Chapter 15: Sacrilege

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Trigger Warning: The following chapter contains strong description of rape and sexual assault. Reader's discretion is advised.

The suffocating darkness swallowed Kate's body as she was being dragged down. The familiar tunnels around her shifted and changed, nothing looked the same as before. Kate finally entered a clearing, crashing into the ground, dust flying everywhere. Kate grunted in pain as she tried getting up. The walls were covered in a sort of webbing, and clear slime and piles of bones were scattered around the ground as Kate tried her best to avoid stepping on them.
-"Ugh, where am I?"- Kate shook nervously.

-"Lord Bassilisk was right about you..."- A voice resonated around Kate. -"Your scent is alluring..."-
Shivers shot up Kate's spine as the voice seductively crawled on her skin. She looked around, trying to find the source of this creepy voice.
-"Let me taste you..."- A loud hissing noise behind Kate swiftly surrounded her. Kate gasped and tensed up. A beautiful woman with long blonde hair appeared before her.

-"It's you..."- Kate recognized her from her dream.
-"Call me Empusa, child..."- The hissing voice was hers, Empusa, one of the Seven Great Fallen.
-"What do you want from me!?"- Kate shouted.

Empusa held herself up with long black spider legs that protruded from her back. Blue markings went down from her chin to her chest, a very tiny waist, and was fully naked except for black thigh-high stockings and black gloves.
She slowly lowered, closing in on Kate and embracing her with her arms. The tentacles that dragged Kate were not tentacles at all, but long silk ribbons with blades attached to the ends which also came from Empusa's back. They went behind Kate and held her up, pushing her toward the Fallen Woman.

-"Let your body surrender to me..."- Empusa blew pinkish smoke into Kate's face, it smelt of jasmine. Kate went limp while remaining wide awake.

-No, what is she doing to me!?-

Kate struggled to fight back as Empusa's façade molded into an oh-so-familiar face. Kate gasped as the blades on the ribbons tore her clothes off.

-This can't be happening to me!- Kate teared up at the sight of an ominous-looking Rai in front of her.

-Don't do this to me!-

-"Kate..."- Rai's voice came from the fake Rai before her. -"I've been wanting to taste you for the longest time."- He added.

-You're not Rai, bitch-

Kate mentally cussed at Empusa. 

-Let me go so we can fight fairly!-

The fake Rai began kissing Kate, hungrily moaning as he fondled her bare breasts. Kate began crying as this Fallen began taking away all of her first experiences. Assaulting, violating Kate's body over and over.

-Stop it! No more, please!-

Kate managed to bite the lips of the Rai in anger.

Empusa flinched and screeched in pain as her Rai façade melted away. She slapped Kate across the face hard as Kate's teeth were tainted with Empusa's blood.

-"Fucking bitch bit me!!"- Empusa held her lip, licking it over and over to ease the pain.

-"You're lucky I'm hungry and decided to let you live a little while longer. Since you won't open up to him, maybe you will to your deepest desire..."-

Empusa's skin molded once again revealing Logan's body and face.
Kate gasped as the fake Logan blew the same pinkish smoke into Kate's face.

-No, not him!-

Kate's heart pounded as this Logan kissed her.

-Don't use my friends like this! Fucking bitch!-

This Logan pushed Kate down, laying her down on the black silk ribbons and spreading her legs. Kate wanted to scream and kick Empusa off of her but her body was unresponsive.

This fake Logan lowered between Kate's thighs and with a firm tongue, tasted her. Kate gasped and whimpered as she intensely blushed.

-I don't want this!! Stop!! That's not for you!!- Kate's throat let a slight moan escape. She was embarrassed and greatly uncomfortable, this wasn't Logan or Rai, this was a murderous fallen woman who wanted her energy.

-"Oh, you little slut, you like this kind of shit, don't you?"- Logan's voice growled as his steaming hot breath poured into her womanhood. Kate moaned once more in panic.

-Must stop her...-

Kate tried lifting her hand.

-Divine Beam! Divine Beam!-   Nothing happened.

-Why...why is this happening to me?-

The fake Logan put two of his fingers in his mouth and looked at Kate's blushing face. He chuckled bitterly as Kate glared at him. He inserted both fingers into her with such ease.

-Why is my body cooperating!?-

The redhead in front of her stood up as he licked his fingers. -"Looks like you're ready for me..."- His husky voice sounded almost predatory.


The fake Logan aligned himself with Kate and played around with her entrance. Kate began to cry, and mentally beg him to not go through with it.

