Chapter 14: Infiltration

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-Trigger Warning: This chapter contains Sexual themes and sexual assault. Reader's discretion is advised.-

Birds chirped as a ray of sunlight glared into Kate's closed eyes, she was surrounded by comfortable sheets and pillows. Their scent was pleasant as they smelt Rai's natural scent.
Kate threw her arm, feeling the space next to her looking for him.

Kate groaned as she struggled to open her eyes, she checked her phone to see that it was two in the afternoon.

-"Overslept"- she yawned and stretched her body. Rai's bed was so much softer and squishier than hers, she was jealous.
A text to her phone dinged as she checked who it was from.
It was from Ivee, texting her that Rai and Naoko received a letter from the Island's Mayor.
-"The Mayor? What does the Mayor want with us?"- Kate whispered, pressing her finger on her lower lip as she scrolled through the text.

-Rai is with us, The Mayor said that as a thank you he wanted to give us accommodations for our new base, such as proper bathroom plumbing and functioning kitchen wares. Whatever that means...All I want is to cook you my world-famous breakfasts (Egg and chef emoji)! Logan is still in his room btw, so you pretty much have the entire building for yourself <3. And please, clean the forge, I tried getting Naoko to do it but this hoe won't do proper work around the place(Annoyed side eye emoji). C ya soon, don't go killing shit without us! <3-

Kate giggled at her sister's mix of professional words and quirky emojis.

-"I guess I'll get started then."-

Kate jumps out of bed and begins to dust, sweep, and take out the trash. As she worked around the building, she noticed a faint floral scent. Kate never noticed any flowers in or around the building so she began to look around. The scent was stronger on the first floor, in the kitchen window. Kate looked out of it and saw a small shrub of white jasmines. Kate gasped and ran outside. She was excited, jasmine flowers were extremely rare in the tropics and were said to bring eternal beauty and desire to whoever found them.

Kate fumbled around with her phone as she tried calling her mom.
Leena had her garden, so her knowledge of flowers and plants was the best Kate could ever hope for.

-"Yes, dear?"- Leena picked up.
-"Ma! I need you to come up here quickly! There's a jasmine shrub outside her building!"-

Leena quickly grabbed her tools and chemicals, mounted them on a small golf cart she used for groceries, and made her way to the woods. It took her around twenty minutes to find the paved path of the abandoned building. Kate was waiting outside, building a fence around it made out of string and wooden planks.
-"Ma, that was fast!"- Kate heard the cart park behind her.
Leena stepped down from the cart and hugged Kate.
-"This place is so....bleak!- Leena exclaimed. -"Hey! We're working on it!"- Kate laughed.

-"I'm just saying...It gets bleaker and bleaker as time passes. But I must say, it hasn't changed much."- Leena looked up at the building.
-"Besides now and when you brought us here, have you been here before?"- Kate asked. -"How come you didn't tell me?"-

Leena looked at Kate. -"Some freak accident happened here, which resulted in students and everyone else forget about this place. An accident that involved experimentations with Celestian Powers. Playing God, I would say."-

Kate remembered the laboratory where she found all the fetuses and other unrecognizable objects.
-"It needed love, so I'm happy that you and your friends are doing just that."-

Kate smiled but couldn't help but wonder, what kind of a freak accident happened here. Leena walked with Kate over to the shrub. The pleasant fragrance made Leena smile.
She began by moistening the soil, cleaning its leaves, and giving it fresh water with mineral mix-ins.

-"There's nice sunbeams coming from above, enough to keep it alive."- Leena said, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

-"Thank you, mom."- Kate hugged Leena.
-"May its blessings rain upon you."- Leena kissed her daughter's forehead.

-"Come, let me give you a tour of our new place!"- Kate pulled on her mother's hand, eager to get her inside and show her everything.
She showed where everyone's rooms were and how she planned to model the kitchen and bathrooms. Kate also took her to the courtyard and Leena thought of ideas for a nice garden.

-"We will be using this space as a training ground. I don't think flowers will survive that type of environment."- Kate said pulling Leena back into the building.

They walked out of the front doors, making their way to Leena's golf cart.
-"Ma..."- Kate called to Leena. -"Thank you...for making me the woman I am today."- She whispered.
Leena looked at her, not knowing what to say as tears swelled up in her eyes. She sighed and looked into her daughter's eyes.
-"You remind me of your father..."- Leena chuckled. -"So independent, ambitious, and blunt."-
Kate smiled as her mom touched her cheek.
-"No need to thank me, dear."- Leena smiled.
-"I better go, it's getting dark."- Leena kissed Kate's forehead. -"Careful on your way back!"-

Kate watched as her mother disappeared into the trees. She made her way back inside the building, glancing at the now dewy and glowing healthy jasmines.

