Chapter 5: The Red-Head Man

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Rai hammered a wood column back in place on Kate's porch. He wiped the sweat from his eyebrow and jumped down from the ceiling.
-"That's done!"- Rai dusted his hands off with each other as Kate and Leena approached him.
-"Thank you so much, sweet pea."- Leena said handing him a glass of water. -"You have been such a blessing to us."- She continued with a caring smile.

It's been a month and the village has been rebuilt. The scars of the tragic event were slowly fading but still let their presence known. Cruise ships stopped showing up but supply goods and trade came more than ever looking to help out in the reconstruction of the island of Kirya. Neighboring islands also sent parties of construction and medical workers to aid the people. Kate and her family constantly did their best to help out. For the first time in a month, the ocean finally looked calm.

Kate made her way back to her house, carrying a box of supplies and tools. The sunset reflected on her face as she turned to look at the ocean like always.
The thought of her calling, Ivee, her mom, and Rai flooded her mind causing her to become anxious.
Kate sighed and made her way down the hill from the sidewalk to the beach. She placed the box on the sand and sat next to it, taking off her sandals and placing them on the box. The gentle sway of the water kissed her feet, she placed her chin between her knees and just slumped and pondered in her thoughts. The water gently cleanses Kate's feet as tears swell up in her eyes.
-"I need cleansing..."- Kate wiped the tears away, sniffling, and dragged her body into the water. She didn't care if she still had her clothes on, she just wanted relief.
Kate floated on her back looking up at the sky as the stars slowly appeared one by one. It was getting dark pretty fast and so did the water. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths. Kate let the salt water cleanse every part of her stressed body, slowly feeling at ease.

Suddenly, Kate heard whispering in her head. The same whispering she heard during the tsunami but this time it was soft and gentle. Like a mother's whisper almost but still very sinister. She shifted to a vertical position and noticed that she was very far from the shore.
-"How...did I get so far?"- Kate whispered in a panicked tone. She hasn't been that far away from her island before. Especially at night, in the ocean, alone.
Kate quickly started swimming as fast as she could while ignoring the whispers in her head that called to her. The mix of panic and the struggle of swimming in the dark increased Kate's anxiety significantly. Those voices never stopped, they wouldn't leave her alone and she was starting to feel overwhelmed.

-"What's going on!!?"- Kate screamed as she fought against the waves that suddenly appeared. The sight of the shore was blurry but Kate didn't give up, all she wanted was to touch the sand and feel safe. As Kate kept her eye on the shore, she could see a silhouette of a man standing near the water, waiting for her. At first, she thought it was Rai but then noticed that the man was taller and had longer hair. Kate's vision started to fade and her breathing tightened as her limbs went numb. She sank and the black waves pulled her under.

Kate tried to open her eyes. The salt between her lashes was dry as if it's been there for hours. The soreness in her body quickly took over and made her flinch. As Kate slowly sat up wrapping her arm around her ribs, she noticed that she was back on shore. The damp clothes hugged her body and her hair stuck to her face and neck. Her vision slowly cleared up as she looked around for any clues of what happened. The box of tools was still there, and the stars were still up, meaning Kate wasn't out for a long time; or so she thought. Kate took heavy breaths and lifted herself to her feet.

-"Don't move..."- a dark and husky voice rang from behind Kate.
Kate flinched and turned around quickly. The voice was intimidating but sensual at the same time. The silhouette of a man leaning against a pier column started walking towards her.
-"W-who are you!?"- Kate tensed up, the body ache made her fall to her knees and she placed her hands in front of her, trying to protect herself. The aura this man emitted was overwhelming and it could make any man flinch and any woman shiver.
-"Don't come closer!"- Kate pointed at him as she dragged herself backward. -"Stay right there!"- Kate flinched once more because of the pain.
-"You were drowning...and I helped you."- The man said as he walked into the moonlight. This man was otherworldly. Kate could tell he wasn't entirely human but even then, he was the most beautiful and handsome man she has ever seen. His golden yellow eyes glimmered with the moonbeams and his deep red hair gently swayed in the breeze. His pale skin looked like it was made of stardust.
He stared at Kate, his face remained stoic but his eyes would make anyone weak.
Kate gasped as she tried to talk but couldn't.
-"I just wanted to know if you are okay..."- His husky voice growled as he kneeled in front of Kate. The handsome man noticed that Kate was severely shivering. Was it from intimidation or was she cold?
-"Where do you live? I'll take you home..."- He offered Kate his hand.
-"U-umm...what are you..."- Kate slowly lifted her hand towards his.
-"You might get sick, best we move fast..."- The man gently held her hand and lifted Kate as she lightly gasped.
His touch was unique, she felt like a delicate flower in the claws of a wolf. Kate blushed at his warmth and scent. His scent was alluring, it had no familiar tones but Kate's body quivered to it. Kate clenched her thighs together tightly at this unfamiliar feeling. As she shook her head, trying to dismiss the indecent thoughts.

