Chapter 17: Parasite

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Rai slowly walked to Logan's door, knocking ever so softly.

-"Logan?"- Rai called. -"Ivee is worried about you, you doing okay?"-

Cold silence on the other side of the door.

-He must be asleep...- Rai thought and heard a loud crash downstairs in direction of the kitchen and Ivee yelling at Naoko.

-"Why are you so clumsy!! It's in my hair!!"-

-"If you would just stay still!!"-

Rai sighed loudly. -Better go help them before they break anything else.-

Rai walked away, but inside Logan's dark room, pants and grunts of pain were heard. Logan kneeled on the floor, writhing in pain, holding on to the bite mark Empusa left on his neck.

Flashbacks of Empusa biting him and calling him "Son of Solomon" echoed in his mind.

-What did she mean!!?-

The room suddenly became cold and heavy.
-"Don't tell me you have forgotten all about us?"- Moloch appeared before Logan, smiling sinisterly.

-"Who...who are you?"- Logan managed to speak.

At that moment, Moloch kicked Logan in the face, sending him crashing to the wall. Logan grunted as he fell to the floor.

-"How dare you not remember me!!"- Moloch kneeled and grabbed Logan's hair, forcing him to look at him.

Logan's mouth and nose began to bleed. His teeth clenched together.

-"But you knew who Malphas was, who Empusa was too, right?"-

Logan coughed twice.

-"Selective memory? You fucking liar..."- Moloch slammed Logan's face on the floor and released his hair.

-"Get out..."- Logan said weakly.

-"Lord Bassilisk has been looking everywhere for you, why did you run away?"- Moloch sat next to Logan.

The redhead spit out blood to the floor and remained quiet.

-"Silent treatment? These humans made you soft!"-

Logan chuckled as he panted.

-"Get out of here..."- Logan once again demanded.

Moloch ignored him, partially disappointed in Logan. Then he noticed Logan's bite mark on his neck.

-"Oh, Empusa got to you?"- Moloch laughed. -"Suits you right..."-

Logan struggled as he sat up. Tilting his head slightly to crack his neck.

-"You're of them..."- Logan said, almost disgusted, panting as pain took over his body.

-"We found you by coincidence, there was a human shirt in Empusa's nest. It lead us here."-

Logan's eyes widened. -Damn it. Rai-

-"There's nothing here, just me..."- Logan said coldly as he wiped the blood from his nose.

-"Don't lie to me, are you protecting something or someone? Because as sure as hell that shirt was not yours."- Moloch stood up.

Logan panted and flinched at the bite mark.

Moloch laughed. -"Better hurry before Empusa's effect wears off..."-

Moloch swung his fist to the back of Logan's head, knocking him out cold.

-"Thank you Empusa!"- Moloch laughed as he carried Logan on his shoulder.


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