Chapter 34: A Second Chance

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The ground underneath their feet began to tremble. Logan's blood ran deep into the roots of the fortress, bringing it to life. The howls and roars of monsters emerged as their purpose finally came to light. The deep sea of beasts which surrounded the fortress became restless.

The underground sky burned red, armies rose from the ashes and the cells in the prison opened on their own, freeing the creatures within. Among these creatures, lingered a few with humanoid characteristics. Some tall and slim, and some giant. But all had distinct features which differ from the Fallen. Some had skulls for faces, some massive horns, and some had wings. It's what it would look like if the Fallen would've sunk deeper into darkness.

Logan's throat stung as Kate's hand began to glow. On the contrary of curing him, she was burning him.

-"K-Kate...Stop"- His deep voice told her.

-"I have to stop the bleeding Logan I can't have you die here!!"-

Logan grabbed Kate's wrists, and gently shook her.

-"I'm okay..."-

Kate looked at his wound to see it vanish, his neck and clothes drenched in the sticky red.

-"I'm more than okay..."- He caressed Kate's cheek. Reassuring her. Logan seemed different, not only physically but, in everything else. His eyes were full of emotion and not dull and cold like before. He was a new person.

Logan turns toward where Bassilisk and Yenziel are then he turned to Moloch.

-"Moloch..."- He called. The way he called him was familiar like he has always done when they worked together.

Moloch turned quickly with eyes widened. -"Logan...?"- He pushed Ariel away and approached Logan.

-"Are your memories back?"-

-"I got back way more than that..."- Logan smirked. -"I heard you like to punch people so...I have something for you..."- He clenched his fist and punched Moloch in the face, hard. Moloch crashed onto the wall space between Yenziel and Bassilisk head first.

-"That's for punching Katerina..."-

Kate quickly stood up and clung to Logan's sleeve. -"We are in no condition to keep going, I finally have you, let's leave this place and fight Bassilisk when we've regained our strength."-

Logan chuckled. -"This is the perfect time, Starlight."- Waves of eerie and powerful energy swirled around Logan's arms.

-"Let's end this, once and for all."-

-"No! Logan!"-

Yenziel turned toward Logan and Bassilisk sneaked away, dashing toward Kate and stabbing her in the neck with his dagger.

Everything went silent as this happened, ice ran through Logan's veins as he saw the man he despised hurt the woman he most adored.


As Kate gargled in pain, Bassilisk pulled his dagger out and called for Moloch.

The tall dark man threw Ariel at Yenziel, knocking them down, and ran toward Bassilisk.

-"Vicissim Tempus!"- Moloch made a hand sign and as Logan leaped toward Bassilisk to attack him everything around them became white.

Soft clouds cushioned Logan and Kate's bodies as they slept. Slowly, the chirp of crickets began to come into play, along with the cold, wet night. What sounded like engines and wheels running on the distant highway was somewhat comforting.

Logan's eyes snapped open to see the tranquil night sky.


He looked next to him to see Kate, sound asleep, with no wound in sight.

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