Chapter 37: Sand

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-"They're calling it the Great Shift now..."- Rai took a deep breath as his body was still weak. He sat in the car, tuning into the radio, trying to find a clear enough station.

It's been a couple of days since the catastrophe happened or at least they thought since the sky was still dark and red, Kate was still helping those in need without rest. She hasn't slept or eaten anything but still had the energy to keep going. Her steps slowly made their way through the crowd of thankful people as they steadily backed away, giving way for her. Some reached out to her to touch her, and she let them while she stretched her hands out to feel them back. Kate finally reached the entrance of the town, now that the people were healed by Kate, they quickly started rebuilding. Skeletons of buildings surrounded them as Kate walked backward to admire them.

Ivee looked at her sister, how much she has helped everyone, how much she has sacrificed herself, mentally and physically time and time again. Their mom would be so proud to see her now. Ivee checked her phone to see "no service" on it, and her battery was dying. The sudden desperation of wanting to check up on her mom arose in Ivee's chest like something was constricting her from the inside.

-"Kate, we have to go!!"- Ivee shouted at her. -"We have to go back home!"-

Kate turned to her sister and with a sigh, she nodded. Kate felt in her heart and being that other towns and cities suffered the same fate as the townsfolk in Keya, she wanted to save them all but deep inside she knew she couldn't and it killed her.

-"Let's go..."- Kate said, and as she was about to leave, the townsfolk called to her, thanking her for her salvation and help.

-"No need, it is my calling after all."- Kate bowed to the people.

-"We will erect a statue in your name, My Lady!"-

Kate blushed and internally cringed at this, -"I-It's not necessary, please, rebuild and help each other out."-

Kate turned to leave and as she did, the people began to bid her farewell. She looked back and waved at them.

The residents managed to get the car ready and filled with gas along with a new windshield, so they were good to go to their destination. A few extra gallons of gas were stashed in the trunk, just in case.

-"Let's go home...I want to see Ma."- Kate hugged Ivee.

-"Me too, I hope she is okay..."-

Phone service was down, so no phone calls or texts were coming through. Thunder and lightning were still rampant throughout the sky, the ocean was still unsteady and the land was irritated as Volcanoes and ash littered the clouds.

-"Are you sure this was God's doing?"- Rai asked as he looked up at the black clouds.

-"Who else?"- Kate responded.

The peaks of the Celestian Sky Islands could barely be seen due to all the smoke and smog. This was the first time Prymeria could clearly see them. And there were more than just two—from all around the world, sightings were reported to seeing these floating islands.

-"I hope the Celestians are okay, they have nothing to do with God's wrath."- Kate whispered to herself.

Then she saw them, light beings lowering from the floating islands.

-"They...They are evacuating!"- Kate quickly jumped into the car and told Naoko to go where the Celestians were landing.

-"Just further west Naoko!! Let's go!"-

-"But Kate! There's barely a road anymore, plus we have to get back To Kirya, Leena might be in danger!!"-

Kate remained silent, Naoko was right, going back home has long been overdue. Priorities needed to be met and that was her Mom.

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