Chapter 7: Prejudice

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-"There were no casualties. I'm glad..."- Kate sighed. -"We stopped them in time!"-
-"There's more coming, stronger and more horrifying than the last. And you need to be prepared for it."- Logan said firmly. Kate's heart palpitated at the thought. She was frightened and started doubting herself again.
-"Hey, don't worry, I'll be here, we will get stronger!"- Rai smiled at Kate.
-"And you! I didn't know you could handle a weapon that good!!"- Kate nudged Rai playfully. Kate saw what Rai brought to the fight. She didn't know that he was good with a weapon, let alone one randomly summoned by this Logan man. She turned to Logan and asked.
-"Are all Maxtón this gifted? Magic and such?"- Logan shrugged his shoulders. -"Maybe..."- He proceeded to walk to the edge of the pier and sit, dangling one leg off the edge. Kate took a deep breath as her mind started to race, what if she fails next time? what would happen to her family? To her island? What's the deal with Logan? All these questions and all she could do was worry and overthink.
Rai turned his head to focus on Logan.
-"So...who are you?"- Rai approached Logan. -"What are you looking for with Kate?"- he asked coldly. Logan flicked his eyes towards the blonde.
-"Like you would know...or even care."- Logan said rudely. Rai grinded his teeth, annoyed at how this man brushed him off.
-"I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but I don't trust you and neither should Katerina!"- Rai was furious at Logan's attitude. Kate snapped out of her overthinking and looked at the two men.
-"I feel an unsettling, creepy vibe coming from you!"- Rai continued.
-"Could it be because I'm Maxtón and you are scared?"- Logan glared at Rai who looked back at him perplexed and disgusted.
-"So you're a low life demon, trash and problem causing, good for nothing? No wonder!"- Rai growled.
Kate gasped and stepped in between them.
-"Rai!! How can you treat him like this? He is helping me with my duties!"-
-"Katerina, he is part Abaddon, you can't trust people like him, they are dangerous creatures! Just scum!"- Rai grinded his teeth.
-"Oh, so you're racist now?"- Logan smirked at Rai's reaction, chuckling and amused.
-"Goddammit, Rai!! Ivee is a Vasuni!!"- Kate looked at Rai, disappointed in his words.
-"How dare you!!"- Kate's eyes glossed over as tears swelled up. Rai didn't look at Kate, just kept on glaring at Logan.
-"I-It's not the same, Kate...I'm sorry."- Rai's voice cracked.

Logan flicked his eyes to Kate. -"Is this who you want to associate with?"-
Rai grabbed Logan's shirt and lifted him up.
Logan, feeling insulted, sighed and slapped Rai's hand off.
Kate began to cry and ran off to the port as people made way for her.
Rai took his eyes off the yellow topaz ones.
-"Katerina!"- He ran after her, leaving Logan behind. The islanders stood around looking at what was happening. They saw the entire fight and what Kate did. Some folk whispered ill will of Kate, saying how her power is a danger to their island and its people. Kate risked her life twice now for her people and yet, they still see her as a danger towards them.
Logan gave the crowd a cold stare, for he heard everything they spoke. The people flinched and began to thin out the crowd. They went back to their business.

Rai made his way towards Kate's house, avoiding people and structures. The feeling of regret still fresh in his body and mind began to eat at him. How could he say that? He knew Kate's little sister was a Vasuni and yet still spoke ill-will of the race. He didn't know Logan to judge him that way. Ignorant prejudice blinded him from respecting Kate's presence. Rai grinded his teeth as he approached Kate's house.

-"Me and my big mouth."- he whispered to himself as he faced the door.
He knocked and took a step back.
The door opened and Ivee stepped out, her hand inside a cheesy bag of chips, face smothered and stained, still chewing. Rai looked at her, guilt crawling up his stomach. This girl is what he insulted. A normal little girl who had no fault whatsoever of her ancestor's sins. He frowned at the thought.
-"Katie isn't here, if that's what you're here for, if not then, yes?"- Ivee groaned with her mouth full.
Rai sighed. Kate wasn't there, she must've known he would come looking for her.
-"I am sorry...I said some really mean things about the Abaddons and well, Kate got angry at me and ran off, now I'm looking for her but first I wanted to apologize to you in person for what I said, it was insensitive, again, I'm sorry."- He was out of breath after rambling.

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