It's been a few days of peace and hard work around the building. The jasmine shrub was healthy and made the entire building smell pleasant while being enhanced by deep cleaning and clear spaces. It was not completely livable yet but it was surely getting there.

Naoko became Kate's manager, receiving donations from the Celestian followers as well as the government of the island. Kate felt guilty about this, she didn't want her people's money, but Naoko insisted and convinced everyone that it was necessary to have a dedicated headquarters for Kate and her calling, and not forgetting her training. Kate thought of these generous donations as a way for the islanders to maybe apologize for her abuse and finally accept her as a part of them again. Still felt bad to take them.

On the other hand, Logan trained Rai daily and he was seeing improvement.

-"Where did you learn how to fight?"- Logan asked, sweat dripping from his chin.
-"Besides here with you? My dad forced me to take fencing lessons back in the day, the one thing I sort of enjoyed from where I'm from."- Rai panted his words.

Kate opened one of the windows on the second floor, looking over the courtyard where the two men stood.

-"Hey guys!"- Kate waved at them. -"Hey babe."- Rai waved back. Kate smiled and walked away from the window. Rai sighed and noticed Logan not taking his eyes off of the window, his face was softer than ever before, almost as if he was finally at peace.
-"You care for her?"- Rai asked.

Logan flicked his eyes toward him and hesitated to answer. -"I just wonder if she can really do this."-
Rai took a deep breath. -"I mean, with your help, she can. We will all be there to help both of you."-
Logan stabbed the ground with his sword, stretching his arm muscles.

-"When it comes to her calling, at the end of the day, it's Kate who has to do it, we are just there to make things easier."- Rai said looking down at his hands. Logan didn't say much, he just kept stretching his arms and wiping his sweat.

-" it your calling to pave the way for her?"- Rai added.

-"I don't remember much, all I know is that my mind and body know that I must assist the seed in her task...till the end..."- Logan answered, almost in an annoyed tone. How many times does he have to explain that he doesn't remember anything?

Rai wondered about Logan's story. This man is a walking enigma and he couldn't think of ways to help him.
-"What else do you faintly remember?"-

Logan clicked his tongue, annoyed but took a deep breath, looking down at the ground, thinking.

-"I remember blurry images, muffled sounds, and voices. I've had dreams where I would hear a lady crying and yelling, then I would feel my body's muscles clench as I find myself trying to scream..."- Logan's voice cracked. -"Then I heard an infant crying..."- Logan's voice became deep and shaky and he took another deep breath. -"Then I wake clockwork."-

Rai looked at Logan, feeling sympathy for him. He couldn't imagine the fear and struggle Logan had to be experiencing.
-"Hey, I promised this before, but just a reminder, we will help you gain the memories back. If you have any flashbacks of anything at all, let us know. Could be a clue of anything linked to you."-
Rai smiled at Logan while the redhead looked back at him.

That night, Kate lay in her bed trying to sleep. The scent of jasmine lingered in the air and walls. She enjoyed its pleasant scent and it would usually help her sleep, but tonight it had a suffocating aura to it.
-"Please, not another night terror, I need to sleep..."- Kate whispered to herself.
She tossed and turned in her bed and the jasmine aroma engulfed her nose.
-"Too much, too much jasmine..."- Kate was knocked out cold, her body limp as it began to levitate.
Kate whispered and sighed as her mind began to transport her into an alternate reality in her subconscious.

~It was dark around her, only Kate and the bed underneath her could be seen. She looked up at the ceiling and saw Logan, laying on top of her, closing in as he looked into her eyes with his seductive yellow jewels. His scent was alluring, just like the first time they met. Her legs began to shake as Logan ran his fingers on her neck, up to the back of her head. Kate gasped as she, without hesitation, wrapped her arms around Logan's back, pulling him in for a kiss. Kate moaned at the pleasurable feeling of kissing him while having guilt wrapped around her neck for Rai. This sweet and sour feeling made her close her eyes tight and tear up. But she couldn't stop herself. This man was everything her human instinct wanted. Kate's body reacted easily to Logan as if she was his from the very beginning.
Logan grinned as he lowered to kiss Kate's neck, pinning her arms up to each side of her head. Kate's body vibrated in excitement and regret, moaning into the air, notifying Logan to keep going.~

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