Chapter 30: Kidnapped

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Ivee made her way down to the foot of the cliff. The dew drops on the grass subtly moistened her feet as she ran to the boulders that lined the edge of the valley. She climbed on them to see a limp hand, covered in cuts and bruises.

-"Logan!!"- She shouted. The boulders were sharp so it was uncomfortable to climb them. It was a bad day to wear flip-flops. As she approached Logan, her sandal got caught on one of the sharp points and broke off, cutting her foot.

-"Ahh!"- She shrieked. But that didn't stop her. Ivee reached for Logan's hand and squeezed it.
He was still warm, a good sign. She hoisted herself up and inspected Logan's body. He was bleeding from his head and his clothes were ripped.

-"Logey..."- Ivee lifted his head to get him off of the sharp rocks, which miraculously missed his vital points. He was out cold, limp, and not responding. At least he was breathing.

The commotion on the top of the cliff could be heard, despite being up high. That being said, It's a miracle Logan even managed to survive such a fall. Ivee looked up, wondering what was going on up there. She placed her hand on Logan's head, covering his wound.
Logan's eyebrows twitched slightly.
-"You're okay, Logey! You're okay!"-

Ivee looked up to see a man rapidly falling at them. But he wasn't falling, this scary man was dashing toward them at great speeds. Ivee widened her eyes and gasped. She tried to escape, but Logan was too heavy to carry or even drag.
Moloch crashed into them, creating a massive cloud of dust and destroying the sharp rocks around them.

When it cleared up, Ivee lay on the gravel. She coughed a few times, clearing her airways of the dust. She opened her eyes to see Moloch, carrying Logan by the head.

-"No! Stop!"- Ivee got up and ran toward him but fell on her knees at the injury on her foot. Moloch looked down at her. He noticed the horns on her head and her red eyes glaring up at him.
-"Little one..."- He kneeled before Ivee. -"What business do you have with this man?"- He presented Logan to Ivee, tauntingly shaking him.

-"He...He's..."- Ivee tried to speak, but Moloch intimidated her. She also didn't want to say anything that could get either her or Logan killed.
-"He' friend...please don't hurt him."- Ivee was shaken, she crawled to Moloch's boots and grabbed at him. -"Please..."-

Moloch stood up and sharply exhaled from his nose. -"No promises, he's hurt us, he's killed many of his own family."-
Ivee looked up at him with a slightly surprised look. Screams from above them rang out as Valac dashed from the cliff, Kate in her grasp.
Ivee gasped. -"Kate!!"-

-"Time to go..."- Moloch said before creating a giant portal that Valac dived into. Moloch noticed Ariel chasing Valac into the portal and chuckled.

-"This will be interesting..."- He said before walking in.

Behind Ivee, a loud revving of an engine was heard. She quickly turned to see Rai and Naoko in the car.
-"Get in!"- Rai shouted at Ivee.
Ivee quickly jumped into the car and Rai floored it. The portal was shrinking rapidly.

-"We're not gonna make it!!"- Naoko shouted.
-"Fuck!"- Rai cussed as he reached an uncontrollable speed.

-"No!! Kate, Logan!"- Ivee cried out as the portal sealed right before them causing Rai to momentarily lose control of the car.

-"Fucking shit!!"- Rai punched the steering wheel as Naoko and Ivee held back tears.

Valac carried Kate as she dodged and maneuvered around old abaddonic structures and Ariel's attacks.
-"How are you still fighting!?"- Moloch shouted from behind them.

They arrived at the fortress, Bassilisk's throne room was just on the other side of the main doors. Ariel flinched at the sudden realization of where she was. She has been down there before, but she had God's protection with her, but this time, she was on her own. Valac swung open the doors to find the throne room empty.

-"Hey!"- Ariel landed behind her. -"She's mine, Valac, release her!"- She took a stance.

-"Ariel please, I don't want to fight!"- Valac embraced Kate, shielding her from the angry archangel.
-"Hand her over!!"- Ariel stepped forward.

-"I almost don't want to kill you after you survived the hole in your chest."- Moloch said from behind her.

-"What does God want with her now? You said that she was useless to him anyways in the proposal you offered a while ago."- Valac asked. 

-"Mind your business."- Ariel bit.
-"It is our business now!"- Moloch walked past Ariel, giving her a smug look. -"We're basically on a tug of war with the girl."-

-"Let's wait until Lord Bassilisk returns, maybe we can come to an accord, no promises though."- Valac glanced over at the throne.

