Chapter 27: Break

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***This Chapter contains strong sexual content. Reader's discretion is advised***

-"Wow, Rai, you have changed quite a bit..."- Maya lightly slurred her words, her cheeks rosy from the many drinks she's lost count in.

-"So have you, babe."- Rai purred back,  drinking the last few drops of his drink and pushing the glass back on the bar countertop.

-"You know, I've missed you so much."- Maya ran a finger on Rai's hand, trailing up to his arm and face.
-"I've always wondered what you've been doing. Looks like you have it made, your own bar and everything. Very nice."-

Maya nodded. -"I'm just...looking for someone to share it with."-

Rai felt the cold stinging sensation of ice running down his nape. -"Ey! Maya!"-

Maya laughed as she ran an ice cube into the back of his shirt.

She laughed at Rai's reaction and stood up from her stool. Her laughter was muffled by the music. The bar was starting to fill up with people. Various other bartenders and servers worked around the bar and floor while live music played, the bass vibrating their chests to the intoxicating beat.
People laughed and spent time talking together in a welcoming environment, different than the rugged and dirty city outside the doors.

-"Let's go up to my apartment and catch up some more where the music can't bother us!"- Maya shouted into Rai's ear. She motioned with her hand to the bartender behind the bar, he looked to be like the manager of the place so he nodded, understanding what Maya nonverbally communicated.

-"Upstairs?"- Rai asked as they both exited the loud bar. He looked up to the building that housed the bar to see a large white building, all windows adorned with beautiful green plants and flowers. It was a nice change of scenery from the beige and gray city. He has seen this building before but never paid any attention to it. 

-"You live here?"- Rai asked, stabilizing his posture. Looking up at the building made him dizzy. He hasn't been this drunk in many years.

Maya nodded. -"Daddy bought the place and well, that's how I got my very own bar and place to stay."-

-"Oh,"- Rai's mood suddenly slumped. -"How is the way? Your dad?"-

Maya sighed as she opened the main entrance doors that were a few steps next to the bar. -"He's doing great, happy that you are no longer in my life...or so he thinks."-
She gave Rai a flirtatious smile then proceeded to hold Rai's hand and pull him toward the apartment complex elevator. -"Come, can't wait to have you all to myself!"-


Sounds of gunshots rang throughout the dark meeting hall. Cigar smoke floated up ever so effortlessly as Kayn sat on the far-end chair that was lined with black leather and red velvet.
He inhaled his cigar smoke and exhaled slowly. The men and women that sat with him on the table vigorously counted massive amounts of bills while on the far left of the room stood two men in white lab coats, working on a white substance, clearly drugs. President DiLaurentis mumbled carelessly into his phone, his leg swinging as he crossed it over his other knee.

The gunshots behind Kayn grew more frequent as he sighed and leaned back on his chair.

-"Tired, sir?"- The woman next to him asked as she ran a bill on her ink-stained fingers.
-"Don't talk while you count. You know better than that."- He bit.

The woman swallowed and nodded, returning to count and writing something on a sheet of paper.

-"Dino!"- Kayn called out to his right-hand man. The gunshots ceased and Dino walked out of the shadows, covered in splatters of blood. -"E.T.A on The Lady!?"-

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