Chapter 43: Darkness Peaks

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-"Naoko, the car needs gas, and we need to rest. Let's find a motel or something, I've been craving a bed for so long!"- Ivee stretched her arms up as she yawned.

-"With a murderer on the loose? Hell no."- Naoko said in a raspy and tired voice. -"I underestimated how big this city was...these walls are so massive. It's impressive."- She continued.
-"I can't sleep anyways, let's just get gas and keep going, I'll drive if you're too tired."- Kate said.
-"Fine, but let's make it quick. Pit stops could be the death of us."-

Naoko stopped at the closest gas station in the city and everyone except Rai exited the car.
-"Logan, fill the tank, I'll go pay inside."- Naoko walked with Kate and Ivee into the convenience store. Rai looked around and noticed Logan leaning against the car. He had been playing with his hands for hours now so he looked closer to see that Logan's hand was stained with dry blood.

-"Logan, your hand."- He whispered.
-"Mind your business."- Logan bit.
-"You got hurt while saving me..."-
-"Don't get all mushy, prick. I told you that if it wasn't for Kate I would've let you die."-

Rai remained quiet at Logan's harsh words. Something told him not to take it personally though. Even before they met he was always so harsh and sharp, everyone now started getting used to it. The girls always found it amusing and somewhat cute.

-"Here."- Rai motioned his arm. He held bands in his hand with some antiseptic. -"I ain't doing it for you, you take care of it yourself..."-
-"Like hell, I'd let you touch me! Besides, I don't need it."- Logan growled as he looked away.
-"You're acting a wolf licking its wound."-

-"Again with the primitive!?"- Logan wanted to snap back at him, but Rai was right. He was behaving primitively. Logan took a deep breath and clicked his tongue.


The three girls came back out with bags of snacks and drinks.
-"I'm so glad you opened up that account, Naoko. You saved our asses."- Kate smiled beneath her mask.
-"It's my job."-
-"Tank is full, let's get out of here."- Logan said as he walked to the front seat.

-"Right!"- Kate jumped in the driver's seat and waited for everyone to buckle up. The little light the sun gave quickly vanished and not even the moonlight was helping to see in the pitch-black darkness of the screeching city. Only the gas station's dim red light helped a bit, but made the atmosphere eerie and creepy.
Kate looked around into the darkness that was past the red light, seeing movement within. She shook her head, must be her tiredness getting the best of her.
She turned on the ignition and turned on the headlights to reveal two men in black suits standing in the darkness. She gasped.

-"Rai! Hide!"- Kate shouted as she reversed out of the gas station.
-"Let me handle them."- Logan said as he jumped out of the car.
-"Logan! No!!"-
-"I recognize those two..."- Rai whispered. -"Deimos and Phobos, Kayn's bounty hunters."-

Logan stood in the red light, glaring at the two men who stood before him.

-"Well, if it isn't the demon boy. Good job earlier today, 'twas impressive."- The lighter-voiced Deimos spoke.
-"You could've killed my girl..."- Logan manifested a dagger from black smoke into his hand.
-"Oops...we're not here for you or your girl, we're here for--"-
-"Rai Dupont, I know..."- Logan finished Deimos's sentence. -"And frankly, I don't care. All I care about is the fact that you almost killed my girl."-

Phobos, the bigger and buff of the two, cocked his gun.
-"You already saw what I can do, you wanna keep going down that route?"- Logan's eyes began to glow bright in the red light.
-"We'll take our chances."- Deimos also cocked his rifle.

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