Chapter Five

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Cecelia laid in bed, sleeping soundly. When she had returned her sister went hysterical on Isis, blaming him for letting her get poisoned and telling him that her parents will be informed of what happened. She opened her eyes, hearing a gentle knock on her balcony door. She sat up, Isis standing there, looking concerned. "Glacier..."Cecelia muttered. Glacier unlocked the balcony doors, Isis stepping inside. "How..are you?"Isis asked rubbing the back of his head. "I still feel weak, but I'm feeling so much better nonetheless"Cecelia smiled. He held a necklace out to her, causing her eyes to widen in shock. "I found it on my way here, thought you'd enjoy it..."Isis smiled. "I don't know if I should take this...I mean, it looks so expensive...I'm not used to having pretty things.."Cecelia blinked.

He leaned closer, lifting her hair up as he clipped the necklace on around her neck. "I think it suits you, goes with your eyes"Isis smiled. She stared at him, feeling her cheeks heat up. "Thank you..."Cecelia smiled. "Lady Cecelia, time for lunch!"Rosy announces pushing the door open. She froze, staring at Isis and Cecelia. "My Lady, I never knew you were dating the Crowned Prince!"Rosy says stunned. "I'm not! He came to check on me, I swear it!"Cecelia gasped her face turning red. Amy set the tray of food down, and hurriedly left the room, accidentally slamming the door shut. "You have a cute servant"Isis chuckled. "Rosy is the best...she's another person I trust..."Cecelia smiled her expression softening. Isis started at her, before leaning closer, making her perk up.

He touched some of her hair, pressing a kiss to it, causing her eyes to widen. "I hope we can hang out like this again...well without you being bedridden"Isis smiled. "Get out." He looked up, Cecelia staring at him, tears threatening to fall. "You're just like all the other boys I've met...pulling me in with sweet words and gifts, then tossing me away when you're done with me!"Cecelia yelled shoving him away. "Get out..your highness"Cecelia ordered looking away. "Caesar never treated me like this...he's the only boy I'd trust with my life"Cecelia says. "CAESAR IS BAD NEWS!"Isis gasped grabbing her hands. "Let me go....or else I'll scream and you'll be in trouble for trespassing..."Cecelia commanded shocking the blonde. He released her, and stepped back.

"Cecelia..."Isis mumbled. "Just go..."Cecelia ordered looking away. "I'm sure you have a girl waiting to be your betrothed down in the town, she'd be lucky to have you.."Cecelia muttered. "I be a puppet for anyone else, not my parents, not anybody"Cecelia says. Isis turned away, looking down. "I uhm...brought you well..."Isis adds holding a moonflower out to her. He set the moonflower down, and walked to the balcony, leaping over the rail and climbing down the vines. She looked down, then slipped out of bed, her hair gently swaying behind her as she walked out of her room. "Sister"Willow scowled looking annoyed. "You must want more attention! Think of the chaos that'd happen if you collapse, go lay back down stupid!"Willow spat.

"I refuse." Willow stared at Cecelia in shock, her eyes wide. She slapped her sister immediately, Cecelia stumbling back shocked. "Ha, trying to act all tough! You're nothing but a weakling, a crybaby, a useless nobody that people could care less about!"Willow grinned. "You. Are. NOTHING!"Willow laughed. "Are you done?" Cecelia looked up, a scowl on her face, Willow staring in shock. She walked away, carefully stepping down the stairs. She threw the doors open to her fathers study, Willow yelling protests behind her as she started throwing documents off his desk. "Shut up..."Cecelia ordered. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"Her father demanded storming in. She turned to him, her gaze emotionless, having finally broke and lost her feelings.

"Taking what's mine..."Cecelia responded holding some documents. "I'm going to live with Auntie and Grandma, I refuse to stay in this Hell hole with useless people"Cecelia says walking past him. "Rosy, get a carriage ready!"Cecelia ordered. "Y-Yes My lady!"Rosy says worried for her. "Don't dawdle"Cecelia adds. "Cecelia! Get back here this instant you useless child!"Her mother commanded. Glacier appeared, freezing the floor, forcing her family to stop. "The carriage is ready My Lady"Rosy informs. "Good, Come..."Cecelia nodded. She walked away, heading outside. She stepped up into the carriage, ignoring the guards offered hand and took a seat, Rosy sitting across from her as Glacier and Icy sat together eating grapes. "To grandmothers mansion!"Cecelia commanded. She glanced out the window, throwing her family a small glare.

Isis paced his room, staring at a blank piece of paper in his hand looking worried. "What do I write to her...what should I write, would she even respond...she must still be upset with me"Isis wondered. "What's the matter Son?"Elris asked walking over looking amused by his son's pacing. "Dad...there's...this girl I think is very cool, but she misunderstood what I..was trying to do...and now she thinks, I'm trying to use other men did, in her past"Isis sighed. Elris smiled in amusement and sat the crowned prince down, sitting beside him. "Give her some space, two or three days then write to her"Elris smiled. "With romance you can't force the process to speed up, you gotta just let herself sit back and enjoy the ride"Elris adds. "Right"Isis nodded. "Thanks Dad."

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