Chapter Thirty Eight

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Cecelia beamed, Willow staring at her in shock. "YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY!!"Willow beamed. "Mhmm!"Cecelia beamed. "I'M GONNA BE AN AUNTIE!!"Willow cheered clapping happily. Cecelia and Aisha laughed, smiling at Willow. "Oh yeah, me and Bion are gonna be seeing each other more often.."Willow smiled looking down. "Oh, are you guys gonna be an item soon~~"Cecelia teased Aisha giggling beside her. "NO!"Willow gasped her eyes widening. "It's just..Bion has been nicer to me since we went to rescue you, he's been giving me attention, which surprised me since he never interacted with me"Willow sighed looking down.

"Now all of a sudden we've been getting closer and talking more often"Willow went on looking towards the window. "He...he came to see me last night and gave me some lilacs"Willow smiled her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "He also protected me from some racoons that found their way into the house, I've never seen him act so quickly before you know"Willow giggled. Cecelia and Aisha grinned at each other, before making kissy noises. "AHHHHH!! STOP IT! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL! CECELIA! AISHA!"Willow cried waving her hands and shaking her head getting flustered from their teasing.

"Lady Willow." Willow stood up, Bion walking in. "Oh, am interrupting..."Bion blinked surprised. "Not at all! Not at all~~"Cecelia giggled Aisha looking at her. Bion blinked twice, before turning his attention to Willow. "I fixed the stables, is there anything else you need me to do"Bion smiled. "No, thank you"Willow responded. She went over to her nightstand and grabbed basket of sweets and small gifts, handing it to Bion. "Thank you for helping me out!"Willow beamed. Bion bowed his head, a small smile on his face. "My pleasure"Bion chuckled. He waved and walked away, Willow shutting the door behind her. Kissy noises came from Aisha and Cecelia again, Willow letting out a flustered shriek.

Isis sat in his room, staring at a few letters that had been sent in about the baby, giving concerns or advise on raising a child. He sighed and put them down, turning away. "She won't get rid of the matter how much I try to convince her"Isis sighed. He glanced at Rosette who was cleaning his room. "I wonder if Cecelia would accept if I proposed to her"Isis wondered out loud, Rosette stopping for a moment before continuing to clean. He sighed and got up, walking over to his desk. "That's eating away at Cecelia's life, nothing will convince her to rid her body of it..."Isis says walking over to his desk. "Maybe, I could send the child to live with Willow once they're born"Isis went on.

"Your majesty I'm done"Rosette informs bowing her head. "Thank you"Isis nodded glancing at her. Rosette walked away, Isis turning fully towards her as she walked out the door. He walked after her, Rosette heading to the kitchen. She looked around, causing him to duck out of view before grabbing a cloak and pressing one of the stone bricks in, causing the wall to move in and slide to the left, revealing a tunnel. "I didn't know you were going out"Isis says stepping out into the open, Rosette looking at him in shock. Rosy came out from the tunnel, giving Rosette a small smile, two guards behind her. "Ah...your majesty wait!"Rosette gasped her eyes wide.

He stared at her, causing the woman to go quiet. "Why"Isis asked. "Because the royal family hides so many secrets, some secrets people deserve to know about"Rosette replied giving him a small glare. "That doesn't give you the right to tell people info mainly about me and Cecelia"Isis scowled stepping closer. "Cecelia actually liked you Rosette, she thought you were a good maid and saw you as a friend...this is what you do in return.."Isis growled leaning closer. Rosette's eyes widened, a look of disbelief on her face. "I'm wondering if I should forgive you just this once"Isis went on. "Cecelia would be upset with me if I threw you in a cell..."Isis went on sighing.

"You're forgiven...only this once Rosette, but you must swear loyalty to me AND Cecelia..."Isis decided giving her a look. "I swear! I swear ultimate loyalty to you both!"Rosette swore bowing her head, her eyes starting to water having thought at first that Cecelia didn't like her. "I do hope you keep that swear..."Isis nodded the guards releasing the woman. The sound of cheerful laughter came from the hallway, Isis walking out finding Cecelia and Aisha returning with gifts that Willow gave them. "You two had a great time huh?"Isis asked walking over. "Mhmm!"Cecelia beamed nodding as she hurried over to him. She hugged him, Isis resting his head on top of hers, trying to keep the bitterness towards the baby from taking over.

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