-"T-the box! I need to take the box..."- Kate pointed at the box. The man looked at the box and proceeded to lift it.
-"Now we can go..."- He began walking up the steps towards the sidewalk. Kate followed but she was still shaken up so she moved rather slowly.
He didn't leave Kate alone for one second, he walked at the same speed as her and helped in regaining her balance when needed. They were silent the whole way. So many questions flooded Kate's mind but she was just too intimidated by this stranger to even speak. Humanity has gotten accustomed to other races living among them, including Fallen, as long as they weren't hurting anyone, they would be left alone. Ivee was the only non-human on the island and everyone loved her. This stranger walking along with Kate was something else but Kate refused to act differently with him. Avoiding any misunderstanding or offense. But Kate has never seen anyone like him before, was he on the cruise that brought Rai, or has he always lived here?
Kate directed him to where they needed to go and finally they reached Kate's front porch. The man placed the box on the top step and turned to look at Kate who was still on the walkway,
finally finding the courage to ask. -"What happened to me?"- Kate's voice cracked.
-"You were dragged under by the Abaddon..."- The man said not breaking eye contact.
-"The what?"- Kate had never heard of that word before.
-"It's the minions of Bassilisk, his army, probably the lowest ranking of the Fallen, if you ask me..."- The man walked down the steps. -"You must be the Seed of this Era."- He continued. -"No wonder they desperately wanted you."-

Kate's eyes widened. -"How do you know this?"- She realized that he knows about her and what she is. This man knows what he is talking about.
-"Then you must know what I must do!! What are you? Who are you? How did you save me?"-
The man lifted his finger and Kate quieted down.
-"I'm here to help you, that's for sure. I will answer all your questions accordingly with time. Right now I need you safe and healthy."- His husky voice gave Kate chills, and she nodded. Kate passed by him, went up the steps, and reached for the doorknob, she paused.
-"Can I at least know what and who you are??"- She said in almost a whisper.
The man remained quiet for a few seconds.
-"Logan...Maxtón..."- His voice was soothing and almost seductive.
-"I'm Katerina..."-  She said back shyly smiling. Kate turned around and as she was about to thank him, he was gone.

As confused as she was, Kate picked up the box. She struggled to lift it as her ribs still were unbearably sore. Ignoring the pain, Kate made her way into the house.

-"Katerina! Where have you been!?"- Her mother's voice roared from the dining room where she sat.
-"I was working hard, mama!"- Kate groaned. -"You can't kill yourself while helping others, you are not a superhero, and you need rest too! Okay?"- Leena scolded.
-"I'm okay! Promise."- Kate reassured her. Leena looked at her daughter worriedly and noticed that Kate was in pain and was soaked. It wasn't raining so it was very odd.
-"I'm gonna freshen up and head to bed...I'm very tired."- Kate said while taking off her sandals. Her mother brushed some of Kate's hair off her face and kissed her forehead before nodding and letting her daughter walk up the stairs toward her room.
Ivee was standing in front of Kate's door waiting for her.
-"Can I help you?"- Kate's tone sounded annoyed.
-"You are never late... I was worried."- Ivee replied.
Kate just stood there looking at her sister, trying to find a valid excuse but ended up trying to process what had happened at the beach.
-"Rai came looking for you, a few hours ago."-
Kate gasped and blushed at the thought of Rai. She was starting to feel strong feelings for him. Kate shook her head and the image of the strange man came to her mind.
This stranger who supposedly saved her and safely took her home would not leave Kate's mind. Burned into her mind like a trauma. Kate blushed even more and her heart pounded.
-A maxtón?- Kate thought. -I've never met a Maxtón before. I wonder what he meant by him being here to help me...-
-"Hello!?"- Ivee's voice snapped Kate out of her deep thoughts.
Kate scoffed and opened the door behind Ivee.

-"I...almost drowned..."- Kate whispered, placing her hand on the back of her head.
-"But you're a strong swimmer..."- Ivee said.
-"I know, it's just that...ever since all this happened I've been hearing voices and becoming more and more paranoid."-
Kate walked into her room, and Ivee followed.
-"I just want to know if you're okay...I bet this is taking a toll on you and I want you to trust mom and me more and speak about these things instead of bottling it all up."- Ivee leaned on the door frame as Kate put the box down next to the nightstand.
-"Don't deal with this alone, remember, I'm with you. Now take a shower and rest up, you look like you need it!"- Ivee stuck out her tongue at Kate with a tiny smile and closed the door behind her.
Kate stood in the middle of her room, looking at the floor, still trying to process everything, beginning to doubt her sanity and her ability to remain calm. The stress was getting too much to bear. Kate broke down, falling on her knees she cried into her hands uncontrollably until she laid down on the floor and fell asleep.

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