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The sound of a shriek awoke Rosy, causing her to throw her blanket off, hurrying down the hallway. "Cecelia!"Rosy yelled throwing the room doors open, a concerned look on her face. Cecelia laid curled up in bed, her body trembling. "What's going on?!"Rosette demanded hurrying in, Poseidon behind her. "Get Rune!"Rosy ordered hoping him and Aisha both healing Cecelia would give her a chance to live. Poseidon nodded and ran out of the room, Iris hurrying over with Elris behind her. "What's all the commotion!"Elris demanded. "It's happening! Rosette go get blankets, towels and hot water!"Rosy says hurrying over to Cecelia, gently turning the woman over onto her back.

Cecelia groaned, starting to look pale. "I don't think she nor the baby will make it..."Rosy mumbled worriedly. Luminas and Aisha hurried in, running over. Remy appeared, Aisha's eyes turning yellow. Luminas raised his hand, Aisha doing the same, bright glows shining over Cecelia causing the paleness to fade. Rosy sighed in relief, Rosette hurrying in with blankets, towels and a bowl of hot water. "Thanks"Rosy nodded. "Your majesties, please step out"Rosy says. Cecelia let out a shriek of pain, Aisha flinching her eyes starting to water at the sound. "There's something fighting back against our healing! Hurry this up!"Luminas commanded looking at Rosy.

Isis stared, his eyes wide in shock, frozen in place in the doorway. "Isis!"Iris says grabbing his arm, trying to pull him back. "SAVE CECELIA!" Rosy looked at him, her eyes wide in alarm. "FORGET THE BABY! SAVE HER LIFE, EVEN IF IT MEANS SACRIFICING IT!"Isis yelled stepping forward, Elris staring at him in shock, horror surging through him at his son's words. "Isis, step out!"Iris commanded tugging him back. Rosette shut the door once Isis was in the hall, the sound of Cecelia's screams of pain coming from inside the room. "Isis...what the hell was that, what you said.."Elris demanded grabbing his son's shoulders, staring him down.

"I didn't even think....it just came out, I don't know why..."Isis mumbled. "Because you don't want that child, that was your true feelings showing, Isis, what you said just revealed how to felt about this child..."Elris frowned. Isis looked down stunned, the door opening, Aisha coming out of the room tired. She fell to her knees, Iris hurrying over to her. "I'm too tired, Rune is doing his best to keep up his healing..."Aisha sighed standing up. She looked towards the door, Cecelia letting out another scream of pain. "It's a struggle, between us healing her and Cecelia trying to bring Alice here..."Aisha mumbled. "After everything...I still don't know who is prefer to see alive"Aisha went on.

The sound of a baby wailing filled the air two hours later, Luminas coming out, looking pale. "Whatever was fighting against my healing...it was almost stronger than me"Luminas muttered. Isis hurried into the room, his eyes wide. Cecelia smiled at the baby bundled up in a green blanket beside her in Rosy's arms, before looking at him. "Take care of her please...."Cecelia smiled. She closed her eyes, her chest rising then falling, going still. "Cecelia...."Isis mumbled hurrying over to her. He gripped her cold hand, tears falling down his cheeks. The baby wailed in Rosy's arms, Rosy doing her best to calm Alice down.

Isis looked sharply at Alice, Rosy's eyes widening at the look he gave the newborn. "Take it to Willow..."Isis commanded. "Isis!"Aisha gasped. "I just can't...I can't look at her... I'm sorry, I've been trying to convince myself I could do this but....I just can't, I can't..."Isis mumbled. "Your majesty, this is your daughter!"Rosette gasped. "Little Alice de Elmir!"Rosy nodded. Isis stared at Alice, before turning away. "I don't remember having a daughter..."Isis says quietly a dull look starting to appear on his face. He shut the door behind him, and covered his face, tears falling down his cheeks. "Alice....I'm sorry..but daddy can't take care of you right now...but I'll come get you when you're older"Isis mumbled.

"Don't worry My Princess."

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