Chapter 40: A Link 12,000 Years Ago

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-"The car has been through a lot, how in the hell is it still running!?"- Naoko wiped the windshield of the sand residue.

-"Don't question it, just accept it or it will break down on us!"- Ivee attempted to knock on wood but there was no wood nearby to knock on. -"Knock on wood!"- She knocked on her head.

Naoko giggled. -"I know."-

-"You know what has me a bit confused?"- Kate said as she stared at the tower.

-"What?"- Rai asked back.

-"The fact that The Great Shift didn't have any effect on this place..."-

-"That you know off...we don't know what's going on beneath the sands."- Naoko said, jumping into the car. -"Let's go, I'm tired of it."-

-"It's amazing of all the pillars and banners we missed in the dark storm, this place must've been a fortress or something!"- Kate looked around. -"Wasn't this exciting, Logan?"-

-"Just a pile of rubble..."- He teased her.

As the car drove off, beneath the sands, loud thumping was heard, clinks and things erupted as thousands of moving parts dating back thousands of years wore the rust for the very first time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Twelve-thousand years earlier...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-"Did you hear the sonic boom? I wonder what that was."-

-"Who knows, probably that impostor God attempting to intimidate us into submission again."-

-"Ever since he came around he's acting like he owns the planet, fuck him!"-

-"How are the Celestians so blind to his sudden appearance? Clearly, he is not from here."-

-"Using the Celestians who were once our allies against us, dirty prick."-

-"The war against the fake god has been brutal for us and Celestians."-

-"King Solomon has been doing his best to keep us safe, we are thankful the true Elder Gods have been guiding him."-

-"Did you hear? One of the Celestians used Tetra Magicae."-


-"The war ended, finally, but what a tragedy."-

The bickering was heard all around in different human and Abaddonic villages in Prymeria. The sky was red as the residual energy of the Tetra Magicae remained. The Abaddon people became quiet as a sudden comet fell from the sky. The bright light made it seem like it was daylight, followed by six other comets directed toward the horizon. In a thunderous explosion, they crashed into the horizon. Fear fell upon everyone and the Abaddon reached out to King Solomon for answers.

-"My people, after countless millenniums, the war has ended but tragically most of our brave warriors have fallen to the impostor God, we will not stand for this! Like my father and his father before him, I will seek retribution, and avenge our fallen men, women, and beyond. May the Elder Gods guide us to victory and peace once and for all!"-

But that time never came. The great Abaddon Kingdom's civilization rapidly nosedived on mysterious circumstances that King Solomon had to make a top priority. A few hundred years after the comet, a rumor was heard about a Fallen Archangel seeking vengeance and power. As King Solomon was doing his paperwork in his office, he was struck by paralyzing fear. An ominous presence has made its way into his castle, past his guards, past his walls, past his barriers. His heavy wooden doors suddenly burst open, and his right-hand adviser was gasping for air.
-"Your Highness, we've been infiltrated!!"- He said but was interrupted by distant blood-curdling screams coming from further down the hall. -"We have to get you out of here!! Before they kill you too!!"- The man quickly ran toward the heavy wooden desk and in a panic, held on to Solomon's sleeve, knocking down books and a lantern in the process and pulling his King out of the office

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