Chapter Twenty Three

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Cecelia sat in a carriage, staring out the window silently, Icy on her shoulder. The sun shone down, making her smile slightly at how pretty everything looked shining underneath the sunlight. She reached out, picking an apple blossom as they passed by a tree, a wide smile on her face. The carriage came to a stop, the door opening. "Lady Cecelia!"Isis smiled running over. He helped her down, Elris and Iris walking over with Aisha. "Lady Cecelia, we're honored to have you stay with us"King Elris greeted bowing his head. She bowed to him, a soft smile on her face, Isis staring at her with a loving expression. "It's an honor to be among the royal family"Cecelia smiled. Rosy carried her suitcases inside, Rosette helping her. A little roar came from inside the carriage, Isis looking back.

A little bear cub tumbled out, a jar on his head. "Kodak!"Cecelia gasped lifting her dress up as she chased after him. Kodak let out another little roar. She grabbed the bear cub, Isis gently taking the jar off his head. "Where'd you get it..."Aisha smiled petting the cub. "His mother was killed my a hunter...I found this little guy wondering about starving"Cecelia responded. Isis stared, his eyes wide, guilt going through him. Kodak snorted, leaping into Aisha's arms, sniffing her curiously. "Isn't he adorable!"Iris smiled petting Kodak. "I've never seen such a tame wild animal..."Elris nodded staring at the bear cub. "You have a gift Lady Cecelia!"Iris beamed. "Animals are naturally attracted to me, back home critters would help me clean the house whenever my family wasn't home!"Cecelia beamed.

"That's impressive, I never knew that"Aisha smiled passing Kodak back to her. "I'll show you to your room Lady Cecelia"Rosette smiled bowing her head. Cecelia waved to the royal family, walking away. She looked around, people staring at her in surprise, muttering following when she passed. Kodak let out a little roar, looking around curiously. She smiled, stroking the bear cubs paw. Rosette pushed her room door open, and smiled at her. "This is your room Lady Cecelia"Rosette informs. "Thank you"Cecelia smiled. She looked around, Kodak leaping down and immediately getting comfortable on her bed going to sleep. "Lady Cecelia!" Isis ran in, smiling at her. "I got this for you"Isis smiled holding out a jewel necklace. She stared at him surprised, covering her mouth.

She lowered her hands, Isis chuckling. "Are you sure I can have that..."Cecelia asks. "Don't worry, you can"Isis nodded. He lifted her hair up, clipping the necklace around her neck. She stared in the mirror, a small frown on her face. "Do you not like it?"Isis asked. "No, I do but....are you really sure I can have this necklace"Cecelia replied looking up at him. "Like I don't gotta worry of course you can have it"Isis smiled amused. She looked back at the mirror, feeling something familiar about the if she had seen it before somewhere. Kodak bumped his head against the princes leg, getting his attention. "Hey little guy!"Isis laughed scooping him up. Kodak sniffed him, his paws patting the princes face before going up and ruffling his hair.

"He likes you!"Cecelia laughed watching Kodak climb onto the prince's shoulders. Kodak snorted, sniffing Isis's ear. Isis laughed, and set the cub down on the floor, only for him to try to climb up his leg. "Okay little guy, I know I'm fun but we can play later"Isis grinned amused as he untangled the bear cub from his leg, setting the little guy down. Cecelia picked up the cub, holding him in her arms. "I came to visit before I go practice sword fighting"Isis smiled. "I'll meet you later alright!"Isis grinned. Cecelia nodded, smiling at him, watching him leave the room. She frowned, touching the necklace, looking back into the mirror. "Why does this seem so familiar..."Cecelia asked. She perked up, noticing something out of the corner of her eye.

She turned, her eyes wide finding a fox scarf sitting on a chair. She stumbled back, covering her mouth alarmed. A scream came from her as she knocked over her dresser, the mirror shattering on the ground. Cecelia gripped her bleeding arm, Rosette and Rosy hurrying in. "Lady Cecelia!!"Rosy gasped running over. "Please take that fox scarf out..."Cecelia mumbled. "Why...His majesty thought you'd like it, after all he cau-"Rosette asked. "TAKE IT OUT OF HERE!"Cecelia yelled. Rosy glared at Rosette and grabbed the fox scarf, taking it out of the room. She returned and tended to the hurt woman, giving her a concerned look. "I'm fine"Cecelia reassured giving her lady in waiting a small smile. "I think she's being dramatic." Cecelia looked up, finding a woman there.

"First you fake your death, now you're here pretending you don't know the prince, even worse you're purposefully injuring yourself, such a shameless noblewoman"The woman smirked amused. "D-Do I know you"Cecelia asked. "Hm, I'm Nancy, the woman you framed for your supposed death, unfortunately it wasn't me, it was my sister who planted that apple"The woman scowled. Cecelia stared at her, Rosette and Rosy picking up the glass shards. "Oh...let me help..."Cecekia muttered reaching for a glass shard. "No Lady Cecelia, we'll take care of it!"Rosette says quickly, Rosy nodding in agreement. She stared at the two maids, Nancy looking amused. "You're better off being a servant if all you can really do is follow orders and clean"Nancy snorted.

Cecelia watched her walk away, looking curious about what she did to make the woman hate her so much. "Ms Cecelia!" Aisha beamed coming into the room now. "Wanna come to the royal garden with me! The roses bloomed!"Aisha smiled. "Oh sure...I wouldn't mind that..."Cecelia nodded. "Wait, what happened?"Aisha blinked. "Oh, I crashed into my dresser and the glass broke..."Cecelia muttered rubbing her arm. "You alright!"Aisha gasped noticing her bandaged arm. "The cut was deep, but she'll be fine"Rosy informs. Aisha nodded, taking Cecelia's hand and leading her out of the room. The duo walked out to the garden, Cecelia's eyes sparkling at the sight of the flowers during the daytime, having only been here once during the night ball. "Hey girls!"Isis waved. He stopped, his eyes wide at the sight of Cecelia's arm. "Who did it"Isis demanded a scary look now on his face.

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