Chapter One

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Cecelia walked through the crowd, her hair up in a ponytail, looking around curiously. She sighed, carrying a basket. She grabbed come peaches, setting down a few gold coins, and turned away. She looked around, searching for her favorite stand. "Celia, over here!" Cecelia spotted her friend and waved, walking over. "Hey Maddy"Cecelia greeted quietly. She picked up a bag of tarts passing her friend some of the gold coins she had. "Here, take a second bag." A hand placed gold coins on the stand, making her eyes widen. She looked up, Isis smiling down at her. She stared at him, the crown prince staring back amused. "Your majesty!"Maddy says bowing to him. Cecelia stared at him stunned, Isis smiling at her still. "Oh..I wanted to return this, and ask if you'd like to return to the palace with me"Isis smiled.

"No." She stared at him silently, Isis looking alarmed. "They're my family, even if they're mean to me...I have to be there for them"Cecelia says. She took her heel and walked away, Isis looking down stunned. "Wait!"Isis gasped turning around. He grabbed her hand, causing her eyes to widen in shock. He released her hand quickly, and looked away. "Are you heading home?"Isis asked. "Yes...I'm not allowed to be outside for long periods of time...and I have chores to do when I get home"Cecelia nodded. "Will you be out and about tomorrow"Isis asked. "....Yes..."Cecelia replied blinking twice. He nodded, rubbing the back of his head. "Goodbye your majesty"Cecelia says turning away. Isis flinched, inwardly panicking as his eyes darted around.

"Lady Cecelia!"Isis yelled. She sighed and turned, getting met with Moondrop flowers, her eyes widening. "Take these at least and the extra tarts I bought you"Isis smiled. He placed the flowers and tarts into her basket. "Thank you..."Cecelia says. She smiled at him, touching the Moondrop flowers. "These have been my favorite since I was a kid, I used to sneak out to go see them in the field not far from here, but my parents found out and had every single flower uprooted and planted Lilacs which my sister, Willow, loves...I was always second compared to her, she'd pretty, graceful and kind to those who she genuinely cares about, once you've earned her love, you'll have it forever"Cecelia muttered. "How come you haven't earned her love..."Isis asked.

"That I never knew why...all I remember is that one day she came into my room crying when we were four years old...afterwards we never talked and she hated me"Cecelia sighed. She looked towards the time, her eyes widening as she turned and ran off. "Hey! Wait! You dropped your heel again!!"Isis yelled picking the heel up. He watched her vanish into the crowd, and sighed. "Is this some kind of sign from the gods...three nights ago I was given the sudden urging push to follow her and now her heel dropped twice..."Isis mumbled. "Why are you mumbling to yourself." Aisha smiled at him, Isis laughing as he hugged his younger sister. "Don't worry sis, it's fine"Isis smiled. Aisha smiled at him, and giggled in amusement. "Tell me about her!"Aisha smiled Isis staring at her in surprise.

Cecelia walked to her room, managing to avoid her parents and sister. She changed into a new outfit, two blue Jays helping her tie the apron around the back. "Now remember everyone, don't be seen as we clean!"Cecelia reminded. "You won't have to worry Lady Cecelia, your family is out for the day, they won't be back until tomorrow!"Rosy reports. "Thanks, you go rest!"Cecelia nodded. She nodded to her animal friends, everyone heading out. She smiled carrying the plates to the kitchen, the blue Jays, robins, and falcons working together to clean the dishes and dry them, putting them back where they belong. The mice and deer fawns washing the first floor while she scrubbed the second, her hair now wrapped up in a bun. She looked up, the house cat purring as she rubbed up against her arm.

"Hey Lucy!"Cecelia greeted amused. Lucy leaped into the wooden bucket of water. "Lucy!"Cecelia gasped. Lucy leaped out and started to rub herself on the floor, making her smile slightly. She hummed carrying a bucket of clothes down to the first floor, one of the mice squeaking as it skittered over to her before scampering away. She got up, her eyes wide in alarm as she followed finding a little bird in the mouse trap, its wings hurt. "Oh poor thing!"Cecelia gasped. She opened the mouse trap, helping the bird out, gently bandaging the white birds wings. "You're gonna be Snowflake"Cecelia smiled. "Who's gonna be Snowflake?" A little ice spirit appeared, having been hiding in the pocket of Cecelia's dress. "Oh Icy! You're awake!"Cecelia smiled.

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