-Stop! Please!! Stop it!!-

In a sudden jolt, Logan rammed into Kate, not taking it at all slowly or gently, it was evil with all the intent of hurting her. Kate's body suddenly broke out of the numbing effect and screamed, tears flowing down her face as her throat cracked. Blood came out of Kate, covering the fake Logan's shaft. Kate continued to scream and beg but she was in so much pain, her body was paralyzed.

-I don't care who hears me but I need someone right now! Please!!-

Kate begged mentally as her body was rammed over and over. Sharp pains took over her womb as the Logan's façade melted away to reveal Empusa licking her lips as Kate's energy began to drain.

-"You taste so good, it's forbidden..."- Empusa laughed.

-God Elohim, Yenziel, anybody help!- Kate suddenly passed out, her energy was nearly drained.

-"The Warrior of God! Look at her now! Soiled by me!!"- Empusa ran her long tongue through Kate's chest and up her neck.


-"Okay, I got her sword...let's go!"- Rai held Kate's sword tightly as he jumped into the tunnels, followed by Logan, Ivee and Naoko.
As they landed, Logan noticed the tunnels shifted.
-"Huh...This seems different."-

Ivee began sniffing the air. -"I can smell Katie! Her perfume!"- Ivee began running down the tunnels as fast as she could.

-"Ivee! Be careful!!"- Naoko ran after her. -"It's so dark, I can't see anything!"-
-"Keep your voices down. You don't know who is in these tunnels!"- Logan whispered as he also ran, snapping his fingers for the flame to light the way.

-"She is in here, all alone, God knows what is happening to her..."- Naoko's heart skipped a beat.
-"Knowing this place, it's better is she were alone."- Logan answered.
-"Shut up and hurry!!"- Ivee followed the trail, ignoring Logan's command to quiet down.
-" stops here..."- Ivee touched the walls, examining them.
Logan's ears caught a slight hissing noise coming from underneath them.
-"Ivee!"- he called as she looked back at him.
-"Here!"- Logan blew his flamethrower at the ground and Ivee kicked it in. The ground caved in and revealed a nest of silk ribbons. Ivee covered her nose and recoiled, falling back. -"Oh fuck!"-

Logan and Rai jumped in without hesitation.
-"You okay!?"- Naoko asked Ivee. -"The smell in there, it's nothing I've ever smelt before."-
The two men followed the ribbons deeper into the room. It was hot and humid, they felt as if they walked in to something they shouldn't have.
-"Kate!!"- Rai called out and noticed an arm, dangling in the ribbons as it was sucked into it's cocoon.
-"Shit!"- Logan snapped his fingers again and blew a strong flamethrower, burning the ribbons to shreds.


As the ribbons fell, they noticed a demonic entity, feeding off of Kate's body.
Kate was fully naked, her body covered in scratches. Both men noticed something truly disturbing, the Fallen woman had her long claw-like fingers inside of Kate, fluids and blood running down her wrist.
Empusa chuckled as she pulled her claws out.
-"You're too late, lover boy, in more ways than one!"-
-"No..."- Rai choked.
-"This flower has lost her petals, too bad for you, virgins are always the most thrilling and sweet."- Empusa licked her drenched claws.
In a blind rage, Rai took Kate's sword out of the sheath and ran toward Empusa, slashing at her. Empusa grabbed Kate's body and dodged the attack, still sucking on her claws.
-"Ooh, you don't want to fight me at this stage, human, I have drank every single drop of her energy. You can't defeat me!!"-
-"Fucking bitch!!"- Logan snapped his fingers and Empusa's neck tightened.
-"Ack!"- The fallen woman released Kate, sending her falling toward the ground.
Rai quickly reacted and ran toward Kate, catching her.
-"Oh, Kate, what have they done to you!?"- he inspected her body.
Kate was violated and sucked dry of her energy, her body was limp and starting to get cold.
Naoko and Ivee sprinted from the opening above and noticed Rai embracing Kate.
-"Katie! Are you o-..."- Ivee stopped as she noticed her sister's limp and exposed body.
Logan tightened his grip on Empusa's neck. -"How dare fucking dare you!!"-
He swung his arm, throwing her hard against the walls. Logan leaped forward toward Empusa, manifesting his cutlass.
-"You will pay for what you've done!!-
-"I've been wanting to have a moment with you..."- Empusa smiled at Logan, licking her lips. Her long spider legs quickly pinned him against the ground.
-"I've heard that you are the most delicious one of all!"- Empusa's mouth gaped open, jaw unhinged, spider fangs protruding from within.
Rai passed Kate to Naoko and took his shirt off. -"Put this on her, please, she is freezing..."- Rai's voice sounded unstable, angry and worried.

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