-"I don't have time for that! I want her dead, let me do it so I can get back before I--"- Ariel trailed off. Moloch and Valac stared at her, waiting for her to continue.

-"Uh, nothing personal, Ariel, but your kind isn't welcomed here. Bassilisk will kill you if he finds out you are trying to get--"- Ariel interrupted Moloch.

-"What does Bassilisk want with the Seed?"-

-"That's not your concern."- Moloch spat back. -"I suggest you leave before I make a second hole in your chest."-

-"God will kill me if I don't kill her!"- Ariel finally admitted.

Valac and Moloch stared at Ariel for a moment.
-"Why would God kill off his best and strongest warrior?"- Moloch asked. Valac nudged him on his side.
-"Shh, he almost did it to us and Bassilisk what makes you think he won't kill them off?"-

-"You're right but I'm still shocked by the fact that he keeps banishing his best people, this could also be a good thing."- 

Valac and Moloch bickered with each other, lowering their voices more and more.

Ariel sighed in frustration. -"Yenziel..."-

Moloch and Valac turned to Ariel again.

-"Yenziel he...his wings were ripped from him..."-

Valac gasped and Moloch frowned. -"You mean..."-

They all turned to the empty throne. -"Does Lord Bassilisk know!?"- Valac asked.

-"I...I'm not sure...we have to wait and see."- Moloch turned to Ariel. -"But you have to leave."-

-"I'm not going anywhere, I'm not going back and get killed by Fath...uh, God..."-

Moloch chuckled. -"Oh, the irony."-

-"Then you'll wait here with us until Bassilisk gets back. I trust you'll behave."- Valac gave Ariel a reassuring nod. She wasn't smiling but behind the cold stone face, Valac was smiling at Ariel, she could feel it.
Goosebumps ran up Ariel's skin at the sudden drop in adrenaline, the pain in her chest began pulsating and she dropped to the cold rugged floor.

-"Shit..."- Ariel's hand began to glow as she attempted to heal herself.

Abaddonic beasts marched in as Moloch began to speak.

-"Lock them in the cells, chain them up, and reinforce Logan's chains. We don't want him to escape again."- Moloch instructed.


Bassilisk wandered endlessly around the crater that its energy burst shook him to his core. The ground under his feet was cracked and hot. It reminded him of when he fell from the heavens. Goosebumps covered his skin at the thought. Who was it this time? Could they be of some use now that most of his warriors are dead? He needed all the help he could get.

He finally arrived at the center of the crater to find a blonde man, struggling to get up.

-"Exile!"- Bassilisk shouted, calling out to the man. -"God has abandoned you, but fear not, you are not alone!"- Bassilisk walked over to him. As he got closer, he slowly began recognizing the face, the features, and the aura.
Bassilisk silently gasped and took a step back.

The man stood up on his feet, facing away from Bassilisk. He inspected his arms and his surroundings. Until he finally turned and locked eyes with the silver-haired man.

-"Y...Yenziel?"- Bassilisk said lowly.

Yenziel's eyes widened in shock. This was the first time they have seen each other since that fateful day. Bassilisk became cold, he didn't understand why he was feeling this way for this man. Yenziel, however, felt guilt and warmth at the sight of his lover. So many millennia, eons without laying eyes on the love of his life. But, he wasn't Braliel, the man he loved, this was Bassilisk, his shell, the evil and hurt side of him. Braliel was no more.

-"Brali-...Bassilisk."- Yenziel sighed.

-"You...your wings..."- Bassilisk pointed out. He knew Yenziel was a God, a high-ranking archangel who only served God Elohim, and yet, here he was, standing before him, dethroned, filthy and degraded. Bassilisk internally shook his head and smirked.
-"Oh, how the mighty have fallen...Literally."-

Yenziel lowered his eyes, embarrassed and humiliated.

-"But as we fall, we become stronger as we rise again..."- Bassilisk added. -"You might be of some use to me...come, we must prepare you for what's to come!"- Bassilisk turned around and began walking to a portal that manifested before him.

Yenziel couldn't believe what was happening, he spent all his life training and being brainwashed into being devoted to God Elohim and his laws and teachings. Only to be thrown away like garbage if you questioned it. The truth finally came to light and it was ugly. Elohim is nothing but a selfish, abusive, and murderous tyrant. Opposite of his teachings. Anger grew in Yenziel's heart, he felt betrayed, lied to, and manipulated.

He looked up at the portal to see Bassilisk staring at him, waiting for him with a softened expression. Yenziel's insides stir, he never stopped loving him.

-"Shit..."- He walked toward Bassilisk and they both disappeared into the portal.

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