Chapter Thirty One

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Cecelia sat in her and Isis's now shared room, a small smile on her face as she looked out the window, Kodak sitting in her lap. She took a sip of the tea Isis had brought her before he went to his sword training, letting out a happy sight at the sweet taste. Kodak leaped down allowing her to stand up, a smile on her face as she headed to the closet to get changed. She changed into a dark purple dress with Lilies on the chest part, with a purple translucent little cloak that had lily petals on them. She skipped on purple heels with purple lily's on them that went all the way up to her knees. Icy beamed, watching as she put her hair up in a ponytail, using a purple ribbon to tie it together.

The sound of banging on her door startled her, her eyes widening as four guards bursted in. "What are you doing?!"Cecelia gasped as they grabbed her. The guards dragged her out, bringing her to the garden and tossed her down. One tossed Kodak down beside her, Cecelia pushing herself up alarmed. "What...what is going on..."Cecelia mumbled. She stared, horror striking her realizing the guards were some kind of assassin's. "This is the wench who can communicate with animals?" She stared, looking confused. Kodak moved closer to her, letting out a scared wailing sound. "Should we kill her like the woman said?"

"Isis would be after you!"Cecelia yelled. The assassin's looked at her, Cecelia glaring at them. "Isis would not rest until he finds you guys, if you kill me now you're sealing your fate!"Cecelia says glancing away. One stepped forward, earning a branch to the head. She got to her feet, glaring at the other assassin's, her hair out of it's ponytail messily over her face. She raised the branch, glaring at them. "You evil dogs"Cecelia spat. She hit another assassin outside the head with the branch, before turning and whacking another one, drawing blood. A third grabbed her, earning an elbow to the stomach and a punch to the most, knocking them out.

She looked at the other three, her eyes practically glowing. The sound of snarling startled the scared assassin's, a pack of wolves stalking closer. "Get. Them...."Cecelia commanded. The lead wolf snarled end leaped forward, chasing after the last three assassin's. Cecelia fell to her knees, and coughed, looking at the blood now on her hand. "What...was that"Cecelia mumbled stunned. "CECELIA!!" Isis ran over, and hauled her to her feet. "You're alright!!"Isis gasped. He hugged her tight, Elris staring at the assassin's on the ground. "Looks like she took care of them herself"Elris says picking up the bloodied branch surprised. Isis looked at her surprised, before smiling slightly.

A bark came from behind him, Iris letting out a shriek of surprise as a pack of wolves bounded over. They tackled Cecelia down, licking her face their tails wagging. "Alright!! Alright!"Cecelia laughed trying to free herself. "Get Isis!"Cecelia smiled. The pack yipped and tackles Isis down, laughter coming from Cecelia as she watched him struggle with the puppy acting wolves on him. Isis laughed, managing to get to his feet, the pack of wolves barking. "Astounding Lady Cecelia...."Elris says amazed as the wolves padded around Cecelia, rubbing against her. "I never knew I could tame beasts like these"Cecelia says.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, making her stiffen. "You can....just let me take control, like I did with the assassin''ll be powerful." She sighed and shook off the voice, Kodak leaping into her arms. She perked up, noticing the wolf pack taking off back towards the woods. "Oh...Bye..."Cecelia stared. "Cecelia." She turned and looked at Isis, getting a small nervous smile from him. "Some noblewomen arrived...they wish to have tea with you and talk about things"Isis informs. "Nobody has ever really wanted to see me.."Cecelia muttered. "You don't have to go! I'll tell them you're busy right now and that you can't come"Isis says quickly.

She blinked at him, before looking down, remembering that this was her life, the life she had wanted before. The only thing was that she had not expected Isis to be apart of it, which brought dangerous things she's never really seen before....because Willow always stood in the way of those dangerous things and shielded her fron the real reality of their life, all so she could stand in the light and not the darkness. "I'll see them"Cecelia smiled looking up at Isis. Isis stared at her, then nodded, holding his hand out. She took his hand, using her free arm to carry Kodak, a small smile on her face as she walked away beside him. Elris stared after them, before looking down thoughtfully.

Noblewomen chatted a away, smiles on their faces. Silence washed over them when Cecelia walked over, Isis beside her. Kodak snorted, starting the women. "Hello, I am Lady Cecelia, it is an honor to meet you all"Cecelia greeted bowing her head. "You can leave us Isis"Cecelia smiled looking up at him. "You sure, I can stay..."Isis asked leaning closer to her. She pressed a kiss to his cheek, causing his face to turn a light shade of red. "Yes, I'll be fine!"Cecelia beamed. He smiled at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I'll come check on you later"Isis promised. He walked away, Cecelia leading the noblewomen to a gardening building.

"Isis made this for me, it's for me to calm myself when I'm stressed out"Cecelia smiled setting Kodak down, sending the cub rub away. She took a seat, Rosy pushing her in. "Thank you Rosy"Cecelia smiled. "Anytime!"Rosy beamed. Rosy hurried away, going to finish taking care of the plants. "Lady Cecelia, I am Lady Shannel, this is Lady Lily, Lady Dew and Duchess Belle"A black haired woman smiled. "It is great to meet you all!"Cecelia beamed. "Rumor has it that you and Prince Isis slept together"Duchess Belle frowned. Cecelia stared, her eyes widening in alarm, Duchess Belle standing up staring her down. "I don't care why the others came here, but I do wanna know one thing.....why Prince Isis decided to sleep with filth off the streets"Duchess Belle glared.

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