Chapter Seventeen

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Cecelia beamed, walking through the village, a wide smile on her face as she looked around. She carried a basket filled with flowers and fruit, looking around since there was new stuff in season at the stands. "Ah, apples!"Cecelia beamed. She set some gold down, getting a few apples and placing them into her basket. Isis followed behind her, a flower crown on his head, gaining a bit of attention from some nobles and commoners. He caught up to her, placing a hand on her waist and pulling her close as the area started to get more crowded. "Careful..."Isis says leading her to a mess crowded area so she didn't get lost. Icy hid underneath Cecelia's hair, peeking out when her master handed her a blueberry. "Isis look!"Cecelia beamed pointing to a nearby stand.

She walked over with him behind her, staring at some of the stuffed animals. "You like stuffed animals?"Isis asked. "I never got to have one as a kid, before Willow pretended to hate me she used to let me secretly sleep with her rabbit plush, until my parents caught me giving it back to her one day and they let the guard dogs rip it apart in front of me"Cecelia responded. She perked up and beamed, hurrying over to another stand. Isis stared at the stuffed animals, before pointing to one in particular that stood out to him, a smile on his face. Cecelia looked around, before hearing footsteps. "Hello." She looked up, her eyes widening in fear alarmed, feeling her body start to tremble. The brown haired male grinned at her and leaned closer.

"You got my brother thrown into a cell, I'll finish the job for him, you know we were both obsessed with you Cecelia." She stepped back, staring as he reached for her. Icy shot out and bit the brown haired males finger, shaking it as he yelled in pain. She released him and shot back into hiding, her eyes wide. "Cecelia?!"Isis called hurrying over surprised. She turned, burying her face into his chest, gripping his sleeve. "He's Caesars brother..."Cecelia mumbled terrified. Isis glared at the brown haired male, a scowl now on his face. He gripped the hilt of his sword, staring the other male down, his arm around her waist. "Leave...if you touch her, you're gonna loose all two of your five senses"Isis warned. The males eyes widened, looking alarmed, before turning and walking away into the crowd. "Come on, lets head back"Isis suggests.

Aisha smiled at the two when they returned, Lou, Bion and Poseidon with him. "Hey guys!"Aisha greeted. "What's going on?"Isis frowned noticing the guards wondering around. "Oh uh...Caesar escaped.."Aisha muttered looking down. "He what!"Isis demanded alarmed. "Poseidon, Aisha, stay with Cecelia! Bion come with me!"Isis commanded. Cecelia watched him go, her eyes wide. "Lady Cecelia, lets get you back to the safety of your room before anything happens!"Rosette insists hurrying over. "That would be best..."Poseidon nodded. Rosette pushed Cecelia forward, hurrying her back. "Turns out Caesar is dangerous, he's a psycho, a very crazy psycho"Aisha sighed. "He looked so normal though, acted so chill"Poseidon frowned disturbed.

Rosette threw Cecelia's room door open, and ushered her inside. Poseidon stood by the balcony, Aisha staying by the front door till they were given the okay to come out. "I never knew Caesar was a woman killer, he told me he killed every woman who showed interest in him because he wanted me and would've done anything to have me"Cecelia says Aisha looking at her. "He really confessed that to you...well I'm not surprised some psychos do that"Aisha sighed sitting on the bed. "How long will be have to wait?"Poseidon asks looking at the two curiously. "Sometimes searches take hours"Aisha responded. "Why don't we send our spirits to help!"Cecelia smiled getting to her feet. "Hey, that could work! Caesar says he has some sort of thing helping him, and I sensed something evil!"Aisha gasped.

"If you could sense it, then our spirits can sense it and help out!"Cecelia smiled glad Aisha knew the plan. "Lou, Remy!" "Icy, Glacier!" The four spirits appeared, looking at them both. "Go help with the search look for a man named Caesar, just see if you can sense him, do not engage in combat, if you see him report to any nearby guards"Aisha ordered. "Same with you two!"Cecelia adds on looking at her spirits. "Icy you go north, Glacier you go south"Cecelia ordered. "Lou you'll go east and Remy will go west"Aisha went on. "Right." The four spirits flew out the balcony Poseidon opened for them, splitting up in different directions. Poseidon shut the balcony, staring towards the bottom, his eyes widening when he spotted golden hair and a pair of golden eyes looking at him. "Not this Jerk!!!"

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