Chapter 54: The Battle of the Gods

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Naoko made it to the doorstep of Leena's home. Ivee bawled in a stream of tears, she was angry that Naoko left Kate behind.

-"Naoko! How could you? She needed us!"-

-"No she didn't Ivee, how many times do I have to say it!? Kate can take care of herself anyway! Our job is to evacuate as many people as possible before anything happens!!"-

Rai ran inside to check on Leena to find her sitting in her usual spot at the dining table.

-"Sweet pea! I'm so glad you are all safe!"- She slowly stood up using her cane.

-"Miss Leena, we have to move you to a safer location, we can't stay here any longer!"- Rai helped Leena walk to the door.

-"Where's Katerina?"- She asked as soon as she saw Ivee and Naoko.

-"She'll be fine, let's go up to Phosphorus Cliff, we'll be safe from the tidal waves there."- Naoko grabbed a couple of bottles of water and a few loaves of bread from the pantry.

-"Why is this happening to us? What have we done to anger God?"- Leena looked up at the blackened sky when they felt the ground rumble underneath their feet. They turned to the sea to see it receding and creatures with pale-colored flesh appearing from the wet sand.

-"Oh no."- Rai and Naoko gasped. -"Can things get any worse!!?"- Naoko picked up Leena on her shoulder and began running further into the town. Rai and Ivee followed.

-"N-Naoko, put me down! Don't strain yourself like this!!"-

Naoko ignored Leena's pleas and continued running. Ivee looked back at the ocean to see the head of a giant figure, breaking the surface of the water.

-"What the—"- Ivee stopped running to see what in the world was that.

-"Ivee why'd you—"- Rai called to her but also saw the giant man stepping closer to the shore.

He was taller than the cliff, higher than Celeste Peak, it could crush the entire island with one step. It moved so eerily slow, hopefully it would give them time to seek refuge.

As soon as the water revealed the face, Ivee gasped. This was the face of the Fallen man who took Logan from Ivee's arms back on the outskirts of Zamcain.

-"What is going on!?"- Ivee shouted. They all finally felt like death was imminent, how could they escape so many elements of chaos and danger?

-"Is Bassilisk here too!?"- Rai asked, grabbing Ivee by her wrist and continuing to run.

-"Can Katie do it on her own!? I don't think so!! We're all gonna die!!"- Ivee began to cry again. Naoko turned around and slapped Ivee across the face.

-"Ivee, snap out of it!!"- She screeched. -"Kate and Logan got this, not only that Ariel and Yenziel are here too!! If anything, we can take care of things down here! Now move!!"- Ivee held her cheek as Naoko whispered her apologies.

How can everything change so drastically and so quickly? Just a few days ago, Ivee and Naoko were dancing at the festival, hoping peace would finally reign over their island. Kate's birthday was approaching and everyone was preparing for it. Graduation was just around the corner too. It was a whole bunch of milestones that they were about to accomplish. And now, they were surrounded by what seemed to be the Second Great Shift, the only difference being God was right there, right before their very eyes, showing his angry and vengeful distorted face, smiting them for who knows why.

Leena, being a devoted believer in God, felt her faith die along with her hope. She believed that God loved everyone, unconditionally, regardless of who believed in him or not. It was said that in the presence of God, a mortal wouldn't live to tell the tale. A mere mortal body wouldn't take his presence and cease to exist. But, everyone had their eyes on him, no higher power, no holy blinding light, just a vengeful man who had lost exaltation. His spear punctured the ocean and the core of the planet, shifting and sending nature into a frenzy. The sun and moon appeared and disappeared every minute, stars fell from the sky and gravity felt out of order.

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