Chapter Thirteen

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Isis looked around, wearing a white cloak, Aisha walking beside him. "You sure this was where he managed to track her to?"Willow demanded looking around. "Yeah, from what Bions report was and the other reports of the strange blue haired man, he managed to track her down to a cottage in the woods..."Aisha nodded Lou sitting on her shoulder. "Guys." The trio turned, Bion running over to them. "You came"Bion greeted nodding to them. He stared at Willow, frowning at her. "She's with us, she explained things to me and she isn't so bad"Isis informs. "She's here to search for her sister like I am..."Isis adds. "You sure we can trust her?"Bion asked. "Listen, I don't care if you trust me or not! My sister is out there with some stranger, I'm going to find her with or without your help!"Willow snapped glaring at him.

He stared at her, then sighed. "Follow me"Bion beckoned walking away. "Do you know where she is"Isis asks perking up. "No, but she always comes down around this time, wearing a different color cloak each time..."Bion responds looking at him. Willow yelped, moving closer to him, her eyes wide. She tripped, Bion catching her quickly, his eyes wide. Both stared at each other until she pushed him away, regaining her balance. "Sorry"Willow muttered turning away. "It's alright..."Bion mumbled looking away. Willows eyes widened, spotting black hair among the crowd, Breeze peeking out from underneath her hood. "Guys, is that?"Willow says pointing towards the black haired male. Isis stared before a look of pure anger made its way onto his face. "CAESAR!"

Caesar turned, his eyes wide before running away, Isis and Bion chasing after him. "Stay there and look for Cecelia!"Bion ordered looking back at them. Caesar rammed his shoulder into a stack of crates. Isis slid underneath them, and got up, Bion taking a different way to cut them off. "CAESAR, JUST WAIT TILL I CATCH YOU!"Isis yelled his cloak hood falling off. Bion ran from a dark alleyway, and tackled Caesar down, holding the males hands behind his back. He tried a rope around the black haired males wrists, quickly getting up and holding Isis back. "He's restrained, you can't beat up a guy who can't fight back"Bion says quickly keeping the prince back. "Oh yes I can!"Isis retorted lunging for Caesar. Bion wrapped an arm around his abdomen, moving him back.

"We need to focus on finding Cecelia! I'll take care of him"Bion sighed. "Fine..."Isis grumbled. Bion grabbed Caesar, dragging him away, Isis looking up as rain started to fall. Footsteps made him turn, his eyes widening. Cecelia stared at him, wearing a brown cloak, her eyes wide in shock. "Cecelia..."Isis stared. Cecelia turned and ran away, her eyes wide. He chased after her, looking alarmed. "Wait! Cecelia!"Isis yelled. Aisha and Willow perked up, spotting Cecelia. "Cecelia!"Aisha gasped. "Little sis!"Willow yelled. Isis came into view, chasing after her. Aisha grabbed Willows hand, stopping her from following. "He'll bring her back..."Aisha promised smiling. "Trust me..."Aisha smiled. "Alright..."Willow sighed looking at Aisha, nervous.

Cecelia ran into the woods, tripping over a root. She pushed herself up, her eyes wide in disbelief. "Cecelia!"Isis called. "STAY AWAY FROM ME! PLEASE!" He froze, staring down at her stunned. "I don't want to cause anymore trouble for anyone, just leave me here...please..."Cecelia mumbled tears falling down her cheeks. "I-I don't want anything to happen to you mostly Isis...I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happens to you.."Cecelia says quietly. "Cecelia..."Isis stared. " if I can't be close to you.."Isis smiled lifting her head up. "Then I'll settle for the ghost of you, I missed you more than life"Isis smiled. She stared at him, then buried her face into his shoulder. He hugged her tight, then picked her up princess carry, walking back to the others.

Cecelia held onto him, her arms around his neck, staring towards the woods, spotting Poseidon staring at her with wide eyes. She looked down, before looking up at Isis, earning a small smile from him. "I'm not letting you go Cecelia"Isis promised. She smiled at him, feeling her eyes start to water. "Cecelia!"Aisha smiled hurrying over. Cecelia stared at Willow, a surprised look now on her face. "You're okay"Willow smiled. "And we got our hands on Caesar"Bion says walking over. "HE'S MINE, LET ME AT HIM!"Willow yelled. Bion held his arm out in front of her, Caesar flinching in alarm. Caesar looked at Cecelia and smiled, making her tremble, her eyes widening in fear. Isis tightened his grip on her, scowling. She slowly fell unconscious, Willows yelling being the last thing she heard.

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