Chapter 8: Changes

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Kate blushed at the thought of her intimate moment with Rai a few moments ago. Hair dripped in water as she came out of the shower, quickly wrapping it in a towel. She looked at herself in the mirror inspecting her face and skin. She reached for a bottle of face lotion and squeezed a bit on her palm. As she massaged her face, neck, and shoulders, she heard a noise coming from outside the bathroom.

-"Ivee it's time for bed. It's pretty late."- She opened the door to see Logan, hunched over, peeking through the window. Kate, stunned by the sight of those bright yellow eyes in the darkness, fell backward onto the floor. She scrambled to cover herself as she was still in her bath towel.

-"What are you--"- Kate stopped herself from yelling. Trying not to startle her mom or Ivee. -"What are you doing here!?"- She whispered getting up.

-"We need to talk..."- Logan said climbing into the room, over the window sill. He stood up straight, towering over Kate.

-"Can you at least give me a moment to get dressed?"- She ran to her closet and picked out her blue baggy pajamas. Logan turned around to look out the window as Kate changed quickly.

-"You're such a gentleman..."- She whispered teasingly.
Logan scoffed with a slight smile.
-"Would it feel better if I looked at you undress for me?"- His voice crawled up her spine.
-"Uhh..."- Kate shivered not knowing how to answer that. She shook her head and cleared her throat.
-"What do you need to talk about with me?"- She said, buttoning her Pjs.

-"The same thing happening to you here, it's happening all around Prymeria."- Logan said looking down at the floorboards. Kate was confused.
-"I thought they wanted me dead, therefore disasters only happen here where they can find me..."-
Logan shook his head. -"Everywhere, you just happen to have the most aggressive and strongest monsters after you. You need to find out where Bassilisk is and stop him before he takes over everything and kills you and everyone you love."-
Logan sounded almost desperate. He clicked his tongue and lifted his head to look out the window.
-"I...accepted this calling just so I could protect everyone I love and who are dear to me. I will keep that promise, no matter where I have to go..."- She sighed. -"But my island needs me, Logan, I can't just go to the different continents and fight, no matter how much I want it. Besides, that's what the militia is for..."-

She caught herself being insensitive to other people's struggles and sacrifices and she stopped talking. Logan quietly looked at her, waiting for her to share her thoughts.

-"Logan..."- She began. -"How do you know all this?"- Kate stepped closer to him. -"I have always asked myself that, ever since I met you..."-

Logan looked down at her, almost as if trying to hide his sad expression.

-"You're right...we need to talk."- She continued.
Logan looked Kate, up and down and gave her a soft smile.
-"Fine...What do you wanna know?"-

-"Who are you? Where do you come from?"- She started, sitting on the edge of her bed.
-"You know who I am, where do I come from? I'm not too sure myself."-

-"What do you mean?"- Kate's voice softened.
-"I...Can't remember, where I'm from or how I know the things I know..."- His husky voice vibrated into Kate's ears.

Logan leaned on the window sill and slowly descended to the floor, sitting down, head resting on the wall behind him.
-"Your Rai guy asked me the same question a few moments ago."- He chuckled. -"Last thing I remember was waking up in the middle of a rundown building, up in the Northern Woods."-

-Northern Woods, where the old academy was?- Kate thought.
-"When I came to, my head was pounding, my body ached..."-
-"Sounds like you had a fun night!"- Kate interrupted him.
Logan looked at her, slightly annoyed.

-"Sorry..."- Kate apologized. -"But, that doesn't explain why and how you know about my calling..."-

Logan shrugged his shoulders. -"It's my calling, I guess."-

Kate looked at Logan quietly, studying his mannerisms and facial expression. He was very handsome and very intimidating but something felt almost childlike. He was lost and confused. Kate saw herself in him, in a way.
 -"How did you find out you are Maxtón or even remember your name?"- Kate asked, sliding down the edge of the bed to the floor.
-"I just knew, could be muscle memory if I'm being honest."- He stared at the roof.

-"And your powers?"- Kate scooted closer to him.
-"Perks of being half Abaddon..."-

Kate went back and forth with Logan, trying to comprehend what was going on.

-"You have powers that need developing, powers that rival most of the strongest Celestians, just like I have powers that rival most of the strongest Fallen, we are opposites."- He explained.

-"Working together for the same goal!"- Kate smiled at Logan. -"I feel so much better knowing that I'm not alone in this."-
Kate thanked him and Logan returned a soft smile.

-"You need your rest, I should go."- Logan said getting up on his feet. Kate did the same. -"But think about what I told you..."- He turned around to leave through the window but felt Kate tug his sleeve.

-"No...Stay here..."- She said in a gentle whisper. Logan frowned.
-"I can't--"-
-"I won't take no for an answer..."- Kate interrupted him. She pulls him in for a hug. Embracing his waist tightly. Logan was very confused by this, his hands lifted as he tried not to touch her.
-"Thank you for opening up to me and for understanding me."- She whispered.
Logan remained silent as he placed his hands on the sides of the window for support. Kate quickly ran into her closet and picked a pillow and a cozy sleeping bag. She stretched it out beside her bed.

