Chapter 28: Detour

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Naoko tended to Kate's anxiety episodes, she still felt like absolute shit after she met with the president and Don Kayn. But overall, she waited for Rai to show up so they could finally leave.

-"It's almost time to go...and Rai isn't back yet."- Logan leaned against the wall, visibly angry.

-"I'm gonna go find him!"- Kate stood up but Ivee held her back.
-"Stay still for once, will you?"- Ivee raised her voice slightly. It was ironic those words coming from her mouth. -"You're always doing too much for other people when they should do their part them halfway."-

Kate scoffed and crossed her arms.

-"If the brat isn't coming then let's go, we are wasting our time."- Logan carried his bag over his shoulder and opened the door.

-"Fine,"- Kate sighed. -"He will show up, he has to, he wants to be with us, right?"- Kate tapped on her phone, hesitating to call him again. Her fingers trembled in a mixture of anxiety and anger.

-"Call him if you want, anything to calm you down."- Logan exited the suite.

Kate exhaled. -"Okay I will!"- She tapped the screen, looking for Rai's number on the log. She tapped on his name and it began to ring.

Seconds passed and the ringer kept going. -"Ugh! Why isn't he answer--"-

-"Hello~?"- A female voice answered.

Kate's throat tightened and became dry. -"U-Uhh, Hi, This is Katerina, U-Um...who's this?"- She glanced at the screen to make sure she called the right number. And it was.

Everyone in the room turned their heads and Logan peeked through the doorway.

-"Oh, Hi darling. This is Maya. Rai left his phone over at my place, do you think you can let him know to come back and get it?"-

Kate's hands began to shake, more than they already were. Her breathing became shallow and her skin felt prickly.
-"U-um, if you d-don't mind me asking...w-what are you to him?"- Kate tried to speak calmly and collected, failing at the attempt.

-"I'm his long-term girlfriend. I would like to meet you someday, I've heard so much about you! Thank you for everything you do."-

Kate went cold. She couldn't breathe, but her fingers became numb and clammy, dropping her phone at the lack of strength. Naoko caught the phone and with a steady voice, she began to speak.
-"Yes, Hello, this is Katerina's manager, we would like to know where Rai is located. He is late for our trip back home."-

-"Hmm, he left my apartment a few minutes ago, he must be halfway to the hotel by now, he did mention that he was late."- Maya chuckled. -"Typical of Rai, honestly."-

Naoko began to sweat, she eyed Kate, watching her best friend crumble onto herself in a silent anxiety attack. She wasn't crying, she wasn't screaming, she was quiet, the color of her face vanished and all that was left was heartbreak. Not because he was with another woman, but because Rai took Kate's virginity while he was in a relationship with another girl.

By Maya's tone, both Kate and Naoko knew that Maya was not aware of Kate and Rai's relationship or lack thereof. They did have a thing, but they weren't official, which is why Kate didn't hurt on that part.

-"Okay, well tell him we will leave without him, his things will be waiting for him in the hotel. Thanks."- Naoko hung up and turned to grab her things.

-"How...How could he...use me?"- Kate teared up. -"How could that to her?"-

-"This is no time for this Kate, let's go, the sooner we get away from him, the better."- Naoko sounded rough and angry, but still empathized with Kate.

Logan helped Kate up on her feet as Ivee carried her things. Everyone was quiet as they left the hotel.
Kate's stoic stone face would fool everyone around her to believe she was under control of her emotions,  but she was far from it. On the inside, she was devastated, crying, screaming, burning, and dying. She wanted to disappear, perhaps even hurt someone. Choke Rai? or Pound his head in? At this moment all she wanted to do was tear herself apart. Her hands shaking in frustration and helplessness. She has never craved her mother's embrace as she did now. Numb and dismissive toward the fast cars that passed by them on the busy street, she didn't notice when Reggie pulled over in his black car. He stepped out of the car and opened the door for Kate.

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