Special Random Facts

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- Kate's physical appearance is inspired by various Filipino models. So in real life, she would be Filipina.

- If Logan existed in the real world he would be a mix of Australian and Korean.

- Ivee's favorite food is sweet peaches, a seasonal fruit in the Celestine Archipelago. 

- Naoko suffered from Alopecia when she was younger, she got treated and that's why she grows out her hair and never cuts it.

- Rai suffers from PTSD from when his father killed his mother, which is why he is terrified of losing Kate during her calling.

- All continents are inspired by real-life countries or continents. Kasai is China, Korea, and Japan. Hosún is the USA. Visaga is Australia. Taluria is Africa. Hisunia is Spain. Vindúr is Russia and The Celestine Islands is a mixture of the Caribbean and Hawai'i.

- Kate hates coffee's taste but her favorite dessert is Tiramisu.

- Naoko has a fascination with forensics; she wants to study and become a crime scene investigator after Kate's mission.

- Kyria has a night festival called "Nox du Danza" which translates to Night of Dance. Single young women will dress up in extravagant and delicate pieces of armor decorated with jewels passed down by the matriarchs of their families. Along with colorful, giant feather pieces that sway with every dance move. It is said that the young woman who dances throughout the night of a new moon is blessed with fertility and happiness. Not to mention the list of suitors that await her after the festival.

- Yenziel is inspired by Miguel Angel, or in English, Archangel Michael.

- Speaking of Yenziel, he has a phobia of death. Just the thought of it could send him into a panic. He has had multiple conversations with Ariel about what happens after death just to ease his anxiety.

- Ivee's pink hair is natural.

- Logan's mother Elyon, and her family migrated to Vindur from Kasai when she was very young. They were running away from a massive war between Kasai and Hisunia. This is why she has the features of a Kasaian woman, almond-shaped black eyes, pin-straight black hair, and pale skin.

- Before the great human migration, the world was run by the Great Abaddons. Celestians came thousands of years after and were just merely winged, feathered elves. Or in other words, Harpies. The humans came along from the south and spread all around the world.

- Valac's demonic design was inspired by the Optional Boss in Final Fantasy X-2 called Angra Mainyu.

- In early development, Katerina's name was Catalina then changed to Katerishi. (Cringe I know) Logan's original name was Yami which means darkness, Ivee's name was changed a total of four times, Katarishkashi (WTF) then Naomi, then Diana. Naoko was Naoki (not much of a dif) and Rai was Raigeki, I separated Rai from Geki and Geki became his mother's last name.

- Just like Elyon's family; Naoko's family are also Kasaian immigrants.

- Zamcain was inspired by Steam Punk New York in the 20s.

- The Italian words used in the Zamcain chapters are real Mafia Slang.

- I've written Logan and Rai yaoi (gay smut) ... :)

- Kate finds satisfaction in chiropractic adjustment videos.

- Logan enjoys butter pecan ice cream and chocolate in any form, as long as he can eat it with raspberry sauce.

- Logan has bigger-than-average fangs and slightly pointy ears.

- Kate's favorite music is one that she can both relax and dance to. (Characters song playlists coming soon)

- Rai is mixed, Italian/French from his dad and Japanese from his mom.

- Kate's mom has hazel eyes, there for her bright blue eyes come from her estranged dad.

- Despite the lack of female presence in Bassilisk's castle (except Empusa, Kali and Valac) Kate isn't Logan's first sexual encounter. He used to have various relationships in his early years with regular human females he met during his missions. He hates to call them "relationships" because he never cared for them or loved them how they did. Kate, however, changed that. There are extremely old diaries and journals from some of these females telling their stories and encounters with him. One of them took her own life when he broke up with her because he got bored.

- Their Headquarters is an actual abandoned building back in my hometown. 

- At the age of ten, Kate developed appendicitis, and it complicated to the point she was about to die. The doctors saved her life, and she now has a very small and faint scar on the right side of her lower abdomen.

- Kate dislikes wearing rings and bracelets. She says it restricts her from her daily movements. She only uses them for special occasions.

- Logan has various tattoos, one on his lower abdomen which is Solomon's symbol. And some other upcoming ones. (stay tuned)

- In the Lueng Khan Chapters, when Ivee got shot, that was one of the rare occasions that Ivee has ever bled.

- Naoko's parents forced her to take martial arts lessons. She didn't want to until she was assaulted out in the street on a nearby island. She managed to fight off her attacker. After that, she understood the importance of self-defense knowledge and embraced it.

- Naoko's parent's current location is somewhere in Visaga.

- Kate's grandparents, Leena's parents died shortly before the story began.

- Kate's alcohol intolerance was inherited by her mom. They're both lightweights.

- Bassilisk's past life, Braliel, was very kind and motivational. He used to spend time with the folk in the floating islands, playing with the children.

- Yenziel and Braliel fell in love on one of their visits to the Birth City Nehil. He saw how well Braliel treated the children and his parents. That's when he knew that they were meant for each other.

- Naoko prefers cake without frosting, and Ivee prefers frosting over cake.

- Ivee's horns look like cat ears and she was bullied because of it.

- Naoko had one relationship in her whole life, she ended up breaking his nose by accident and he dumped her. This is why men fear her strong and broad appearance.

- Logan's clothes are always dark in color except when he needs to blend in. Lately, he just uses black with gray. That being said his favorite color is black.

- Ariel is afraid of failure.

- My author's last name "Stargate" comes from the song "Star Gate Heaven" by SySF ft. Donna Burke. Both the original and the Future Love Mix are favs <3

- Ivee's favorite color is purple, Kate's favorite color is sky blue, Naoko's Evergreen and red, Rai's favorite is Navy blue and white.

If you made it this far, thank you so much for your interest in my beloved story. I will do another chapter like this much later on with more information and fun facts about this universe. I can't say anymore that would spoil the story so hang tight <3 We're almost done...

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