-"There you go!"- She climbed up on her bed and waited for Logan to climb in the sleeping bag. Logan stared at her, he couldn't believe she was making him do this. He took off his shoes and slowly crawled in. When he was finally comfortable, Kate turned off the fairy lights she had on her window. Quiet filled the room and darkness engulfed Logan's eyesight. He heard Kate whisper to him. -"We'll get through this together, and we will get your memories back, I promise."-

Logan stared at the dark ceiling, pondering her words. His yellow topaz eyes shined in the darkness as he was still confused about his current situation.



-"Take me to where you woke up..."- She whispered before falling asleep. Logan didn't say anything and slowly closed his eyes. The thought of Kate taking him in and caring for him made Logan feel uneasy. Why is she doing this? She barely knows him. That is just the type of person Kate is, she cares for others and puts them before herself even if they are strangers. His thoughts tried to explain the situation. He finally began to fall asleep as he drowned himself in thought.

The sun peeked through the horizon, letting its light filtering through the leaves. Tropical birds chirped and dew drops twinkled on the lush grass.
Kate turned on her bed stretching her arms and arching her back. She looked down to the floor where Logan was.

-"Good Morning!"- Kate yawned and rubbed her eyes. When her eyes focused she saw Logan with the most peaceful and vulnerable sleeping face. He slept so quietly, it was almost eerie, she is used to a very intimidating and serious personality and to see him sleep like a baby, was very endearing.
She held her breath as she slowly got out of bed, trying not to wake him up. She tiptoed around him and exited the room, closing the door softly. Kate made her way down the stairs and walked to the kitchen where her mom was brewing coffee and making breakfast. Ivee was on the table, playing with her phone.

-"Good Morning!"- Kate said walking in.

-"Oh, Good morning sweetie, you're in a good mood today!"- Leena said serving her a cup of tea. -"No Night terrors tonight?"-
-"No! I slept so well! Feels amazing!"- Kate took a deep breath.

-"I'm going to the Northern Woods with friends."- Kate said as she took a sip of her cup.

-"Oh? What are you looking for in there?"- Leena was curious.
-"A friend of mine is showing us around the old academy, I've never seen it in person so I'm excited!"-
-"Oh, Can I come too?"- Ivee barged in.
Kate turned to her sister. -"No, you can't!"- Kate snapped at her.

-"Oh come on! You never take me anywhere now!"-

-"She's right Katerina! Spend more time with your sister for heaven's sake!"- Leena yelled from the kitchen.

-"Especially when school starts again in a couple of days..."- Ivee said with a snarl.
-" Again?"- Kate was surprised, she has gotten used to not having school since the tsunami. The school was badly damaged so it took a while to do repairs and rebuild to a point where it was finally safe for students to come back.
Kate grunted and slouched on her chair.
-"I'm too busy with my calling to go to school!"-

Leena smacked the counter with a wooden spoon. -"You will not be skipping school, Katerina!"- Kate looked back at her mom, surprised.
-"Uggghhhhhh..."- Kate groaned.
-"Education is very important and you will not skip it!"- Leena placed a plate of eggs and bacon in front of Kate.

-"Now, eat up!"-
-"I'm gonna eat upstairs today..."- Kate grabs her plate and cup of tea and makes her way back to her room.

-"Alright sweetie!"- Leena brushed it off but Ivee was suspicious. She quickly finished her plate and her juice. By the time she took the plate to the sink and made her way to the stairs, Kate closed the door behind her.

Kate walked across the room, sipping her tea. Logan was still asleep so she tiptoed over to him. At that moment, she heard a small knock on her door. Kate flinched and without a sound, stood up and walked to the door. I've had her ear against the door trying to hear anything inside. Kate opened the door slightly, peeking out with one eye.

-"Ugh, what do you want?"- Kate rolled her eyes as she whispered.

Ivee gasped. -"I knew it! There's someone there with you!"- She yelled. Kate flinched and with one hand grabbed her sister by the face, covering her mouth and pulling her closer.
-"Promise me you won't say anything!"- Kate growled at her. Ivee quickly nodded. Kate opened the door and pulled her in, closing the door behind them. Ivee looked at the sleeping bag on the floor and a redhead man sleeping in it. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened underneath Kate's hand.
-"Ew..."- Kate said under her breath as she wiped the hand on her shirt. Ivee slowly approached Logan, she knew what he was.

-"Is he?...A..."- Ivee whispered as she pointed at him. Kate nodded and mouthed the word "Maxtón". Ivee turned back to Logan. She was stunned by the presence of this man, but it felt almost familiar to her. Kate walked past Ivee and sat at the edge of the bed, munching on a piece of bacon. Ivee looked like a curious but cautious cat slowly getting closer to him. Kate was amused, her sister never behaved like this with anyone, Ivee was always so snappy and outgoing and maybe problematic at times.

