Chapter 46: Reunited

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Crickets sang in the cold night, the rustling of leaves and grass due to the breeze rolling in from the icy mountains was somewhat comforting. Kate slowly made her way back to their camping site, Logan leading her. She blushed lightly as she noticed Naoko and Ivee playing on their phones. If only they knew what they were doing a while ago, they would totally flip. Especially Naoko, she would be slightly disappointed. To think that she did talk to Kate about jumping from man to man so blindly and easily and yet here she was just sighing in relief from having sex with Logan without a trace of guilt. But Kate finally felt like she made the right choice this time. She still loved Rai but not the same as before, for obvious reasons. Her walking was a bit uneven but the soreness reminded her of who she belonged to now, and that was just enough to put a smile on her face despite how chaotic and hectic her life is as of right now. Kate glanced at Rai who was turned away, also on his phone. He scrolled up and down, desperately trying to get a signal. Kate dried her hair with the towel, the smile plastered on her lips, a hint of red still on her cheeks, and a twinkle in her eye. Relaxation hasn't been on her vocabulary for a long time but tonight she can confirm that she finally managed to relax.

-"Took you two long enough..."- Naoko sighed, not turning to look at them. -"I stink, I need to bathe."- Naoko rose and picked up her soap and towel.
-"I'll go with you. My scalp is getting itchy."- Ivee followed.

Kate looked at them as they passed by her. Ivee looked back at her and whispered.
-"You're glowing..."-
Kate blushed deeper. -"Go wash yourself!!"- Kate playfully pushed her. -"I can't wait to get home."- She then stretched her arms up.
-"We're not too far off from Tanius, we'll be there by noon tomorrow."- Rai's stoic voice said.
-"Great!"- Kate glanced at her phone that was lying on top of her bag.
-"Kate, you need your rest. Lay down."- Logan called to her as he was setting up their blankets.
-"Yes, Daddy."- Kate smiled at him flirtatiously. He paused what he was doing and stared at her; holding in a smirk and his sudden excitement.

-"Did you just call him "daddy"?"- Rai scoffed, partially disgusted.
-"Oh be quiet, I was just playing."- Kate waved her hand. -"By the way, Rai. I didn't like what you said to me earlier."-
-"I know, and I'm sorry, but I thought I was giving you a reality check."-
-"Well you weren't, you were oppressing her."- Logan shimmed in. -"The reality check you need is that you better mind your own fucking business unless you want your neck broken."-
-"Logan, I care for Kate as much as everyone here, I was just being honest and looking out for her."-
-"Guys just stop! Rai, I understand what you were trying to do but—"- Kate was interrupted by the sound of Rai's phone vibrating.


Rai quickly looked down at his phone to see Maya's name on the screen. -"Holy fuck."- He quickly answered.


Rai pointed at Kate's phone as he said, -"There's a signal!"- Kate quickly turned and grabbed her phone. With trembling hands, she punched in her mom's number. After a few grueling seconds of silence, it began to ring. Kate's heart pounded hard against her ribs, anticipating her mother to answer.

-"Maya, is everything okay?"- He took a deep breath. -"How are you doing?"-

-"Rai, this is a disaster, everything is in shambles, your father is missing which I don't know if that's a good thing."-

-"Missing?"- Rai asked in a quiet tone. -"Yeah, his men were all over the place, scrambling to put the pieces of his business back together. And not only that, President DiLaurentis was assassinated."-

-"What!? Really?"- Rai couldn't believe what Maya was saying. To think that the powerhouse of Zamcain, which was Kayn and the President was now gone, how will the city survive? It reminded him of Kate's experience in that dreaded city, to think his father and the president put her through emotional turmoil, he felt in a way grateful that they were gone. Maybe then the city will cleanse away the bloody corruption. But, something inside him felt off. He doesn't think his father is dead, maybe just simply missing. Rai shook his head, why was he feeling concerned for the very man who ruined his life anyway?

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