Chapter 51: Unexpected Guests

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**The following chapter is intended for mature audiences. It contains a short scene of strong sexual content. Reader's discretion is advised. **

Ivee danced throughout the night, time and time again glancing at Naoko's dance moves. She was captivated by how well she performed. Her swift but gentle movements, her delicate hands, and her nimble feet would make anyone stare. Perhaps she did belong there, not as a woman looking for a man, but as a dancing goddess of the night. Sweat ran down her cheek, the fire was starting to feel a tad bit unbearable. But there was nothing that could break Ivee's concentration. She kept glancing at the crowd now and again to see if she saw her sister. But this time she was met with two familiar faces. Two platinum blondes, taller than everyone else. She gasped and danced her way over to Naoko.

-"Psst, Nao...Nao!"-
Naoko raised an eyebrow, confused as to why Ivee would need to talk to her now of all times.

-"Look in the very back of the crowd. Next to the blue lantern."-

Naoko did so and saw both Yenziel and Ariel standing and looking around, confused at this gathering and dance display.

-"Oh shit!"- Naoko shouted but covered her mouth, embarrassed. She didn't stop dancing though.

-"What do they want now?"- Naoko lowered her voice but was noticeably angry.
-"Maybe they're looking for Katie..."-
-"We'll find them at the end of the night, for now, we'll keep an eye on them."-
Ivee nodded as they continued their dance.

-"What in the heavens is going on here?"- Ariel looked around in slight disgust.
-"It's their traditional festival, don't be rude."- Yenziel said as he looked around.

-"I'm not rude, justconfused."- Ariel sighed. -"I just hope Eri and Viola are okay."-

-"They're fine, now come on, let's find the seed and get our plan in motion."-

They both carefully walked behind the crowd and both Ivee and Naoko followed them with their eyes.
- "Hey, doesn't that one look familiar to you?"- Yenziel pointed out at Ivee and her eyes widened.

-"Yes, but the long black hair next to her is a lot more familiar."- Ariel caressed her head, seeing Naoko's face reminded her of the fight they had and how much each punch and blow hurt. In truth, she was glad Naoko was okay.

-"Perfect, maybe they can tell us where the Seed is."- Yenziel began making his way through the crowd in the direction of the altar.

-"Oh no, no, no!"- Naoko and Ivee stepped back, attempting to hide behind the other dancers.


-"Oh, fuck! Logan! Keep going!"- Kate dug her nails into his back, scratching him and drawing out blood.
-"One more babe, just one more for me!"- Logan's growling voice said as he slapped against her, the entire bed drenched in their love juices and their bodies making lovely, wet, lewd noises.

Kate came once more, spraying on him and the bed.

-"Fuuuuuuuck!!"- Kate cussed out and Logan chuckled. -"You are enjoying this way too much."-

Logan turned Kate around, lifting her hips in the air. -"I don't think my body can take any more babe."- Kate begged but it fell on deaf ears as Logan began fucking her from behind.

-"You feel so different in this position."- Logan groaned.

Kate's entire body was so sore, that her thighs trembled, and her moans were now grunts.
The alcohol wore off as the sweat ran down their heated bodies. Logan stood up from the bed and dragged Kate by her hips, lifting her off and leaving her upper body dangling in the air.

-"W-what are you doing!?"- Kate moaned out in surprise.
-"I'm about to cum..."- Logan groaned as he thrust hard into her.

The way her body was folded, her legs spread apart and nothing supporting her, but Logan's hands felt as if she once again dived into an endless pool of deep ecstasy. He was hitting her in parts she didn't even know existed. His thrust became agitated and sloppy as his moans became louder.

-"I'm cuming too! Don't stop!!"-

Kate's womb exploded in pleasure as Logan grunted into her, his dick pulsating and spilling his hot cum into her contracting walls. Their juices mixed up and ran down their thighs and Logan wrapped Kate's hair on his fist, pulling her toward him while he was still inside her.

Kate's breath was shaky, she could not feel her body anymore and she loved this. Only Logan would make her feel this way. She loved having that lingering soreness in her womanhood after a good fuck, serving as a constant reminder of who she belonged to now.

-"Ohh daddy..."- Kate sighed out loudly before being forcefully kissed.

Logan threw her back on the bed, and she lay there, unable to even move a muscle. He then jerked off a little more as he watched her laying, destroyed and high in pleasure. The last few drops of cum shot to Kate's ass cheek, glazing her like the sweet treat she was. Logan growled and slapped it before also lying down beside her.

Their panting breaths mixed, and he moved some of Kate's wet hair out of her damp face.
-"Are you okay?"- He gently asked.

Kate's eyes struggled to open and remain open. -"Uh huh..."- She nodded.

She was so tired; that she could barely speak. Logan smiled and pulled her in for an embrace.
-"You're doing so good, Starlight."- He kissed her head. -"Rest we can do it all over again."-

Kate's eyes shot open. -"What?"-

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