-"He's beautiful..."- Ivee whispered. Kate sipped her tea, nodding. Ivee blushed and turned to Kate.
-"Why do you have a man in your room?"- she whispered.
Kate sighed. -"His name is Logan and he is helping me with my calling..."-

Ivee remembered when rai mentioned that Kate was hanging around with a man, maybe this is the man, she thought.
-"Kate, Rai mentioned a man to me and that he was worried about you, is this him? If you ask me Rai was very jealous."- Ivee looked at Kate. -"Look at you go! Juggling two men at once!"-
Kate spit out her tea.
Kate yelped out and Logan opened his eyes startled. Both girls held their breath as they saw Logan rub his eyes and yawn.

-"Why are you yelling? You okay?"- Logan sounded huskier than ever as he stretched his arms and back. Both girls blushed at the sight.

-"I-I'm perfectly fine, um, my sister just startled me!"-
Ivee noticed his eyes, shining like jewels in the sun. With his messy hair and sleepy face, everything about him was perfect.

-"Um, Hi..."- Ivee said shyly. Logan turned to her and noticed the tiny horns on her head along with her bright red eyes.
-"You are a Vasuni, aren't you?"- Logan gave her a soft smile and Ivee sighed, stars in her eyes.

-"Y-yes...I am."- She said, intensely blushing. Logan ran his fingers through her hair and softly made his way down her cheek and under her chin. -"You're so young, aren't you?"- He whispered. Kate panicked. -"Ahh um Hey, Logan! I have breakfast for you!"- She said as she handed him the plate of food.
-"Kate said that we are going to the woods to explore an abandoned building!"- Ivee was enthusiastic, just thinking about spending time with Logan got her excited.

-"I'm going to my room and change, please wait for me!"- She ran off and closed the door. Her quick footsteps were heard running down the stairs.

-"She's joining us?"- Logan asked still holding the plate. Kate smiled nervously. -"It'll be fine, my mom forced me to take her because I haven't spent time with her."-

Logan shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to pick on the food.
-"I'm gonna hop in the shower and get ready, eat up!"-

Logan chewed on a piece of bacon and got up to look around the room. Pictures of Kate's family decorated the slightly worn-out and faded blue wooden shelves. Seashells adorned basically everything along with books and comics. He noticed at the far left side of the room, in the corner next to the bookshelf, resting neatly against the wall was Kate's sword. He walked to it as he took another bite of bacon. It was a very well-made sword, beautiful in design. Golden details on the base swirled around it, the handle had a firm grey cushion. Two ribbons adorned the end of the handle, both different shades of blue. The blade itself was opalescent and extremely sharp. He stared at it for the longest time. His mind began to fill with strange voices. He couldn't understand what they said but he didn't react, he just kept staring at it.
The door to the bathroom opened and Kate came out, towel wrapped on her head, she had a t-shirt on, and a pair of jeans. Logan turned around and she noticed that he was in front of her blade.
-"Oh crap! I forgot to put it back in the sheath! Mom would've been so mad if she found out I was practicing around with it."-

Logan stood silent as he saw her lift the sword with such ease and comfort and slide it back into the sheath, which was just as beautiful as the sword itself. Gold accents, grayish leather, and stones decorated its surface.

-"You? Practicing in your room? That's dangerous..."- Logan nagged at her as he walked back towards the window.
-"Pffs, don't you start now."-

-"I'm your trainer, so..."-

-"Oh? And when did I hire you?"- Kate laughed.

Logan looked back at her. -"Since you went crazy when I saved you from drowning..."-

Kate pouted and turned her back to him. He finished the plate of food and snapped his fingers. The snap was forceful and loud enough to give Kate goosebumps and she turned around to see Logan had changed clothes.

-"No way! You can do that too!?"- Kate's jaw almost dropped. He was wearing shorts, a black hoodie, and sport sneakers.
-"There are so many things I can do..."- He answered back.

-"Kate! Let's go!"- Ivee's voice was heard from downstairs.
-"Oh, we have to get past mom, she can't see me with you, she will get the wrong idea!"-
-"It was your idea for me to stay here..."- he nagged again. -"Besides, I can jump out the window."-
-"No! Every morning after breakfast she sits on the chair facing the dining room window, she will see you jumping down."-
Kate grabbed her sword, opened the door, and walked out. -"C'mon, there's no other choice, just pray she doesn't see you"-

They both exited the room and down the stairs. Leena was sitting at the dining table but this time she was facing directly into the hallway and living room. Kate held her breath when she noticed this and passed slowly and stopped. Logan looked over to the dining room and saw Leena, eyes wide open, coffee spilling out of her cup to the table.

-"Oh shit..."- Kate covered her eyes with her hand, embarrassed by this. Leena stood up and grabbed her flip-flop.

-"Ma! It's not what it looks like!"- Kate panicked and took a few steps back. Ivee came running in from outside and stood in front of Logan.

-"Mom, he had no place to stay, so Kate took him in just for the night!"-
Leena stopped and looked at Kate. -"Does Rai know?"- she said.

Kate choked and tensed up while Logan stood silent. -"Ma!! It's not like that!!"- blushed in embarrassment.

-"Yes he does! And he is okay with it!"- Ivee interrupted. Leena raised an eyebrow. -"You kids are going to be the death of me..."- she rubbed her eyes.

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