Floating cities where the Celestians live! And I met The God of Gods Elohim..."-
Kate said, almost in a whisper, unsure if she would be labeled as a crazy person. She had to be wary of the things she says to not attract unwanted attention. However, the energy these villagers gave Kate was addicting in a way, causing her to spill and say everything.
-"God!!!?"- The crowd shouted. Logan's eyes widened at the sudden reaction of these people. They seemed very dated. He noticed there were no vehicles in sight or any phones for that matter. Electricity was used here but no other modern accommodations were seen.
Suddenly, ladies and children began singing prayers to Kate.
-"Oh, you don't have to--!"-
Some other people gently helped Kate up on her feet and walked her over toward the clock tower. Logan looked at how they took her away while she gave him signs of confusion, she mouthed "help" to him many times but all he did was stare at her, raising his eyebrows in a "you did this to yourself" look on his face.
-"And you young man, who are you to the Savior?"- Logan flinched and looked at the old lady clinging to his arm.
-"None of your concern..."- He answered harshly, his deep husky voice resonating in the old woman's ears.
-"Oh, you are so cold, young men like you make me feel young again!"- The old lady shivered at Logan's voice and eyes as he recoiled internally.
-"If you'll excuse me, The "savior" needs my assistance."- Logan yanked his arm away from the old lady and walked away.

By the time he made it to the clock tower, Kate was sitting on a parade throne and was being attended to with food and drink, people performing dances and songs for her.
-"What in the world did she get herself into now??"- He sighed.

-"No, seriously! You don't have to do this!"- Kate declined all the food they placed in front of her. A man who appeared to be the village's church bishop stood before her and thanked her for visiting them.

As a group of dancers performed behind the bishop, one of them accidentally kicked a little girl in her chin, sending her crashing onto the ground.
Kate gasped and jumped from the throne toward the crying little girl. Logan saw her reaction and just stood watch.
-"Are you okay sweetie!?"- Kate asked, helping the child sit up and noticed the had a busted lip and bleeding chin, crying inconsolably, the little girl's pregnant mother came running and held her.
-"You'll be okay dear, here!"- Kate took her skirt and wiped the blood from the little girl's lips. As soon as Kate's hand touched the little girl's injury, her hand began to shine a white pure light.
Kate gasped and remained still making sure not to scare the child.
Everyone around them gasped and kneeled. As the light dimmed and eventually ceased, the little girl's injury was gone along with her tears.
-"How did I..."- Kate tried to find the words to express what she just did. Logan slightly parted his lips and tilted his head, also trying to comprehend what Kate just did.
-"You really are the savior..."- The entire village was kneeling for Kate and she gasped.
-"Seriously, don't kneel for me, I'm just a normal person like all of you..."-
-"Seriously...?"- Logan spat out in sarcasm.
-"Logan, you're not helping!!"- Kate yelled at him, pointing her finger.

-"Oh, Savior, let us bring our sick and cripple to you, heal them with your holy power!"- a man bowed.
-"I-I wish I could if I knew how I did it in the first place!!"-
Kate began to feel pressured, and uncomfortable by this attention. It sure was completely different than the insults and maltreatment she was receiving from her islanders. But it was too much for her.
-"Logan, we gotta go!"-
-"Say no more..."- Logan leaped high in the air and landed next to Kate. As Logan was about to snap his fingers Kate's hand gently grabbed his shoulder. -"Not that way..."- she whispered.
Logan glared back at her and sighed.
-"You're so demanding..."- His husky voice whispered.
Logan glared at the crowd, causing everyone to step back. Children began to cry, women fainted and men quivered in his presence. 
-"Leave the girl alone, we have a business to attend to...Come, Katerina."- Logan grabbed her hand and lead the way through the crowd, people making way for them as they quietly stared at Logan.
Kate had never seen his presence have so much impact on people, especially an entire village.
He can hide his energy, making him undetectable but when he releases it, everyone notices.
The old lady who flirted with Logan waited for them at the exit of the village.
-"I knew it..."- She whispered. -"The Angel and the Demon..."-
Logan's eyes flicked toward her, almost menacing in a way but the old lady, void of any intimidation, stared back at him. -"Don't let it win..."- She whispered.
Logan's eyes widened as he turned his head away from the old lady.
They finally exited and as Kate saw the village begin to be swallowed up by the lush green hills surrounding it, the entire main street was filled with people looking up at her.
-"Please stay safe! I will be back!"- Kate waved at them, and the people waved back as they sang and prayed for her.

The singing began to dissipate as they walked back toward the tunnel's entryway.
-"Do you think they'll be okay?"- Kate asked.
-"They've been okay before you, they will be okay after you."- Logan's voice sounded almost relieved that they left that stuffy place.
-"Princess!"- A small voice was heard behind them. It was the little girl who Kate treated for her chin and lip. Her deep black raven hair was up in a tiny ponytail, imitating Kate, and her red eyes showed worry.
-"Oh, hey! Don't run off far from your parents!"- Kate kneeled in front of the little girl.
-"I won't! For you!"- The little girl extended her little arms and handed Kate a golden necklace. It was clear plastic, covered in cheap gold paint with a heart pendant but Kate was surprised.
-"Is this for me?"-
-"Uh huh!"- The girl nodded. -"You go away but when you come back, I will be gone, moving to another place. It's my treasure!"-
Kate widened her eyes and started to tear up.
-"Oh you...Thank you so much! I will treasure it!"- Kate lightly whimpered. -"Let me give you something too!"-
Kate reached up to her hair band and took off the golden bay leaf barrette that adorned her hair and put it on the little girl's ponytail, just like she was wearing it.
-"You're a princess now."- Kate smiled. -"And you know what princesses have?"-
The little girl shook her head and smiled big and wide.
-"Jewels! And this one is for you!"- Kate reached into her pocket and pulled out the brilliant red jewel. The little girl gasped and took the jewel in her two little hands. She lunged to hug Kate. -"I will never forget you!"-
Kate hugged her back. -"Till we meet again uh...what's your name?"-
The little girl's red eyes widened in excitement. -"Emilia! Emilia Brimstone!"-
-"Well, Emilia, I will never forget you! We will see each other again."-
-"Promise?"- Emilia put up her pinky.

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