Chapter 10: Unhinged

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Bored out of her mind, Kate stared out the window of her classroom, daydreaming of what her future awaits.

-"Kate! Wake up!"- Naoko yelled at Kate, shaking her shoulder. -"You're drooling."-

-"Shut up..."- Kate's voice was groggy.
-"They're holding a welcome meeting in the auditorium, attendance is mandatory..."- Naoko said rolling her eyes.  They walked out of the classroom while the bell rang. They made their way to the auditorium where the meeting was being held. Students whispered as Kate and Naoko walked in. The stare burned into Kate, causing her to recoil and hide her body behind her best friend. Kate's breathing was erratic, anxiety grew inside her like fizz in a shaken soda bottle. Hands shaking, she found some seats near the middle aisle and sat down. Naoko tried to comfort her by rubbing her back. Kate slightly sank into her chair, trying to block any disapproving eyes.
Naoko looked at the stage and saw their school principal walk up to the center stage.

The microphone screeched loudly as the woman school principal lightly tapped it. The voices quieted down and the woman cleared her throat.
-"Good Afternoon students! It's been a while!"- She said. -"I hope that everyone has been doing okay and that you are healing and coping."-
Kate sighed and teared up at the thought of her classmates either not among them anymore or lost loved ones.
-"Naoko, I don't feel comfortable here, they are gonna call me out, I know it!"- Kate panicked.
-"Calm down! No, they won't!"-

-"We will be having a memorial for those who passed away during the tsunami over at the front of the outdoor stage."-

The whispers became louder as they began insulting Kate and blaming her for the casualties. Tears ran down Kate's face as she clenched her jaw.

-"I didn't choose this...I didn't..."- Kate whimpered.

A screen behind the principal began projecting the names of the ones lost in the disaster.
Sniffles and wails were heard around Kate as she fought tears back.

-"A moment of silence for those lost..."- The principal instructed and the auditorium was silent, only whimpers and cries of loss were heard.
Kate covered her face with her hands. She couldn't even look at the names without exploding into tears.

-"Thank you...We already know that the chosen savior is among us, in our school, so we beg not to overwhelm or harass her. Our very own Katerina Lockheart was chosen by the Celestians and God, be respectful and reverent."-

Kate sunk deeper into her chair, embarrassed by the introduction. Some students began spitting at Kate and further insulting her while throwing food and trash. Kate couldn't take any more abuse or pressure and ran off as she loudly cried. Naoko called to her best friend but Kate slammed the auditorium doors behind her.

-"Students, please! We all know you are grieving but please, no bullying or harassing!!"- The principal tried her best to stop the angry mob of students.
Naoko was hurt by the student's reaction toward Kate, she loudly stomped on the floor creating a loud, deep noise, making the seats and chandeliers shake. The students quickly stopped yelling and stared at Naoko in disbelief.

-"You all should be ashamed...I'm disgusted by your animalistic behavior toward the one person who is saving your lives! She didn't choose this!!!!"-  Naoko's voice echoed within the walls.
-"Animals behave better than everyone here!! Disgusting!! Fucking assholes!"-
Naoko was extremely angry and stormed out of the auditorium. The students whispered between themselves as words of freaks and devils were constantly being repeated. A group of students toward the back that consisted of two girls and two guys were talking to each other secretly as the principal and the teachers tried to de-escalate the riot.

-"That freak has been nothing but a nuisance since she ascended, hell, even before she did she was annoying."-

The person who appeared to be the leader was a girl with long wavy green hair and glasses, her arms crossed, and an angry face.

-"We just have to get rid of her in the most humiliating way, just like she brushed off the deaths of our loved ones. They meant nothing to her."- Greenhead said determinedly.

-"If I could do something about it now, I would fight her in front of everyone."- One of the guys said.

-"I could kill her...I'm sure my dad would've appreciated that."- The other guy said.

-"All I know is that we have to get rid of her..."-

A hooded dark figure hid in the shadows nearby and watched as all this event happened. It slowly moved toward the door and slipped out in the draft, as if it was smoke.

Outside, Kate collapsed on the roots of a nearby tree, crying inconsolably.

-"Kate!!?"- Ivee ran up to her dropping her bag and books. -"Are you okay!!?"- Ivee helped her sister up. The feeling of distraught invaded Kate's body, her crying was distressed making breathing and talking almost impossible. Naoko ran up to them, also upset.

-"Can you please explain what the hell happened!!??"-

-"She pretty much just got called out and spit on by the entire auditorium..."- Naoko cracked her knuckles.

Ivee has never seen her older sister cry like this, contagious genuine wails of pain and embarrassment flooded her ears. Kate leaned on the tree, her tears running down its bark. Naoko tried consoling Kate and Ivee ran over to the auditorium, her nails and fangs grew long as she ran faster and faster. Ivee was about to open the door for the auditorium when she was hit by a cold wind that made her yelp and fall to her knees.
This hooded figure walked out of the door and passed by Ivee without acknowledging her. Naoko heard Ivee yelp and turned her head in that direction to find this hooded figure approaching them quickly. Naoko reacted and her heel dropped onto the ground, creating a crater and stopping the figure in its tracks. Naoko's skin was covered in goosebumps in this entity's presence.

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