Chapter 47: Homeward Bound

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The sun peeked through the evergreen trees as Naoko's alarm went off. Kate and Ivee groaned loudly.

-"Up and at'em!! Let's go!"- Naoko yawned loudly. She took this time to quickly take a bath since she'd been waiting since yesterday.
When she came back, everyone had already picked up and loaded the car with their things.
-"Geez, finally you all did it without me!"- She was so proud.
Logan was already behind the wheel, so all she needed to do was get on and they were on their way.

Vindur was such a beautiful country, with deep green forests, and bridges that connected steep mountains and snowy meadows. They could tell they were approaching the shore due to the slight temperature rising.
Hours went by and there it was, the sea, and the port town of Tanius. This town reminded them of Kirya, how breezy and tropical it was, and the little wooden houses that lined the shoreline. As the car approached the port parking lot, it began to tremble, gently coming to a stop in a parking spot, it still had a bit of gas in it, what could've caused it to just shut off? Rai and Naoko got out of the car and looked at it.

-"I was divine intervention..."- Naoko said. -"This car took us from continent to continent even through the crisis and Great Shift. This was its last ride."- Naoko could feel slight sadness overcome her. Even though the car was stolen, to begin with, it has been with them for their entire journey.
-"Don't tell me you're gonna miss the stolen taxi cab..."- Rai snickered at her causing Nao to glare at him. They all stepped out of the car, eager to finally get home. They picked up their luggage which they folded and prepped for easy carry that morning.

Kate looked at the line between the sea and the sky, trying to see Kirya from where she stood.

-"You won't be able to, it's still too far."- Rai approached her.

-"I know...I just can't help but wonder how mom is doing..."- Kate's saddened tone came off slightly more desperate than she intended.
A loud horn sounded from the distance as a somewhat smaller wooden ship approached the dock.
-"Is that our ride?"- Ivee asked. Naoko quickly walked back to them with a few tickets on hand. -"Indeed it is, come, let's get in line."- Ivee looked around, noticing a lack of people who were traveling.
-"What line?"- She asked, slightly happy to not travel on a busy ship.

As they presented their tickets, Kate began sensing that something was not right. Logan noticed her slowing her pace and took her hand. -"You okay?"- He asked her.

-"I...I don't know. I feel like something is coming."-

They boarded the ship, giving them memories of when they boarded the cruise ship a couple of months ago. The group made themselves comfortable in their small cabins, unbelievably different from the luxury they experienced before. But camping out and sleeping in the car humbled them greatly so they didn't even protest. All they wanted was to get back home as fast as they could.

Kate stayed behind, staring down at the glistening waters that caressed the ship. Something was calling to her. Calling to be saved, wasn't like a soft and gentle call. These were loud, spine–tingling, stomach-churning, and soul-wrenching screams. Kate tightly gripped the railing, her body and soul wanted to jump, but she knew that making it back home was the top priority. But, man was it dizzying. The screams got louder and louder, the ocean waves were muted, and the crew members' voices dimmed. Kate slipped into blind panic as her hands tingled, her legs trembled and her heart pounded.


Kate gasped, snapping out of her panic. The screams were gone but the urge was still there. She slowly turned to see Logan a few feet away. The sea breeze tousled his hair, the sun illuminating his skin. His eyes were still as cold as ever.

-"L-Logan, I'm sorry I was just..."- Kate took a deep breath. -"You're trembling...are you sure you're okay?"- He asked and Kate quickly nodded.
-"Do you want to nap?"- Logan stepped closer to her. A nap did sound good right about now but, with those screams who can sleep?
-"I...sure..."- She held her head, hinting of a headache peeking through. -"We'll be home in a day, if you sleep it will go by faster."- Logan reached for her shaking hand.

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