Chapter Nine

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Cecelia stared at Isis, a small smile on her face. Both stepped back and bowed. The sound of a slap echoed through the air, Cecelia's eyes widening as she touched her cheek, Willow glaring at her. "You must think you're so cool now, don't you?!"Willow demanded. "Leaving home, coming to live here and getting to have the first dance with the prince!"Willow spat the crowd staring in shock. She shoved Cecelia down, sending her crashing into the refreshment table. "SISTER!"Rin yelled running over. Caesar hurried over, Isis reaching Cecelia before the two of them could. "You alright!"Isis demanded helping her up. Cecelia stayed silent, staring at her ruined dress, Icy getting concerned. "Cecelia!" She flinched and looked up, Isis grabbing her hands, helping her to her feet.

"It's okay"Isis smiled. He picked her up princess carry, walking away towards the stairs. "Willow, what is the matter with you! Why would you do that?!"Gloria demanded Willow looking away acting defiant. Teelia stared at Willow, a small frown on her face. "Is she okay"Aisha asked hurrying over. "Yeah, she'll be just fine, I'm gonna help her make a quick change"Isis nodded. Caesar stared after them both, the figure reappearing behind him. "Go kill him, this is your chance! After you're done, take Cecelia and run to where nobody can find you!"The figure grinned. Caesar nodded and looked around, before walking up the stairs as well, Aisha perking up when she nlticed he was going the same way as her brother and Lady Cecelia. She hurried after him, looking worried.

Isis helped Cecelia wash her hair clean of the food, using a brush to get out any bits that were still stuck. He turned the water off and handed her a towel. "What dress would you like?"Isis asked curiously. "There should be a white dress in there with lilac fades"Cecelia responded. He nodded looking through her closet, before grabbing the dress and passing it to her, keeping his back turned. "Isis can you zip this up for me?"Cecelia asked. Silence followed her question, making her blink. She turned, and covered her mouth, her eyes widening in shock. Caesar smiled at her, strangling Isis with a whip. "Don't worry Cecelia! He'll be out of the way and we can run away from here together!"Caesar smiled a crazed look on his face. Cecelia stared, her eyes wide, then grabbed her makeup box, hitting Caesar outside the head.

Isis gasped for air and whirled around, punching Caesar right in the nose, drawing blood. "Cecelia, I need you to scream! It'll echo down the hall and alert everyone"Isis commanded. A scream followed his command, Aisha now sprinting down the hallway when it echoed past her. Gloria looked at the top of the stairs, her eyes wide in alarm. "Guards! Cecelia's room!"Teelia commanded grabbing a sword, hurrying up the stairs. Isis dodged Caesar, his eyes widening when the black haired male dashed past him. Black smoke filled the room, Cecelia coughing as she gripped her throat, struggling to breath. She fell over, Caesar grabbing her and leaping off the balcony as Aisha bursted in. She gasped and held her breath, grabbing Isis, another guard hurrying in and helping her drag him out.

Isis coughed, leaning against the wall. "Cecelia...where's Cecelia..."Isis asked. "Caesar got her!"Icy says. Icy coughed and fell out of the air, Isis's hand shooting up, catching the Ice Spirit. "He took off out the balcony...."Icy coughed. "Icy..."Lou says concerned. "I gotta go find her!"Isis says getting to his feet. He fell forward, Elris catching him. "We'll find her, while you rest"Elris corrects. Isis stared, then scowled, narrowing his eyes. "She's gonna be scared when she comes to it, I wanna help find her"Isis muttered. "But you need rest, you can't go searching for her with yourself like this"Elris retorted sharply. "We'll find her brother, just rest"Aisha promised. Isis nodded, his fists trembling. "I'll rest, but I want to know if anything was found out"Isis says. "Alright"Elris nodded.

Cecelia awoke, finding her wrists bound behind her back, her eyes widening in alarm. "You're awake!" Caesar beamed at her, causing her eyes to widen in shock. "Caesar..."Cecelia mumbled. "Isis should be dead by now...the smoke should have finished him off, which means, we can be together! Forever!"Caesar says a crazed grin now on his face. He cupped her cheeks, staring at her. "You're so beautiful Cecelia, I just had to have you! You don't know how many noble girls wanted me, but my heart always belonged to you! So I killed them! I killed everyone who showed romantic interest in me, so I can be with you!"Caesar smiled. "Killed..."Cecelia stared shocked. "Yes! Killed, I killed every last one! All just so we can be together without everyone judging us!"Caesar smiled.

She stared at him, Caesar gently running his hand underneath her dress. "GLACIER!"Cecelia yelled. Caesar yelled in pain, ice spreading across his face blinding him. She shot up, running away, her hair flying behind her. Glacier flew after her, Caesars yells making her speed up. "Glacier!"Cecelia called. The ropes were froze, then shattered into pieces, freezing her hands. She lifted her dress up, running footsteps coming from behind her. She looked back, finding Caesar chasing after her, a dark figure floating after him. "Cecelia, there's a rushing river up ahead, we're gonna be trapped"Glacier informs. "No. We're not!"Cecelia retorted. Glacier vanished, Cecelia speeding up, Caesar reaching for her arm. She leaped into the rushing water, causing his eyes to widen in shock. "CECELIA?!"

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